Fuggzy's little happy trees!

Comming on nicely brotha :bump:

Loving the strain selection, I know they are all fantastic quality and will be great to follow their progress,to full on crystaly goodness.

It will be also interesting to see how the fast buds chrystal meth fair, it's one I looked at and nearly bought.
Comming on nicely brotha :bump:

Loving the strain selection, I know they are all fantastic quality and will be great to follow their progress,to full on crystaly goodness.

It will be also interesting to see how the fast buds chrystal meth fair, it's one I looked at and nearly bought.
So far I've only had the gsc from fast buds, but it was great. The qwiso was easily the best I've made. I really hope that the as99 and BS both come out colored. Oh and congrats on the comp bud. I don't think they have announced it yet, but you deserve the win.

I'll give free seeds to anyone that know what I am talking about and votes for me!!! Ha-ha. Nah I wouldn't do that. They're are much worse people to come second to.
Thanks my brothe but we still have few hours yet, it is still any ones race (free seeds eh? free seeds, know what I mean eh? nudge, nudge wink wink! A nods as good as a wink to blind bat , know what I mean, eh? say no more!):crying:

I think we both probably have more beans than we need :gassy:, but let me know if you haven't i'll send you a tin of Heinz,in the event that I do win that is, after all nothing set in Stone (lol). I have no problem sorting out a pal , It has been splendid having you as fellow competitor, although it was all for fun.:bighug:

That tent look awesome, you missus is gonna be getting some fine treatment to keep her sweet :feet: but as any woman who is worth her salt, she knows what medicine her man needs and also, what keeps him quiet for an hour or three.:dancer::growing:

Hope you getting in some practice with Gimp, there are new challenges ahead!
Lets see if we can't stir it up a little and get a merry band together.:greenthumb:

Fairy Stone (Jack Herer x Black Stone) sounds bloomin awesome but are semi auto, I'm guessing that's where the F2 bit comes in? I need to do some reading on breeding, I'm just not au fait with all F's and such.

Peace bro
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You keep nudging and winking, and I might think this is a first date.
I normally don't put out on a first date, but your a classy kinda guy.
Nah man your right, I have more seeds than I have time or space to use. I'd guess I'm over 100 beans, with 20ish different strains. Strange thing is I can't wait to get more WFT?! I'll just say luck has treated me well recently. I still have more seeds on the way complements of Dinafem. Now.. ya know... Hienz is something that has been in my cart a few times, just never made it to check out, and I've always been taught it is rude to decline an offer...

You won fair and I had a good couple weeks from it, so all is well. You could have not made it more fair or fun for me. I'm down to get more people involved. I think we have a good group, and would would enjoy it just as much.

My wife is awesome, as I'm sure they all are. She doesn't smoke and never has, but understand how I feel, and more or less lets me do as I please. When I pointed out I could stop spending 200-300 monthly, her ears perked up. Not to say I have saved any money, I can't stop ordering seeds, but I have recouped all my investments. Wait...
New gear is going to take 2 more plants for that. Okay, I'm a harvest till being in the positive. (i said the same thing 3 harvest ago, lol) A wise man once said "I grow pot, and I tend to buy stupid shit".

I didn't know FS was a semi. That would make sense why he sent them. I told him and NW that I was interested in the semi pack to better learn breeding autos. Speaking of NW, that guys pretty cool too. More details in PM.

I'll talk to you later bud. Have a good night.
Honestly mate I dunno how we even talk," have good night" you say, as I'm just getting up, wondering what to have for breakfast lol, it's a funny old world.
lmao @ nudge nudge wink wink, it was a Monty Python reference :crying:"say no more" ie keep it under your hat!

Never been with a woman that doesn't like MJ but would be happy if I waS with one who dIDn't mind me growing and vaping but I recon they're rare as hens teeth, you got a good'un there mate. (My current GF is a smoker :D)

Growing does save one hell of a lot of money but like you say there is always something to buy with the left over lolly, like my weakness for buying vapes.

Building a micro cab is costing me more than I like. Building tiny is not cheap as nothing comes of the shelf as it does with a bigger grow. It will also take longer to recoup the spend in saving due to it's diminutive size.

My best way to save money is vaping, In Europe, people love tobacco joints, and it does have a certain something (a bit of ooomph!) that is really nice but is so addictive that my weed just disappears quick time. Vaping means I get stoned and get to have a good supply as I don't use it up like a weed whore.
So I know most of you guys are only growing autos, but attitude has a nice deal at the moment. There is a Humboldt Seeds Organization (HSO) promo, and the fem UFO (freebie just for ordering) is a HSO seed too. If someone wanted to try out some photos by a reputable breeder this is a good time. Using fem seeds only bumped it up to $40 for a 3 pack of ChemDawg. 5 seeds, 3 strains, all dank. It would be at least $12 more for stealth shipping.
@arty zan
Hey I don't need to know you named you python Monty! :biggrin: I was just to sober this morning to get that, shame on me. Now stoned I am laughing differently.

Man I love the micro grow, but your right, its a pain in the ass. My drivers for 39w of led ran almost as much as my 150w hps. I think the led does better, so it's okay, but not cheap. It took me 2 months just to plan the larger cob light, and source the parts.

My wife is my only lady friend that has not smoked, and it was strange at first. She actually didn't like herb at ll, but I was just honest, and she listened. Best thing about it though... I never fight over the last vape/bong hit. I can be as greedy as I want and not feel bad, haha.

I use the Life Saber Vapor by 7th Floor. I also have the MFLB for travel. LSV is a beast, maybe not the most user friendly, but I really like it.
MFLB, if you have you know, but if not, it has a learning cure that can be a pain in the ass.:mflb: <<MFLB

In regards to out time difference... I don't sleep full night, so TAG your it! Good night! or morning I'm not sure.
Day 12 on AR & CA. Things are looking pretty good. The 2 runts I have (ca4, ar1) both look to have critter damage. I'm making a neem & karanjs tea. In a few days I'll do a Gognats spray just to be safe. I may mix in some DE with it, just for an added layer of protection. Critters don't really bother me as I feel they serve a purpose, I just don't care for the vegetarians.
DSCN2344[1].JPG DSCN2345[1].JPG DSCN2348[1].JPG

I have prepared some more pots. 5, 3 gallon, and 1 five gallon. I have also altered the seed line up a bit. I forgot the Fairy Stone where semi-autos, and am not going to grow them yet. I want to be able to do all 15 at 1 times. I would hate to have missed that perfect lady, waiting on the perfect male. I will be doing a Tangie photo grow outside this year in replacement. Also I have added a Dutch Passion Durban Poison auto. I have been waiting till I had enough vertical height to grow it, and now I am stoked to bring it out!
DSCN2351[1].JPG <<Just a soil shot.

I am also trying out 2 new pots. I bought these for my micro cab, and the vendor mislabeled the size. They are square, and actual inserts for a hydro system I believe. They are the pots on the bottom. I was going to make like a square frame to support the shape, but after filling it, I like the shape of them. (square bottom, round top) They also seem a lot more sturdy like this. Only down side there are no handles, I may need to stitch some on.

I bring some root porn today! This is the recent Tangie male I harvested. There is still a small amount of soil in there, but you can still see the structure. It started to come apart as I was "cleaning" it out, and didn't want to destroy it. The first pic I got a good shot of the tap root.

DSCN2354.JPG DSCN2353[1].JPG

Where the hell is the mail man?!
