Fuggzy's little happy trees!

Thats pretty awesome @Jraven. I want to get another, however the wife did put here little foot down. I can have another male, or I can clip Carbonfoot, and get a female. No BABIES! My wife is a small woman, but I swear, when she means it, she grows like 2 more feet, and looks damn serious.:rofl:
Although we where looking at some, I think they where English lops, and she almost caved in. One took a particular liking to her, and when she picked it, I thought for sure we just got a new pet. Shes a strong woman. That bunny already had a name in my head.
Our first rabbit was a lop, and he was my guru...taught me a lot really. He was neutered when we got him. His first gal wasn't fixed and she had quite a libido, man she was all over him. The rest were fixed before we adopted them.
Well @StickMan I'm glad you enjoyed it, and am glad to have you around. I respect when people keep their threads to their plants, but I'm a talker, and like to get to know people. Sometimes I get so involved with regular conversations here, I forget to post about my plants, lol.

So this morning I get up, check the forums, and saw a list of alerts. Now I've been trying to give a hand in the infirmary, and my first thought was "Oh no, I killed someones plant!" There where so many I had to go to the "see all" and look at 2 pages. I was very relieved it was a like bomb, made me smile too. Side note...I have not killed anyones plants!

I love food, organics, animals, pollen, and w/e else you'd like to chat about, your always welcome here.:d5:
Our first rabbit was a lop, and he was my guru...taught me a lot really. He was neutered when we got him. His first gal wasn't fixed and she had quite a libido, man she was all over him. The rest were fixed before we adopted them.
I have actually tried to adopt another rabbit, but I can't find anywhere in my area that does them. Our county wants nothing to do with them... I'm in the market for a dog at the moment. The lady I was going to get the mastiff pup from told me this morning there where not going to be any. She took her female to the studs, but the female would not accept him. When she came home she had a flea problem, and some kind of infection, so probably better off anyways. She had the understanding the stud was in better condition. I was already working on a name :( I may get another shelter dog, but our local shelters are normally full of pits, and my wife will only allow that if we get a puppy. She is okay with large breeds, or even "controversial" breeds, but it has to be a puppy that can grow with the family. So for the time I am going to be patient, and love me some fluffy black rabbit.

So are you planting soon? I know you have some in the solarium, but hows the great outdoors looking?
Pretty much just a solarium grow for me although I have enough seed that I might try some outdoor. I think with the autos I can dodge some of the rain that tends to set in later in the summer. I expect to begin in ernest in a week or two.
Pretty much just a solarium grow for me although I have enough seed that I might try some outdoor. I think with the autos I can dodge some of the rain that tends to set in later in the summer. I expect to begin in ernest in a week or two.
Well when you do, if you start a new thread try to remember to tag me or leave a note. I'd love to come watch it. So are the dingies going to be mainly for veggies? I'm trying to get my plot ready for some myself. I'm a bit behind, but trying to make sure it is ready.
Will do, bro. Yep, the boats are for veggies. It's a must since good fresh produce isn't really available here for the most part...I'll try to include them in the summer grow log.
@arty zan .... Are you Bob Hope?
@arty zan Never mind bruddah, just got my answer.
Fuggzy my brother lmao some ones been checking their Google+ lol
Everybody has heard of Cockney Rhyming slang (haven't they?) Where someone says "Apples & Pears" which rhymes with and means "Stairs".
It is a code language so nosy sods and copper wouldn't know was being said.
"Bob Hope" is cockney rhyming slang for "Dope" this may be a little weird for Americans who use the term "dope" to generally mean all illegal drugs but here in Blighty we use the word "Dope" to mean "Hashish".