Fuggzy's little happy trees!

For now I would have to agree on composting it. My "Ocean Grown" soil I am trying to do is just going to have bought kelp for it. Someone that may have a good idea however is @hecno . Hecno, didn't you make your own kelp extracts? Would you mind sharing your thoughts, or posting a link on your procedure please. (i got a can of vegitmite I can sneak you....)

I'm going to keep adding it to my ground covers and compost pile for now, but really feel there is something more that can be done with it. If I get a good hour or 2 I'll do some more research.
Okay so I goofed, and gave Bubba full strength flower nutes that was for the photos. Bubbas going through a tough time right now. I gave her 2 water flushes, and an enzyme flush tonight. Theres only 1 burned spot so far. Besides contorted she still has nice look, and color. Oops...:face: Bubba is getting moved under the 600w tomorrow also.
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I am somewhat doing an overhaul on my soil. Most of it will be revamped in a surf n turf style. I will be adding shrimp meal, lobster meal, lobster compost, kelp meal, coco, and rice hulls. I already use crab meal,and fish bone meal, so thats the surf side. The turf is chicken manure, horse manure, 5 different worm castings, rabbit manure and w/e blood meal might be left over. All manure is composted besides the rabbit shit. Other items in the mix will be azomite dust, green sand, neem cake, and karanja cake. I would like to get some oyster shell flour, but can not find it in my price range or needed size. 50lbs is just more than I care to have around. I still have 48lbs of lime lol. I have also started another batch of biochar for the new soil. It will be brewed in water with worm casting, molasses, and a bit of comfrey roots. I'll let it brew for 3-4 days then add it to the soil I currently have sitting around.
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Tonight I dropped 1 critical+ by Dinafem, 1 501st OG by Rare D, and 10 Loco Verde (crazy ape x cord verde) by Me. The 501st og will be vegged for ~3 weeks, and then flowered under the 150w. Last time I tried to germ the loco verde it was 0%. I don't know if I just shocked the plant to much at the end, or if I just had bad luck, but if this fails ill be 16/16 failed, and lost my mutant cord verde genetics. If they do work I'll keep 1-2 in the tent, and the rest are going in the hay bale outside.

Well it time for this fugger to get some sleep. Take care, and have a good night guys.:smoking:


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@A-Train So I went a head and got the botanicare, but was able to find it at my local hydro shop for $7 cheaper than the prime listing. Just figured you might want to know if you have not already picked some up. It's like 25% cheaper. Thanks for the suggestions. The guys at the shop agreed it was my best option. Take care bud. :smoking:
Okay so I put the males out side. I should have enough hours of darkness a night to get a bit of pollen from them all. They take up a lot of room, and I need to get ready for the next batch. I'll give them 1-2 more feeding, rest will just be water.

The 501st OG and Critical+ have both cracked, and will be in soil in the next 24-48 hours.

Some of the new amendments have arrived, and I am going to be making a kelp tea tonight. Oh I was also able to find the 6lbs box of oyster shell by down to earth. It won't be in stock till march 22, but that should be perfect time for my lobster compost to get here. If I can squeeze a bit more cash out of the wife I found a vendor on amazon that has a great selection of rock dust. They have azomite, basalt, limestone, glacial, gypsum, olivine, and soft rock phosphate. Prices for 25lbs range from $23-$35 including prime shipping. Haha they endorse Jeff Lowenfels too. That is the author of "Teaming with microbes" and "Teaming with nutrients". Great reads guys, I have "TWmicrobes", and loved it. It is educational, with some humor. IT was written in a manner that teaches, not leave you feeling more stupid.


Mrs Bubba is looking much better. Her leaves have relaxe almost all the way, and the is greener than ever. There is a shit ton of plant matter in this short girl. I'm thinking about raising the light some, and induce a stretch. My only fear is she won't be stunted, and will go ape shit here soon, making me run out of room. I'll give her a few more days before raising the light. Better safe than sorry. Sorry no pics, I forgot....

