Indoor @Garage_Grower grows - Mephisto + Dutch Passion + Sweet Seeds


Cultivators Club
Dec 2, 2018
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Hey everyone! I got another round of plants going in the garage, and I figured I would whip together another journal for fun. This time around I have 4 new plants just getting started in the tent, and 1 in the cabinet about to be chopped in 2 weeks.

Mephisto Grape Walker Kush
Mephisto Double Grape
Sweet Seeds Devil Cream
Dutch Passion Blueberry
Dutch Passion Daiquiri Lime (soon to be harvested)
Canuk seeds - Purple kush
Canuk seeds - Cheese

Grow Area:
- Seed to Day 24ish -
32”x32”x63” Idaodan Grow tent
4” Vivosun extraction fan w/ carbon filter
Clip-on 6” fan for air circulation
1x HLG 135w QB V2 @ 29”

- Day 24ish to Harvest -
Custom DIY 6’x4’x6’ cabinet
6” Vivosun extraction fan w/ carbon filter
Tower fan and 6” clip-on fan for circulation
5x 3500k 65w AutoCOBS from

Water Source:
RO water (5ppm)

GreenLeaf Line-up:
MegaCrop 2.0
Cal-Mag Pro
Sweet Candy
Bud Explosion

5gal Vivosun fabric pots

2/3 BeatsPeat Coco Coir
1/3 Pro-mix Perlite

I rehydrated all the coco, and then rinsed it all out to get rid of any built up minerals. I then gave it a soaking with 5gals RO water mixed with 10g MegaCrop, 5g CMP, and 1.25tsp Sweet Candy. Mixing it together with perlite, at a 2:1 ratio of coco to perlite. I filled the 4 fabric pots up with the mix, and stuck them in the tent to get up to temperature before I stuck the beans in them.

This time around I went with Mephisto Grape Walker Kush and Double Grape, Sweet Seeds Devil Cream, and a Dutch Passion Blueberry. I put a single seed in a cup with abit of water, and left that in a dark cupboard for 18hrs before I then transferred them straight into the 5gal pots about 3/8” down. Like clockwork, 2 days later we got seedlings popping up. Temps were steady around 79° with 80% RH.

Fast forward 14 days and this is where they’re at:

Top right is Double Grape, Bottom right is Devil Cream, Top left (2days old) is Blueberry, and bottom left is Grape Walker Kush.

The blueberry replaced a Canuck Seeds Sweet tooth that spouted, but did nothing afterwards.

Easy smoking! [emoji869]
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I recently harvested 3 plants that I had grown with the Autopot system. I ran 3 Mephisto strains (Forum Stomper, SODK, and Double Grape) and managed to get a decent amount of quality bud. While it was very convenient having the reservoir do the feeding for you most days of the week, it’s one major flaw for me was that not all the plants wanted the same feed. All in all, it did it’s job and got me through to the end!

Double grape

Easy smoking! [emoji869]
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Here’s the Dutch Passion - Daiquiri Lime that I did outdoors in a 5gal pot of soil. I was very impressed with how well she grew, even with the less then ideal conditions she was faced with. Weather took a turn for the cold, so I brought it inside to finish it off in the cabinet. It has bulked up nicely and will be getting the chop next weekend!
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Week 3 (Grape Walker Kush-Devil Cream-Double Grape)

Day 21 and everything is moving along just as it should be, with all the plants just doing what they do, growing like weeds! I moved these 3 plants out from the small veg tent with the 135w quantum board, and into the DIY 6’x4’ cabinet filled with 65w autocobs(3500k). Lights are currently 24” above each plant and on a 18/6 timer. Feed strength is at 4g/gal MegaCrop, 0.5g/gal CMP, 1/4tsp SC mixed with RO water to 5.8ph. Each plant is getting about 2L every 1-2 days.


Easy smoking! [emoji869]
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Also, in the small tent I am going to put a Canuk Seeds Purple Kush Auto and a Cheese Auto into small 1gal pots of soil tomorrow just to see how they turn out. Hopefully I don’t run into any floor space issues haha.
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Week 4 (DG, GWK, DC)

Day 28
and the plants have started stretching and beginning to pre-flower now. Keeping the lights around 21” away from the tops and currently feeding them 3g/gal MC, 0.5g/gal CMP, 1g/gal SC, 0.25g/gal BE.

For whatever reason the DP - Blueberry has been miserable from the start, if I can’t get her to perk up and start growing she will get the axe.

Both Purple Kush and Cheese from Canuk seeds are above the dirt now (day 2). I’ll give them a week or two in the tent under the QB, then move them over to the cabinet.
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Week 5 (Double Grape, Grape Walker Kush, Devil Cream)

All 3 plants are cruising along nicely into flower mode, and floor space in the cabinet has quickly disappeared! I never topped these girls, so they have gone full shrub mode on me. Everyone’s healthy and happy though, so now it’s just hurry up and wait again.

Current feed strength is 3.5g/gal MC, 1g/gal SC, 0.5g/gal BE (No more CMP, so I can cut the nitrogen levels down abit). Each plant is getting around 3-4L of feed once every day (or two), depending how lazy I am.:jointman::baked:

Sweet Seeds - Devil Cream

Very spindly with not a lot of leaves, she stands out from other plants I’ve grown, I’m excited for this one and can’t wait for some bud/colors to start forming.

Mephisto - Grape Walker Kush

Massive fan leaves with a mostly vertical growth pattern, not as wide as the other plants.

Mephisto - Double Grape

She’s thick and tall, this one is gonna be a big girl once the buds start forming. Im a fan of this strain for its sweetness, and ridiculous amount of trichs all over.
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Week 1 (Purple Kush, Cheese)

Nothing much to say other then they look healthy and happy! These 2 from Canuk Seeds are 9 days old and under the 135w HLG QB, which is hanging about 28” above the canopy. Plants have been fed twice with 2g/gal MC, 1g/gal SC, and will be getting a foliar spray every second day in veg with some Optic Overgrow.

Purple Kush

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