Fuggzy's little happy trees!

Haha this is when using super soil is super convenient. I either feed it water, teas, or fermented extracts for the most part. All of those are easy to make, and only take time. So while a batch brews for ~3 days, I just use water. Theres other goodies I add from time to time, like top dressing, but in general, feeding is REALLY easy. I don't have to measure 7-9 bottles every feeding. Last time I did, it took me 2 hours to feed 11 plants ranging in age and size.
yea im starting to see that especially with doing different strains... luckily mine havent been too demanding of their own needs... just the basic N and CalMag..
Haha this is when using super soil is super convenient. I either feed it water, teas, or fermented extracts for the most part. All of those are easy to make, and only take time. So while a batch brews for ~3 days, I just use water. Theres other goodies I add from time to time, like top dressing, but in general, feeding is REALLY easy. I don't have to measure 7-9 bottles every feeding. Last time I did, it took me 2 hours to feed 11 plants ranging in age and size.

Funny how things go from simple, to complex, and finally progress back towards simpler.

I stared with yard dirt, worms, and water back in the horse and buggy days. Progressed to the PITA 9 bottle thing, then finally advanced to the point of embracing simple and natural for better results and less headache.
What i've heard so far is the auto night queen is as good as the photo version ,the most narcotic strain i've grown is World of seeds Pakistan Ryder that shit was very potent!
Thanks @scally420 I was just over at their site, and may have to pick a few of Pakistan Ryders . Reading the descriptions of the Afghan Kush Ryder and the Pakistan Ryders makes one wonder if they are indeed the same strain, as both come from the Hindu Kush region of Pakistan? Guess I will e-mail them and see if I get an answer. Won't hold my breath though.

Haha this is when using super soil is super convenient. I either feed it water, teas, or fermented extracts for the most part. All of those are easy to make, and only take time. So while a batch brews for ~3 days, I just use water. Theres other goodies I add from time to time, like top dressing, but in general, feeding is REALLY easy. I don't have to measure 7-9 bottles every feeding. Last time I did, it took me 2 hours to feed 11 plants ranging in age and size.
Funny how things go from simple, to complex, and finally progress back towards simpler.

I stared with yard dirt, worms, and water back in the horse and buggy days. Progressed to the PITA 9 bottle thing, then finally advanced to the point of embracing simple and natural for better results and less headache.

@Fuggzy and @HashMaster I started out with supersoil (first grow was OD) then had a terrible time with the same mix indoors under HPS. Same OD mix I still use for my mother plants, and my OD starts using T5s. Plants thrive using my OD super soil mix with under my T5s. Didn't take the time to learn how modify it (knowing now takes more P in the mix when growing under HPS. I will be making the switch back to pure super soil growing, as I'm so tired of mixing even a few bottles.
Brother Stick, good to see you. I hope your Chi is strong, we start training for this next week.

I absolutely love that Blue Stone photo. I was gifted a mix semi-auto pack, and in it are more Fairy Stone, Blue Stone, and Alchma. I was chatting with N.W. about the Alchma, and he said I could give it a go, but it was already mixed up, so I got 15 more semis to play with.:thumbsup: I read your report on the Blue Stone at AFP too, it sounds great. Was that from the same plant as above?

I like Hems Lock too. I was thinking about Heming's Way, but settled on the Lock for the Affie effects. I'm pretty excited to grow these, and don't know if I want a male or female first, lol.

For the CBD AffiePac, I was thinking about going with a Dari name.Dari is one of the native languages in Afghanistan. This is on the top of the list so far. "Zenda baad means “Long live!” it is mostly used with friends or acquaintances to show appreciation and gratitude" :smokeit:

How the recovery going bud? Abdomen feeling any better? Heres a few more smoke signals, I finally learned to spell a word with them, lol.:karmacloud::karmacloud::karmacloud: Talk with you later friend.:hump:

Ha, Ha, thanks for the great laugh my brother. My Chi must be strong that is what I had to do for my Neurosurgeon before he would release me from the hospital Thursday.LOL Recovery is going great! The PT at the hospital fired me after the first day. She came to 'work' with me and saw me spiriting down the hall, came into my room, and told me there was nothing more she could do for me. So,doing/feeling much better than I thought I would only 5 days post op. Supposed to keep moving, walking as much as possible, and I am. Having my own personal MMJ dispensary will/is helping me get through this. I'm already ramping down a lot from the Opiods that were prescribed.

