New Grower First Post First Grow


Just my 2 cents but for the least amount of trouble use clones in your RDWC. You’ll have the most success. Autos will cause you headaches with the different sizes and phenos of the exact same seed stock. Autos in bubble buckets work really well and yield insane. But trying to get them all to like the same nutrient strength on the same schedule and be ready together. Well that is almost impossible. You can definitely get it to work but the issues can be a pain.

Just thoughts.
I agree with FB, FA. I don't have RDWC, but I have a shared reservoir with my DWC setup. My first grow was my last that I did two different strains. They just wanted different amounts of nutes at different phases. I had to make compromises and choose one plant to follow and hope for the best with the other.

The other thing to consider is that each setup is a learning curve that doesn't necessarily transfer to the next. I try to keep changes to one or two things during the grow, as I dial things in. You can do it, but it will be a challenge.

I guess that drives many of us. Good luck, bro. Ambitious plan!

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Great advice FB and Iriee. It's going to be a slow progression forward so plenty of time to revise the agenda as new knowledge dictates. I was really "scared" of cloning originally. I guess the whole keeping the mother plant and adding the rooting of clones on top of it seemed complicated. But the more I learn the comfortable I become with the premise and mechanics of cloning. The single strain at a time suggestion in RDWC is really popular. Some say not a big deal. I think going with the majority for the first rodeo or two makes sense prior to pushing the limits.
I just grew 5 Mephisto Forgotten Cookies, still growing two actually in bubble buckets. They all germinated within an hour and looked identical. Had two pairs each that acted similar as far as size and then a fifth in between both sets. None of them wanted the same nutrient at the same time.

I had one that would drink a gallon and a half a day while the others drank a gallon. I would have thought she wanted more nutrients but she didn’t she was just a real fast drinker/ transpirer if that’s a word. Because she was drinking faster she actually needed less nutrients and even as I reduced she was pulling so much water through her she would get nutrient burn.

One pair of the 5 was two weeks ahead of the rest and I thought they would be monsters but they stopped their stretch 2 weeks ahead ended up being the smallest. The pair two weeks behind just kept on veging and is still going even though 3 have come down.

And that’s with Mephisto and very stable genetics. Not saying it’s impossible but it might be frustrating. And yes it might be a great learning experience but what you’ll probably learn is never try autos in RDWC from seed.

Another option I have thought if might be to clone an auto. Have a sacrificial mother that you cannibalize at like week three for your clones. Make it a dirt plant that just sits in the corner. You’ll probably get slot of mixed opinions on whether that would work. I’ve seen clones recently from autos for breeding projects, not sure it would get huge but it might be a way to run RDWC with Clones from autos. Also could do the same from a photo and still throw the mother away.

Not making judgement calls but Mother’s are usually kept by growers moving a large amount of bud and they want to keep the strain quality and regimen consistent. Also they have their signature mother/strain that gets the best results $$$$$$. Not that all mothers are kept by large scale growers but .........

Great info FB. For RDWC I'll most likely grow a mother from my photo seeds and just use that one plant to supply the clones for a run the same strain same pheno through a RDWC grow cycle. I won't keep a forrest of mothers going continuously. Current Culture recommended I stick with one strain during a grow. They didn't mention issues with Auto's but they did highly recommend using clones.

I'm in no hurry with my grows nor do I care about huge yields and continual harvests. I more like the idea of growing different strains, using different techniques and learning as much as I can about growing. Whatever grow "rules of the road" have been established for the given technique is what I'll start with. Doesn't make sense to experiment when I really don't know what I'm doing yet. Again, I appreciate the feedback and sharing of experience so I can learn from your trials and tribulations.
Great perspective, Just! You will do well with that approach!

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Pineapple Express is closing in on harvest quickly. The last couple days has showed a lot of pistil and leaf aging. Sunday may be the day this beauty comes down.
Looks amazing. I have a pineapple Express I used in a breeding project that has some amazing color. I love the purple! Awesome good job!