Even though my wife gets on my ass time to time about the money I spend on seeds, and gear, even she know a goo deal. That being said I made another seed order today. The Portal is having a 420 sale, and it is a nice one. I spent ~43$ on 15 regular seeds of Stone Dragons special reserve. The freebies are
15 regular portal auto mix
3 Burma Diesel fem photos
3 Ruby fem autos
1 Fairy Frost fem auto
1 Moon Tears fem auto
1 Nashira fem auto
1 Hydra fem auto (I think I have 1 already too)
So 40 seeds total, thats 1.17$ per seed. Not to damn bad for some meds, and breeding tools. I may also get a sample of a semi-auto from N.W. if there is stock. I was chatting with him about breeding, and hes gifting it to me to learn with. Not sure how many, or if it's 100%, depends on stock, but I'll be happy to see it.
The tent is being a ass, at least the vent system. It is a bit more complex than the last set up, and I have had to make like 6 trip to the Depot for small things like clamps, and adapters. It should be finished tomorrow. Heres a few pic for the time being.
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I am using the filter no my light fan because the smaller tent will not have a filter. I'm not to worried about the room having some smell, but all the air that is getting vented out the roof vents will be scrubbed.
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I had my father in-law make me a power cord. It is a 10g insulated wire ran to a 4 gang box, and has 8 outlets, and a 22' cord. I could kill a cow with this beast. He is an electrician, and when the volts get out of my range I call him in for reinforcements. Thats the old farts feet, man I love that guy.
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These are the 24hr temps, and Rh of the room, and the current air temp from the lights fan. There was no light running for these, just ambient levels.
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This is more or less how it will be. I just need to run the 2 exhaust through the tent.
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The new attic access, and vents being made.
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I'll try and get the plant pic up tomorrow. They have grown a good amount, and we got nuts, and hairs, babies, and new projects coming forth. Get ready for some breeding! I have some nice turns of luck recently, and am feeling rather inspired.

Have a good night guys.