New Grower Fog Dog in a Earthbox jr

Start of Day 12 and everything was packed up while the plumbing issues got taken care of.
While taking out the exhaust fan and duct,I discovered a heap of water .
All that humidity.
Lesson learned not to hook that up until I need it.

Before putting the earthbox back in the tent,I gave her less than a cup of worm castings and kashi.
Just making sure to add some nutrients in the bank.
Watered 600ml and I see water in the rez again.
Going to drain that out.
Probably won't top water again. Rez fill will probably be next later in the week.

She had her first sleep today for 6 hours.Increased light to 60%.

Start of Day 14 and some warmer weather has allowed me to give her some sleep for 4 hours.
Temp 73-82f
Humidity at 70-75%
If the storage room gets over 65f she gets to sleep.
Under that it stays on 24/0


Start of Day 16 and the light increased to 75%.
She got 4 hours sleep yesterday and 2 hours today.
Rez dried up so top watered 300ml and added 200ml to rez.
Full rez fill starts Sunday.
She will be Topped this weekend as well.
Average temp has been 80f and 70-75% humidity the last 11 days.



I am eagerly watching this grow... Since my next grow will be with the earthbox juniors. I'm thinking a few slices of banana or maybe a few pieces of banana peel might be beneficial in bloom.
I am eagerly watching this grow... Since my next grow will be with the earthbox juniors. I'm thinking a few slices of banana or maybe a few pieces of banana peel might be beneficial in bloom.

The worms will love it.
I didn't use compost tea my first try with the earthbox.
Want to try that this time.
The rez was filled today.
Going by the last time both Jr's took 5 days to empty.
Hoping this follows the same time,so I can fill on Friday when I leave.

Put some nuts on the 3rd node fan leaves to unblock light for the 1st node.
Now all node branches have light.
