looks like 2 things to me, possibly a little under fed or the beginnings of a mag diff... nothing to panic over and easily fixed
Up your feed by a little. Add cal/mag into the feed with every feed if your not already... another thing you can do which is very cheap is folia spray with epsom salts (7g per ltr). I do this once a week in veg and my plants flipping love it. I find its the best way to stay on top of magnesium at the start of the grow under LED's (we have the same light...HLG for the win)... folia spraying is one of the best ways to fix a diff's quickly (especially in soil) and a must to build into your system.
On the watering thing, your in soil don't water that pot until you can lift it with one hand easily .... 5 gallons you say... that would be silly and you may put your back out... safety first bend those knees and two hands... the more you do it the easier it gets to tell the right weight for each pot size... Take note of what the leaves are doing at each stage of dryness and over this grow any many to come, build a mental picture of whats going on below the surface.
Timing that watering perfect is how to get the best out of soil even if you are watering all the pots at different times. I would often find one plant at peek feeding would need a feed every 24 -36hrs and another in the tent every 48 - 72hrs. That's using large 25ltr pots like your self
Hell yeah man thanks for the informative reply. Will look in the epsom salts for sure. I'll start with that - Up my CalMag feed to 1ml per 1L, might push my feed up ever so slightly and see how they like it. And I'll def. take your advice on the watering side of things. Good advice.