Fuggzy's little happy trees!

man that's a hard one on the last pic with the tangie almost looks like a P deficiency but am not for sure.
Yeah my camera kinda sucks. I can't really get a good image of it. I'll add a bit extra P to her feeding today see how she reacts. Besides the funky leaves, it's starting to grow like a lil beast. It has probably doubled size in about 5 days.I just hope it's not something with the seed, as I plan on breeding with it. Twice I've had a dream about crossing it to the night terror og, and getting some TNT OG.

Anyone else dream about their gardens?:smoking:
So I went ahead and gave GSC the chop. Today is day 60, and at least 10 earlier than I wanted, but so goes life. I am out of bud, and do not have a reliably connection. So instead of buying a bag of unknown quality, I spent my weed money on my recent Dinafem/FastBuds order. Growing organically has turned me in to a bit of a snob. Now I'm not at the point of turning down free green, but a hell of a lot more picky where I spend my cash. With my back problems, I tend to get a bit cranky with out my meds....

So this time I am making qwiso out of all the leaves, and popcorn. I have the 1st wash of the fisrt batch ready, and have to say it is fucking great! I wish I knew about doing this a lot longer ago. I am going to do 3 washes per batch, and 2-3 batches total.

So I don't feel I did this plant justice through out it's life, and will be trying it again when I get the chance. It started of really strong, and then I had a pH issue, and I never really got complete control after that. Besides my mistakes, I would say she was easy to grow, and required no training to flourish. I would also guess I had the short pheno I've read of. She topped out at 22", and had a shit load of lateral branches. Before she went in to shock, I could not see anything through her canopy.

Her main "cola" or her biggest bud.

She should be able to hold me till me next harvest, or at least save me a good chunk of cash. More FastBuds to come in my next batch of autos! Take care guys. :smoking:
Well done chum !

I also love doing a bit of the old qwiso. Done safely, it is a cool way to not waste good trimmings. Keep it up Fuggzy.

Yeah I was feeding the trim to my worms or using in my mulch. I'd like to give butane a go some time, but figured I'd get used to qwiso first. Baby steps don't bother me if it keeps me from disaster. Thanks for the kind words bud, it's always nice to have you here. Take care.:smoking:
I started a separate journal for the Bubba Kush, and it can be found here. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/fuggzy-does-a-dina.50896/ I'll still be updating her here also.
I'll be doing a normal update later, but the question now is. Should I try to catch the lizard in my tent? Lol. They do hunt pest, but smell horrible when they die. I just hope I can find him again when I take out the plants.
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What kind of lizard? Most eat gnats, fruit flies...etc.
It's just a common Mexican lizard. I'm not really worried about him. They come in the house from time to time. With me bringing a fair amount of stuff inside from the"wild", it would probably be best to leave him. I gotta go find him a security badge, maybe a uniform. Gotta let the critters know we mean business. :smoking: