Fuggzy's little happy trees!

Hey, is it the taller one that's male?
Yes sir it is.
:smoking: 1st confirmation that my seeds have departed customs. They didn't sit there to long, so that makes me feel good. Although I understand I'm not in the clear yet. I hate this part. End up smoking all my herb trying to calm my nerves. haha...
So after backtracking the amnesia time line, I noticed it should be around chop time. I busted out the pocket scope and went in for a closer look. This girls was 5/45/50 clear, cloudy, amber. It's actually right where I wanted it, so I gave her a semi-chop. I took off the top 2/3 of her, and left all the under growth. I more or less lollipoped her originally, but this is what I didn't clear out. My first thought was I should try for a bumper crop... Then everything in the tent changed on me, and I now think I am going to pollinate her, and make some seeds. I currently have 4 photos to choose from, and though about just open pollinating her with them all. More on those later. I've already made qwiso with her leaves, and am saving the stem for tinctures. She has lost almost all beef smells, but has a great fresh lemon, with a savory background. Not what I wanted, but still a great profile.:smoking:
So all my photos delivered a sucker punch today. I got my Tangie male, and my LBP male. I also got a NTOG male, and a 2nd LPB male. That 4/4 males.... It would be nice if the gods of RNG would lighten up a bit. 1 female would have been nice.
DSCN2083.JPG DSCN2084.JPG DSCN2095.JPG DSCN2096.JPG DSCN2089.JPG DSCN2092.JPG DSCN2093.JPG DSCN2094.JPG I didn't take a bunch on nut shots, but they are there... :nono: I'm happy to have these genetics in pollen form, just a bit shocked they all went male.

So on a positive note, I got my seeds today.

I'm going to guess about 2 weeks and the next auto grow will start in the 4x2 tent. Dinafem, and Fastbuds to come.:smoking:
So I am currently looking to get a few goodies for my soil, and want to cut in some coco. I was thinking about adding ~30% to my current mix. I have ~10-12 gallons I am going to be recycling/cooking here in the next few days. Does anyone here have a suggestion on coco, preferably something I can source on amazon? Are all coco's made the same? What should I avoid is not?

Thank you for any help you guys can offer.:smoking:
I'm just getting my feet wet on coco my first time next run. But I am an amazon dude myself. I was pointed in the direction by a few coco guys and found the botanicare coco on amazon prime free shipping with a good price and it had great reviews.

Good luck getting some females kicking in there my friend
I'm just getting my feet wet on coco my first time next run. But I am an amazon dude myself. I was pointed in the direction by a few coco guys and found the botanicare coco on amazon prime free shipping with a good price and it had great reviews.

Good luck getting some females kicking in there my friend
Yeah you know being a prime member can really spoil a guy. The botanicare is 1 I was looking at, so it's probably going in the cart! Thanks for passing on that info bud. I need to do more research on using it with peat, but I doubt it will be much different.

I'm trying to convert my soil to an actual OG (ocean grown) soil. I figured coconuts fit that theme haha. I live in FL, and have the resources of both coast to collect items like seaweed, ect. I currently use crab meal, fish bone meal, seaweed, sea grape leaves, kelp extracts and am thinking about adding lobster meal, shrimp meal, kelp meal, and the coco. I'm adding 1-2 lbs of rice hulls too, I want to get away from perlite, so I'm going to just stop adding it. (theres more to the soil, but this is the ocean themed items)

Thanks for the encouraging words. So my last two batches of reg seeds did that. I'm like 8/9 males! It's okay though, those numbers will swing for me soon enough. However the next grow is all fem seeds. It's getting hard to smoke or chuck pollen with out them, lol.

Well that was a bit of a stoned ramble. Thanks for listening. :slap:
Fuggzy, I'd like to hear your thoughts on getting seaweed from the beach to the soil. I used purchased kelp meal for my initial TLO mix but as time goes on I would like to be integrating the local resource in my soil.
Okay, so not all seaweed is equal, and to be honest I don't know much about what I have collected besides it's just seaweed. Some of the general benefits I could see are minerals, micro-nutrients, adding organic matter to your soil. These are the main reasons I am using it, with hope of getting other benefits. As of right now I just have some crumbled in to my ground cover.

Seaweed is another good option. Seaweed contains trace elements such as iron, zinc, barium, calcium, sulfur and magnesium, which promote healthy development in plants. Seaweed fertilizer in mulch or spray form will enhance growth and give plants the strength to withstand disease. Seaweed mulch also repels slugs.

Most seaweed that is commercially available is derived from kelp. Kelp is know to grow up to 1/2 meter daily, and is packed full of natural growth hormones (auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins). Now I'm pretty sure what I have is not kelp, but never the less beneficial.

When adding the seaweed to your soil you don't have to rinse it either. Now with me not having much experience with wild SW, I gave it a good dunk in a few gallons of water, swished it for 3-4 seconds, and called it good. I did add that water to the next 3 feeding at 10%, and saw no ill effects.

Are you familiar with sea90? It is more or less mineral rich sea salt, and amazing for soil and hydro. This also kinda supports not having to rinse the SW. My reason for wanting the sea/ocean grown items is basically that the plant would be feeding on these resources, and pass them on during decomposing. My thought is that if I can utilize these items, I get the sea90 benefits, with the other benefits of ground cover/soil amendments.

This is a bit of a crap shoot, but some things I take in to consideration before getting anything are... Is it grow in a natural setting, or is it chem fert assisted? If it is natural, what is feeding the soil (or water in the seaweed matter)(what would get passed on)? Is it renewable or am I poaching a plant? I also try to get the same item from a few different places. Two forests/beaches 30 miles apart will have different "diets" and thus pass on different resources/benefits. For example 1 forest may have a ton of maple trees, and 1 may have nothing but cypress. Leaf mold made from deciduous (maple) trees is the best damn thing on earth, while cypress oils act as a natural pest replant, and both add organic matter. Same thing would apply to aquatic environments.

Sorry I know that went a bit off subject, but hope it helped some how. Take care.:smoking:
It could be true that kelp has a little extra something, it does grow faster than anything.. It also seems to be the more commercially viable which could be part of why it's the most commonly available. It grows in huge beds (called forests). There were some folks harvesting and processing it here some years ago. For plant food. It's also a fairly common practice here to bury your garden beds with Fucus in the fall. That's the seaweed that is easiest to gather on the beach.
Good point on the rinsing, the "salt" in saltwater is a complex of minerals.
So, I suppose just good old fashioned composted is the way to go.