Mephisto Genetics Fugue State, Forum Stomper, Forgotten Cookies, Orange Diesel, Strawberry Nuggets

Still early days yet though, smells come, they go. Sometimes a cure is needed for a certain terp profile to emerge.
An orange smell would be noted by now, it's not that early. Smells can and do change, but when you name a strain after a smell...your plants should smell somewhat like it. Double Grape has almost no odor...Double should mean 2x the smell. I had a few really strong Artificial Grape smelling Sour Stompers. Naming a strain after a smell is big. The Terpene profile should resemble the name...not just sound good. Just saying. Again, good luck...they look great.
Day 70, Forum Stomper. A few more days and she get's culled. She's had 2 plain water feeds, she'll come down midweek. She is STRONG on the nose. Sweet, and sour, and a real ozone earth smell, like walking through a muddy puddle near the sea

Orange Diesel. Starting to really stink now. Fuel is still the overriding smell, but there is a definite citrus tang there now.
An orange smell would be noted by now, it's not that early. Smells can and do change, but when you name a strain after a smell...your plants should smell somewhat like it. Double Grape has almost no odor...Double should mean 2x the smell. I had a few really strong Artificial Grape smelling Sour Stompers. Naming a strain after a smell is big. The Terpene profile should resemble the name...not just sound good. Just saying. Again, good luck...they look great.
Well he said they have a petrol smell that's in the name too. And the names at mephisto are in homage to the lineage, ie grape crinkle crossed with a strong grape pheno from sour stomper as a limited edition and probably has as much breeding and time in as an illuminauto so dubly named.... Double grape, both parents are of grape lineage, same with sour orange livers another illuminauto which are specific one time crosses no testing backcrossing, and named for both parents, seeing the artisanals do what they're supposed to and that's why they're more expensive, and worth it.