New Grower Fog Dog in a Earthbox jr

I don't run the exhaust until flower when it is time to start reducing humidity.
I grow in a closed room in the basement. I just have to run the carbon filter enough so that nobody can smell what I am doing. I live on a hill and the back half of my basement is open and I have a big double door down there. I imagine in the summer time people will be in and out of my basement almost as often as the upstairs. But the first 3-4 weeks the plants don't really smell.
Day 28 and light increased to 90%.
Got tired of rearranging the sockets and put up the scrog net.
Bought another with more holes to add later.

Increased night time to 5 hours.

She looks to be drinking alot.
Don't think she will make it to Day 3 for rez fill.
Think tomorrow will be another rez fill.
This is where I would screw up the watering by not giving her enough water in a pot.


Increased light to 100% on day 30.
Top dressed craft blend,buildaflower and kashi along with some chopped up fan leaves.
Top watered 500ml with 1/4 tsp of molasses.
Waited a couple hours and filled rez.



Day 33 and the end of the warm weather.
Lights off has been a warm 79f and lights on between 80-82f.
On a 19/5 light cycle as I keep forgetting to change the timer .

Filled rez yesterday and another fill will come later today.

