So I have frequently seen people talk about Stone Dragon here, and have been intrigued. I've done a bit of poking around before, but never really got anywhere. I don't know why I didn't just ask someone, but it was kinda fun not knowing. Almost like a mystery strain, and I was on a quest to find this magical creature. Lol. Well, while looking for medicinal strains, and trying to source smaller/private breeders I found autoflower-portal.net which I have also seen mentioned here. What I didn't know is thats where the Stones are. Or more accurately where
@Stone , the breeder of Stone Dragon is. This guys has some beautiful genetics.
Although there are currently no Stone Dragon seed for sale there is Amneasi Stone99 (among others, fem, and reg). A recent smoke report can be found here.
>>Amnesia Stone 99 Review<< The product page is here. https://shop.autoflower-portal.net/shop/feminised-seeds/amnesia-stone99-5-feminised-seeds/
After reading everything I could find about this strain I decided to grab a pack of them. I got a 5 pack @ 40.00£ (~$57), and 15... yeah 15... FIFTEEN freebies!

(1 smile per seed, lol) Holy shit batman! Last time I got that many freebies I had to pay almost $150 and buy 14 seeds. So tonights order list goes as:
I don't know the actual genetics behind most of them, so I'll just add some bud porn!
5 Amnesia Stone99 fems
1 Hydra fem
1 Fairy Frost fem
1 Sour Mango fem
1 Nashira fem
1 Moon Tears fem
10 Portal mix regs
I'm not 100% sure what is in the mix, but I spoke with Stone and he mentioned they where all medical grade, and you guys know I'm not scared of some pollen.

By the way, he answered my email in no time. Easily the fastest response from a breeder, and the following messages where only a couple minutes apart. Nice guy.
I'm trying to stock up on auto as 2/3 of my seeds are photos. I've got intentions of growing a shit load of herb this summer, as least by my standards. So now I should have a nice diverse selection of smells/flavors/effects. Oh yeah, colors too. I'd be a liar if I said colored buds didn't excite me!
Anywho, an update on the garden should be around tomorrow. Not much exciting is going on at the moment. I only have the 1 fem plant, but heres a spoiler... Bubba is a female, not a her/male!

Talk to you guys later. :smoking: