New Grower 2 Earthbox jr in a 2x2 with Amnesia & Mephisto CDLC

Build A soil recommended watering 5-10% the volume of soil. An earthbox junior holds somewhere between 3.5-4 gallons of soil. So 5% would be between .17 & .2 gallons of water. 10% would be between .35 & .4 gallons of water. So a quarter gallon would be .25 gallons and would be right in the middle of that. I don't understand why you have to top water that .25 gallons... And why you can't just put .25 gallons into the res. If you watered .25 gallons into the res instead of top watering... Wouldn't you then have a better idea of how fast the plants are using the water... And then have a better idea of when to start filling the res completely?
That 5-10% is to saturate the entire container, which should be done before planting. When you've got a plant with roots too small to hit the res, they are not going to be using very much water at all, which is why you top water small volumes until the roots reach the edge of the container in general, not just with the earth box.
When looking at other grows I saw some people experience damping off with seeds and seedlings when starting with filling the rez.
I can't remember how much each filled the rez.
Might work if the cover was off and the top could dry out some.

After seeing those experiences I decided to start her like a would a pot.
Though I have found doing No-till that you are more likely to over water to start.

If I remember correctly Jeremy had a little over water problem after transplant in season 1.