New Grower Fog Dog in a Earthbox jr

Day 36 and now the feeder roots show themselves.
I was hoping not to see them so quickly after a top dress.

Added some worm castings,Kashi and 500ml water with 1/8 tsp of buildabloom.
Yesterday remembered to change the timer to 18/6.
Rez fills have been around every 36 hours.
Light almost to the top of the tent.


Day 36 and now the feeder roots show themselves.
I was hoping not to see them so quickly after a top dress.
View attachment 1430175
Added some worm castings,Kashi and 500ml water with 1/8 tsp of buildabloom.
Yesterday remembered to change the timer to 18/6.
Rez fills have been around every 36 hours.
Light almost to the top of the tent.

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View attachment 1430177
Why don't you want to see the feeder roots? This thing is looking great by the way! I'm going to have to do a run with sativa autos and try this topping and lst...
Why don't you want to see the feeder roots? This thing is looking great by the way! I'm going to have to do a run with sativa autos and try this topping and lst...

last grow my cdlc never showed feeder roots and she was a picture of health the entire grow.
The amnesia faded at about the time I saw the top covered in feeder roots.

There are a couple leaves I'm watching that are a little faded.
It was those leaves that made me look under the cover and saw the roots.

They may not be related,but this grow may shed more light on this.
I will be very interested to see how this goes. I'm expecting to be chopping my girls here in about 2 weeks... 1 or 2 are getting the chop next week... The other look like they need another week. So here in about a week I will be popping my seeds for my earthbox grow. Good luck man!!!
Day 40 and the roots keep exploding up top.


Top dressed again with buildaflower and Kashi.
Few hours later and fog dog has looked it's best after a few days of cold weather.
Tent was 61 low and 71 high.
Went back up to around 21 hours light.
Back to 18/6 now.

Nice praying leaves 4 hours after top dress.

Gave her a nice defol a couple days ago.
Stretch not too bad at the moment. Still got some room to go.


So far she has produced a very light smell.Been sick and my sense of smell isn't quite there.
Trichomes have finally appeared though.
Start of Day 49 and the past week has seen a very nice winter frost.
Drinking at around 36-48 hours between rez fills.
Will get a final topdress in a couple days and a drink of buildabloom.
Going to be a struggle to mound this up anymore.
Soil will be up to the top of fill tube.
Temp high is 81f