No, the BlueStone report I did for AFP was of the auto phenos that I harvested from the same batch. Think I ended up with five females and no male autos. Believe or not, I haven't properly tested the Photo BlueStone pictured.

For the CBD AffiePac, I was thinking about going with a Dari name.Dari is one of the native languages in Afghanistan. This is on the top of the list so far. "Zenda baad means “Long live!” it is mostly used with friends or acquaintances to show appreciation and gratitude" :smokeit:

My friend, I LOVE that name "Zenda baad with its root meaning! That is this strains name. This plant grown in only a gallon container, has I am sure close to one thousand viable seeds. Many seeds to share with other med patients.

Peace to you all this day/night.
I'm glad to hear recovery is going great, and your meds are helping you out. Thats great news.
My friend, I LOVE that name "Zenda baad with its root meaning! That is this strains name. This plant grown in only a gallon container, has I am sure close to one thousand viable seeds. Many seeds to share with other med patients.
I'm glad you like it. I'm not 100% sure how to pronounce it, but I figured phonetically worked for now.

Have you ever tried Wild Thailand by WOS, auto or photo? I really want to try some. Maybe get the Ryder for some crossing. WOS and Ace both have a lot of seeds I'd like to try. Although I think land races or their auto versions are all I be looking for for the time. Just daydreaming about making some seeds, lol.
Alright just a brief update on the Portal strain, and my thoughts on the tea...

First I have seem a positive improvement in all the plants to get the tea. I gave it to plants in flower and veg, and so far no Ill effects. I did not give it to the babies, but I did give it to 3 germed seeds that never broke the soil. Nothing happened. Calling it an experiments/ditch effort. I'll try this mix a few more times, and see how it goes, but test run 1 is pretty good. I have or can get all the ingredients on a regular basis, and have no problem adding it to my permanent feeds.

The Tea was...4 gallon botanical tea with alpaca shit brewed for 3 days.
  • 3 gallons of water
  • 1/4 cup neem cake
  • 1/4 cup karanja cake
  • 1 handful of used rabbit bedding
  • 1/4 cup comfrey root
  • ~1/4 tsp Potassium Silicate powder
  • For the last 3 hours I add ~1/2 cup of alpaca shit.
  • Just before use I filled my bucket to the 4 gallon mark with fresh water.

Amnesia Stone 99, is taking the hell off. (I hope the tea is helping that lol) This is her yesterday... (those are alpaca turds, ughhhh, haha)

And this is today... (turds where moved below the hay!)

Black Stone yesterday

Today, she got a couple mutant leafs...
Alright just a brief update on the Portal strain, and my thoughts on the tea...

First I have seem a positive improvement in all the plants to get the tea. I gave it to plants in flower and veg, and so far no Ill effects. I did not give it to the babies, but I did give it to 3 germed seeds that never broke the soil. Nothing happened. Calling it an experiments/ditch effort. I'll try this mix a few more times, and see how it goes, but test run 1 is pretty good. I have or can get all the ingredients on a regular basis, and have no problem adding it to my permanent feeds.

The Tea was...4 gallon botanical tea with alpaca shit brewed for 3 days.
  • 3 gallons of water
  • 1/4 cup neem cake
  • 1/4 cup karanja cake
  • 1 handful of used rabbit bedding
  • 1/4 cup comfrey root
  • ~1/4 tsp Potassium Silicate powder
  • For the last 3 hours I add ~1/2 cup of alpaca shit.
  • Just before use I filled my bucket to the 4 gallon mark with fresh water.

Amnesia Stone 99, is taking the hell off. (I hope the tea is helping that lol) This is her yesterday... (those are alpaca turds, ughhhh, haha)
View attachment 561794

And this is today... (turds where moved below the hay!)
View attachment 561796

Black Stone yesterday
View attachment 561800

Today, she got a couple mutant leafs...
View attachment 561801
o yea man that looks like a great amount of growth for 1 day bud! id keep it up as long as you feel its beneficial! great job on the tea FUGGZ!!!