If I say pow-tay-to you say potato. If I say tow-may-toe you say tomato. Lets call the whole thing off. Honestly, can we not be chums instead of the constant antagonistic rivalry that seems to exist between us!
I love ya like a brother. OK, maybe a ginger step brother. But how about a truce eh pal ?
Then again, that would be no fun at all. Forget i said that you grumpy old devil. Bring it on.....
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eP. (with a smile on his chops)
Unfortunately, neither of those would work for the plant (mostly due to both being flucked about with by Humans and therefore, not being in their original/useful state.) Molasses (unsulphered) is a fine form of Carbos and sugars + a bit of calcium, which the plant Can utilize(through the microbes etc which feed off them). I don`t understand it all, but I get the principle and I understand why I flush and let the soil dry out b4 harvest. My way may not be everyone elses preffered choice; but I don`t remember `knocking` any one for doing it a different style...What suits Me, suits Me...What suits You, suits you! Thank Shiva ()for different approaches, cos life would be far less interesting, if we all knew everything folks! :Sharing One:
Ok so I need some opinions I can read about this subject as much as I want but I get confused more and more since it depends so much on the way you grow.
What I understand is that because I used "chemical" nutes I need to flush because the salt build up will make my smoke taste bad.
(Green House Seed co.: Mother plant feed + mostly indica is what I've used during this grow)
I have a full watering can standing around here so it can sit 24h to get the chlorine out.
I also have some water bottles which too are filled with water and waiting 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine.
Is what I'm doing right? And does anyone have some opinions on flushing?