New Grower G14 and AKR

Fuck, idk 7 gallons later and its still showing that ph is low. Gonna leave it be with nutrients. Don't want to overdo it. I knew this grow the size of the plants be too good to be true lol. Coco it is next time.
Sounds like you are getting it with the ph up, don't feel bad pretty sure I have the same issue with one cause I don't check my runoff enough.
Yeah I would wait, it probably hasn't been uptaking nutes for quite a while unfortunately that is one of the issues with autos we don't have much time to fix things when they need to be so both you and I will probably half to just learn from our mistake of not checking ph enough, I think both our plants will survive the long haul just not going to be the best performing. I need to get some more ph test solution for my pen too haven't calibrated it sense the start which isn't good, it's always something lol.
I might just start another Afghan and g14 again before starting a new kind lol. And I agree. This Afghan isn't doing ad good as the g14 this time for far as the next watering goes should i just water to 10 percent runoff or just go ahead and add water until ph comes up some.
I would just do 10 percent runoff but am not a fan of flushing. Runoff can be too high or too low depending on a lot of variables nutes, water ph etc I am going to check mine regularly from now on. I know you just want to get her back to where she needs to be quick but better to go slow with it. You may find by the next runoff that it is lower too just from the soil buffering and plant getting used to it. You probably already know this but make sure you ph your water after adding your nutes cause the nutes can drop or raise ph.
Thanks, that's what ill do. Just water from 10 percent runoff and check. And yep yep I check after I add nutes. Should I add regular ph water at 6.4-6.5 or water with something like 8.0 next watering since I know its low.
That's a tough call with not knowing the runoff after the flushing before watering again cause it can change, I wouldn't do too much at a time maybe 6.8 or so that way if the soil did buffer it down you are not creating more problem and then you can go from there knowing the runoff.