First off, sorry guys for not replying for a bit. Been super busy and haven't had time other than read and like stuff. Trying to take in all this knowledge you guys are dropping in here. Somehow I missed these post/questions.
I don't know g/w, but I can tell you it's not going to be good. I see maybe 70-80 grams on ghost toof, and maybe 50 grams on white crack. The tent is a 3×3 with 6 Vero 29 3500k diy cobs. Pushing around 300w altogether. Those 2 plants reside under 3 of the cobs, so I guess 150w and maybe 130 grams, not real great. Feeding the plants organicly is no way to grow, feeding the soil from now on.
I know you recommend 10G plus size pots, but I like to limit plant size as I like small and medium size plamts. Kind of think these 7G will grow them bigger than I like.
Yeah slow, totally agree. The white crack is in a 2.5-3.0 gallon hempy pot, the ghost Toof is in a 3.9G Autopot that is just hand watered.
Yeah these 7G fabric pots are effing huge compared to the lil blue pots.
Cool Beans Brother - All Good ...... the pics I attached are both in seven gallons as is gold Glue so I have got three in seven gallon or about 22 quarts of soil and rest mulch and drainage, which is generous, I used porous lava and got broken bag at box store for $1 and broke into smaller pieces - anyways you’ll be fine with 7 gallons, just allow room for compost and amendments on top .... out of the gate you’ll add thin layer compost, top dressings I do two different with Gro-Kashi being one, go to and buy direct, two bags $40 shipped or amazon for $25 or something like that .... the other amendment I use at start is Craft Blend available at buildasoil ..... then compost from worm bin or high quality compost from buildasoil or KIS Organics then straw mulch over that .... water in each ingredient as you go, LIGHTLY with. with SPRAY .... dampen everything but not too much ..... as time passes I continue adding small amounts of amendments, like plastic spoons full couple sprinkled and more compost from bin, worms and straw ..... rinse repeat and get even more specialized with the amendments ...... you gotta have some EM1 and mammoth p to activate those micro guys, you want life under that mulch .....
You’ll continue to lightly spray the mulch for weeks on end, constantly until one day the plants roots will demand more than what the spray is providing ..... this whole water thing is oh so important- you cannot do cycle watering where soil,dries, you’ll kill the soil ..... I know this is lengthy but to make it simpler, think about keeping the worms alive, you wouldn’t let the soil dry on them .....
There are auto water systems you can use and SIP Comtainers, which I may go to entirely next grow, eliminates soil bug issues with SIPs and they maintain just right amount of moisture all the time .....
From looks of the 3 Bears OG 60 days old in 7 gal I see for sure 90+ Cured as she sits but still 9-12 days remain ....
@Organic Sinse says if you can’t get four oz from something is wrong so with 3 Bears I expect that 115-125 range .....
This I can attest to, the buds on every plant are hard, especially Sam’s, even the tips, hard and learned yesterday while studying about Refractors and BRIX Scale that leafs that exhibit a waxy appearance, such as Sam’s, have high BRIX Levels ..... Guys I saw had BRIX of 18 and his leaves look shiny/ waxy - bingo baby ...also,stated with levels over 12, pests are not an issue - get your Brix over 14 and kiss ALL pests goodbye ..... pretty exciting this Brix stuff, I never knew ....
@slowandeasy .... I hear ya, maybe big / fat / ugly but they sure can cook up some rock hard buds