Outdoor First outdoor grow with Dutch passion autos


Yes you are totally right!

On the pack it is more of a guide line, there is alway room for self interpretation.
The beauty of orgatrex/ molasses you can not over feed with this, and even more in a tea, there will only be more sugars available for the bacteria to eat.
Play with the quantity of orgatrex in you tea and you will see color difference, in you brew. In the first week of flowering I like my brew to be a bit lighter. +/- 5/ 10 ML Orgarex.
The last 3/4 weeks I wil make a tea with 20/25 ML orgatrex in the brew and it will finish a lot darker.

Any way don't worries to much about the amounts of Orgatrex you can't over feed or burn that plants, so all will be good ;)

Green greetings!
6 holes are ready. Waiting for rain now and then I will move plants and soil into holes. They're around 30/40 x 30/40cm and 30cm deep. So like 15L pots. Or little more. At the bottom of the holes soil is really dense, sticky, heavy, wet. So little problem to dig more, but I guess roots can do it? Maybe I won't need to water very often later on?

Another idea was born: put 14 days old Green poison FV directly into ground, without digging holes and putting tabs and bought soil? She can veg little longer than autos and I guess photo plant are more hard for outdoors. Good idea or not?
I live on the 44th parallel and don't have enough time to finish a photo sativa bud on the stalk. So this year, I'm trying some autos in my garden to see if a sativa auto will be a good alternative. I forget how far north you are. I usually cut early when the budrot is getting bad, and the quality of the smoke is good for me.
AU & AFD 18 days old today.
CJ 13 days old.
SD 8 days old.

3x AFD:

2x AU and last one is CJ:

SD in the middle:

Looking on point mate ivnot had timeto follow along as closely as Id like may I ask what have you used to feed them up till now
Looking on point mate ivnot had timeto follow along as closely as Id like may I ask what have you used to feed them up till now

No feed yet, only tap water 0.5 EC. No pH - ing.
Older ones go outside in 1-3 days.

@912GreenSkell can you quick come in and help me with previous post/question, please?
I live on the 44th parallel and don't have enough time to finish a photo sativa bud on the stalk. So this year, I'm trying some autos in my garden to see if a sativa auto will be a good alternative. I forget how far north you are. I usually cut early when the budrot is getting bad, and the quality of the smoke is good for me.

Bud...i told you once...thats BS....choose the right strain...i live further north than you, and grow sativas every season. Choose the right strains and it can be done absolutely.
6 holes are ready. Waiting for rain now and then I will move plants and soil into holes. They're around 30/40 x 30/40cm and 30cm deep. So like 15L pots. Or little more. At the bottom of the holes soil is really dense, sticky, heavy, wet. So little problem to dig more, but I guess roots can do it? Maybe I won't need to water very often later on?

Throw down a buffer zone of pure perlite in the bottom of the hole to promote drainage.

Another idea was born: put 14 days old Green poison FV directly into ground, without digging holes and putting tabs and bought soil? She can veg little longer than autos and I guess photo plant are more hard for outdoors. Good idea or not?
Certainly work the soil...natural dense soil that is not dug up will not grow plants very good due to roots having a hard time getting through the dense compacted soil. At the very least dig up a section and use the natural soil. Sounds like the dirt is fairly compact and might not drain well? If that is the case make sure you use a fair bit of perlite to break it up and improve drainage.