New to growing and haven't even smoked in almost 20 yrs but the Med/CBD developments in cannabis have intrigued me as an anxiety, depression and neuropathy sufferer.
Anyway, after lots of research I decided to give it a go.
Agromax Silverback Tent, 4'7"X4'7"x8' tent
Two Sun Systems 315LEC's
6" Fan & Carbon Filter
5 gallon squat Rootamer fabric pots
Kind Soil with CocoLoco topper
3/23/19 Germination: 4 seeds in rooters in solo cups. Soaked rooters in distilled water and squeezed out excess. Placed in solo cup filled with Coco Loco.
Auto Seeds are 1 ea: Dina Fem Critical +, Barneys P Express, RQS Diesel freebie and Seedsman Sweet Tooth.
Placed cups in tent on heating pad set to 3 out of 6, placed CFL light about 6” above on candle sticks, put sandwich bag over each cup to hold temp and humidity.
Morning of 3/24 the bags had condensation in them. Removed each bad and dripped the condensation back onto the top of the rooter cube.
Anyway, after lots of research I decided to give it a go.
Agromax Silverback Tent, 4'7"X4'7"x8' tent
Two Sun Systems 315LEC's
6" Fan & Carbon Filter
5 gallon squat Rootamer fabric pots
Kind Soil with CocoLoco topper
3/23/19 Germination: 4 seeds in rooters in solo cups. Soaked rooters in distilled water and squeezed out excess. Placed in solo cup filled with Coco Loco.
Auto Seeds are 1 ea: Dina Fem Critical +, Barneys P Express, RQS Diesel freebie and Seedsman Sweet Tooth.
Placed cups in tent on heating pad set to 3 out of 6, placed CFL light about 6” above on candle sticks, put sandwich bag over each cup to hold temp and humidity.
Morning of 3/24 the bags had condensation in them. Removed each bad and dripped the condensation back onto the top of the rooter cube.