New Grower Fog Dog in a Earthbox jr

Looks great and a lot bigger than they were saying in the description.

Yeah I think she ended up at the top end of expectations.
Atlas Seed listed her as 36inch height .Mine was topped and scrogged for 18inches.
Ended up at the top of yield at 3.49oz.
They had it listed as 2.5-3.5oz yield.
Today was fill the Grove bag Day and Final weight.
Came in at 3.49oz

90% of this grow was done with Temps over 80f.
Last week of flower there were extended periods of humidity over 70%.
So she checked those boxes of heat and high humidity.

Looking forward to smoking this in a few weeks.
Today was fill the Grove bag Day and Final weight.
Came in at 3.49oz
View attachment 1449611

90% of this grow was done with Temps over 80f.
Last week of flower there were extended periods of humidity over 70%.
So she checked those boxes of heat and high humidity.

Looking forward to smoking this in a few weeks.
Yum...looks like a big bowl of lucky charms for adults
Today was fill the Grove bag Day and Final weight.
Came in at 3.49oz
View attachment 1449611

90% of this grow was done with Temps over 80f.
Last week of flower there were extended periods of humidity over 70%.
So she checked those boxes of heat and high humidity.

Looking forward to smoking this in a few weeks.
That is important. It is harder to find heavy leaning Indica strains that can handle hot and humid conditions with turning to mold.
Today was fill the Grove bag Day and Final weight.
Came in at 3.49oz
View attachment 1449611

90% of this grow was done with Temps over 80f.
Last week of flower there were extended periods of humidity over 70%.
So she checked those boxes of heat and high humidity.

Looking forward to smoking this in a few weeks.
I have been running my grow so far with the temps in the 80's and the humidity between 80&90% and an exhale xl bag in a 4x4 tent.... I haven't added any microbs or bacteria... Haven't used any recharge... Just water and the adjusted coot mix soil.