Indoor @Garage_Grower grows - Mephisto + Dutch Passion + Sweet Seeds

Dutch Passion - Daiquiri Lime

After a week and a half of hanging, she finally dried out enough to trim down and clean up into some nice golf ball sized buds. Very strong citrus and fuel smell to it, it should be a real treat after a few weeks in the jars. Total weight was 101g.

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Week 2 (Canuk Seeds - Purple Kush, and Cheese)

Day 14 for these 2 plants that are in the 1gal pots of soil. I’ll be topping them within the next few days, I am going to try and keep these plants short and stout!

Feed is currently 2g/gal MC, 1/4tsp/gal SC. Each pot gets about 1L every 3 days or so.

Purple Kush

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Week 6 (Devil Cream, Double Grape, Grape Walker Kush)

Day 42
for these girls and things are starting to get fun now! Inside the cabinet it’s wall to wall right now with these 3 large ladies with all plants in full flower mode. All the light hangers had to be removed and the lights are now mounted directly to the ceiling to make the most headspace. I took the clippers to all three big girls last night, and cleared away a ton of lower growth, but you can barely tell. It wasn’t going to be able to get the light it would need, and now the plant can spend it energy on the good stuff up top. Blueberry has finally got its feet under herself now, and is starting to pop out healthy new growth. I’m expecting a small yield from it, but just didn’t have the heart to give it the axe. She’s a fighter and I’m sure what little bud it produce will be some tasty smoke!

Current feed is 3-3.5g/gal MC, 0.5g/gal BE, and 1/4tsp/gal SC, with each plant getting 1gal every 1-2 days.

Before Defoliation

After Defoliation

Grape Walker Kush
- Happy and healthy! Smelling sweet, yet skunky. It’s a good looking plant, and I can’t wait to see what the buds are like.

Devil Cream

- I dabbled with idea of super cropping, considering that the main cola had grown right up to the cobs. Figured it wasn’t going to hurt too bad, so I softened up the stem by squeezing it, and gave it the 90° bend. Ended up with a split down one side, as the stem had already become quite rigid, but I taped it up and hopefully it should heal up. Not sure what will happen down the road with this, but it’s all a good learning experience regardless.:smoking:

Double Grape
- Just all around awesome for this one, big and wide, with what seems like 2 main colas having emerged. She should be a nice harvest of tasty buds if it fills out. Smells like sweet grapes!:yay:


- Yup. Just doing her thing in the shadows of her sisters. :shrug:
@Bigg Al sweet seeds - devil cream
Are you sure that's devil cream? I dont see any color on yours, mines had the color coming out real early.

I already cull this one but yours dont have the color.
Seen your name on another thread, and thought 'Another garage grower same as me, I'll see what's happening.' Well, we're not on the same level at all. You're light years ahead. Nice setup and plants bud, I'll keep along for the ride.

Hey buddy, glad to see ya in here! I’ve been watching your saving the dragons thread since you started it, very well done!

:worship: :pass: