New Grower G14 and AKR

I was going to tell you yesterday that a deficiency can’t be flushed out. It’s either fixing a PH issue from lock out or you need to feed more. I didn’t realize what your issue was though.

Some water with higher PH depending on the runoff. I read a guy that used PH of 9 just to get his run off at 6
I could be wrong as well but no need to flush it with an over bearing amount of water. Just get the ph up and use maybe like double what you normally use.
Prebuffered coco is nice because it comes at 5.5-6.5.

I just adjusted my PH with every watering just a little. 5.8 then 5.9, 6.0, 6.1 and repeat that way it’s working the areas getting closer to lock out on the fringes.

For soil you need to be a little higher. I’ll find a chart autolowrider gave me.
Yeah if you want to add your own blend of nutes premade soil isn't your best option, these soils are practically supersoils especially fox farms, the manufacturers won't tell you this cause most sell nutes too but there are people that grow autos in fox farm soil with no nutes at all the entire grow and do fine same with my soil and honestly my first plants did better with min nutes. For you coco would be better anyway like you said hard to get soil in your area.