Brother Stick, good to see you. I hope your Chi is strong, we start training for this next week.
I absolutely love that Blue Stone photo. I was gifted a mix semi-auto pack, and in it are more Fairy Stone, Blue Stone, and Alchma. I was chatting with N.W. about the Alchma, and he said I could give it a go, but it was already mixed up, so I got 15 more semis to play with.

I read your report on the Blue Stone at AFP too, it sounds great. Was that from the same plant as above?
I like Hems Lock too. I was thinking about Heming's Way, but settled on the Lock for the Affie effects. I'm pretty excited to grow these, and don't know if I want a male or female first, lol.
For the CBD AffiePac, I was thinking about going with a Dari name.Dari is one of the native languages in Afghanistan. This is on the top of the list so far.
"Zenda baad means “Long live!” it is mostly used with friends or acquaintances to show appreciation and gratitude"
How the recovery going bud? Abdomen feeling any better? Heres a few more smoke signals, I finally learned to spell a word with them, lol.

Talk with you later friend.