I'm actually going to go reread that teaming with microbes. I figure with me revamping my soil, now would be a good time for an educational refresher. I can't wait to get this soil mixed up and share it. I'm pretty excited, but don't want to share to much about it yet. What a conundrum. Well till later guys. Take care.:smoking:
So I am looking for Super Soil recipes, to compile a list of. I currently have 9-10 different mixes ranging in needed budget, and experience. I have reached out to some of my mentors, a few breeders, and other respected organic canna growers. The idea behind this is to educate, and expand creativity with soil. If anyone has a mix they would like to share, I would happily slap your name all over it. (or the reported owner for that matter) I would like to try and stick with tried and true cannabis soils. Anyone can look up on a basic gardening site, and make soil, but it may be just a basic blend. We don't want basic bud, so basic soil won't work either! :thumbsup: I am happy to say the breeders I have reached out to seem willing to share. At least 1 has confirmed to chat with the growers, and get all the info he can.

On the flip side if any of you need to make some microbe thriving goddess ground, the list should be up as soon as I get a few responses. (I could share some if you needed it now) I've got about 4 more requests extended, and then it's compile time! :d5:
Just a short update before work.

The 501st OG , Critical+. and 1 Loco Verde have cracked. They should all be put in the soil tomorrow.

So I'm pretty excited about the 1 Loco Verde! I really thought I made a bunk batch of seeds... I guess 1 out of 32 is still crap, but I got 1!

After returning from the store this morning I found this lil' guy on my sidewalk. So far his name is Sammy!
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Talk to you guys later tonight! :smoking:
So Monday I had to leave work after 2.5 hours due to a pair in my abdomen. I went to to Dr yesterday, had a few test showing nothing. I get to take antibiotics as a precaution, get blood work, see a gastro doc, and pending what he says an ultrasound. So yay for going to the doctors. I will say my Dr is pretty cool. He respects my choice to use cannabis over prescriptions, and just request that I do not burn it. Fair enough to me.

So I got a few good pics this morning. We had a thick overcast making a nice light for the camera.

So growing up up in Fl I've been around a ton of citrus stuff. I'm not the hugest fan of it, it got old a long time ago. I didn't have the highest hopes for Tangie wowing me. Holy shit the wowing has begun. This is singly handedly the best citrus sent I have smelled in herb. As long as the smell doesn't get out of control, I want to keep him around for a while.

*Night Terror OG*
I think this is my favorite looking plant od the bunch. Long thin leaves, dark lush green, I love it.

*Long Peak Blues*
So I'm a bit bummed about these genetics... #1 is a herm for starters, I noticed it a few days ago, but I wanted to let it grow out more just to be sure. Sorry I didn't think of taking a pic of the flowers...

Now #2 still looks great. The leaf to flower ratios is the best of all so far. (ntog is a close second however) It still has the nice deep skunk smell, faint berry in the at times too.

So I am sad to say, I don't like the bud from this batch. It was a dream to grow, smelled amazing, but the buzz is extremely weak. I doubt I will grow it again, which saddens me. I have a friend that may want them being they are so easy to grow. He is a light weight smoker, so it may work better for him. As for the rest of the plant, I am just going to save anything harvested for tinctures. Stems and all.

Actually all the males/hermi are going to be used for tinctures too.

I have started another Bubba Kush, and a Industrial Plant auto CBD (IPaC). Both of these are going to be grown in the micro cab, and I will be attempting to reverse them with CS. They are both in shot glasses at the moment.

*501st OG*
The seed has been planted in a 1/2 gallon pot, and will start veg in the micro cab. After about a week-2 I plan on moving it to the larger tent, and veg for another 1-2 weeks. I plan on flowering it in the small tent, and running the large tent full auto.

*Loco Verge*
This seed also was put in 1/2g pot. I'm not sure what I want to do with it yet. It may just be put outside as I expect it to take up a fair amount of space in the tent. If the mutant gene carried over, I'd imagine a beast in 3.5g of soil.

This lady was planted in a 3.5g pot today. I dug out a nice scoop, and fill in some straight coco for the seedling. As it stand this girl, and 2 IPaC will be the next grow. Being it is still going to be a while for the soil to be ready, I am starting this girl early, and get a bit of a stagger harvest.

Lets see I also got my lobster compost today, and the rest should be here in the next 5-6 days. Thats about it for now, hope al is well with you guys n gals. Take care.:smoking:
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