Outdoor First outdoor grow with Dutch passion autos

My last location was all outdoors in a massively high RH location.
It's sub-tropical, mountains (600m altitude), surrounded by jungle.
Low RH there is like 70%, average maybe 75-80%, and high is like 85-95%.

All my plants got some kind of mold, some worse than others.
But my last 4 weeks (from week 5-9) were all like 85-90%,
raining every day, when not raining its fog and mist, bare minimum is heavy cloud.
So, with this high, and they all got it, don't know where the cut off is.
And it's not just RH, it's also the time, how long they are at that RH.
Mine was weeks on end.......

@912GreenSkell would be the better grower to ask, IIRC.
Someone who hovers at the edge between mold and no mold.

Though, my Jack 47 really wasn't too bad at all.
Just a spot a couple of inches down from the tip of the main cola.
Like the Mazar, she was a fairly big open frame on her.
Less leaf, more calyx, so less water got trapped in her buds.

When I am reading this, I think I have pretty good conditions. :crying:
I think my RH will drop soon, summer is slowly coming, it can't rain more than those days. Last year I know we had 25-30% RH through days. So perfect for flowering, let's hope this year summer will be the same as last year.
When I am reading this, I think I have pretty good conditions. :crying:
I think my RH will drop soon, summer is slowly coming, it can't rain more than those days. Last year I know we had 25-30% RH through days. So perfect for flowering, let's hope this year summer will be the same as last year.

Oh, great, that's almost perfect for flowering.

Most get a good period at late summer through fall, still warm, but lower rainfall and RH.
But here ... that's typhoon season....................

Typhoons will shred anything, plus dump maybe 200-600+ mm of rain in a couple of days.
And then we get a few each year, some direct hits, some near misses.

Ideal for me would be to finish off in June.
But... life situation means just doing indoors right now.
So, I started making PK compost tee... I will bubble it for 30-36 hours as is written in the description. I bought 10cm airstone just for this. @Hippy_BiotabsF70 @Ryker604_BT @Biotabs F69 any additional info on this? Looks okay? How much time I have when I stop bubbling? Will there be any sediment, because PK booster compost tee is looking as undisolved powder? Do I need to mix it by hand? Will this clog my airstone? When apply next dose and how much?

First, 0.3 EC starting water - 4.5L for 6 plants, so 750ml for each:

Then I added 25ml of Orgatrex:

Then added 70g of PK booster compost tee:

Then a little mix with hand:

And 5 minutes later:

Man, I always get nervous when I see that you mentioned me in a post, like what's it gonna be this time :crying::d5:.

Gotta say it again, your plants are looking gorgeous, really wanna do some outdoor plants now, super jealous :greenthumb:.

Anyway, I'm in the same boat as you, gonna try the PK Booster tea for the first time this grow. However, I can say that everything is looking good, I will do it in the same way :thumbsup:. Concerning the other questions, within my knowledge:
  • the tea should be used within 4 hours after brewing
  • the powder won't dissolve completely and you should stir / mix it up a little bit when watering
  • don't think that it will clog the airstone, just give it a little scrub after the brewing
  • I would apply the tea at once per week, the same dose
  • you can add Mycotrex and later in flowering Bio PK after the brewing to make your tea stronger
That's about it from what I've heard/read/seen, keep us updated on this, I'm really interested as I'm gonna brew my first tea after the weekend :pass:.
Man, I always get nervous when I see that you mentioned me in a post, like what's it gonna be this time :crying::d5:.

Gotta say it again, your plants are looking gorgeous, really wanna do some outdoor plants now, super jealous :greenthumb:.

Anyway, I'm in the same boat as you, gonna try the PK Booster tea for the first time this grow. However, I can say that everything is looking good, I will do it in the same way :thumbsup:. Concerning the other questions, within my knowledge:
  • the tea should be used within 4 hours after brewing
  • the powder won't dissolve completely and you should stir / mix it up a little bit when watering
  • don't think that it will clog the airstone, just give it a little scrub after the brewing
  • I would apply the tea at once per week, the same dose
  • you can add Mycotrex and later in flowering Bio PK after the brewing to make your tea stronger
That's about it from what I've heard/read/seen, keep us updated on this, I'm really interested as I'm gonna brew my first tea after the weekend :pass:.

Haha cheeky! You and me both getting nervous then mate! :crying:

Yep looks good to me too. As Ryker says, add Mycotrex 30 minutes before finishing for more activity in the tea :thumbsup:

When you pour it, there will be lots of sediment in the bottom, even if you stir as you pour probably. I always just add this sediment as a top dressing to the soil or coco. Or stick it on your vegetable plants.

It won't clog the airstone as air is being forced outward, constantly unblocking it :thumbsup:
So, 38 days for AU & AFD and 33 days for CJ.
They grow a lot from last visit, I still didn't water them because it's rain for 7-10 days now. Temps are bellow 15°C too. At night 5-7°C. Very little sun for them, but they're pretty/healthy I think.
Cannot compare size with indoors as I always train them, so maybe you guys can tell me if they're good for their age. AFD already shows some purple color, and it's the smalles of 6 plants. As I mix plants, I don't exactly know which one is which, but the largest two is 100% AU. I'm not sure which is CJ, hope AFD will all become purple. I must take some bloom nutes with next visit, to help them a little. All 6 showing preflowers or flowers.
Funny thing is, they're not looking overwatered, but soil is wet as fish. Still don't know how much I can expect by eye, because in nature everything looks smaller. But two plants are in shadow most of the day so they'll get nothing. I hope other 4 will give me some medicine.

Beautiful looking plants bro!!
Give them 750ml of PK booster tee. That sh*t stinks! I had some heavy and thick foam on the bucket.
I wonder why are some undisolved things in there. If they're not disolved, then plants don't benefit from it. So... snake oil, just to make bottle heavier? What's in there @Biotabs F69 ?

Hey Amigo!

The undisolves parts are compost/ organic material, special for the bacterias and the micro organisms to digest ;)
As hippy said, use the wet powder to top dress the soil and part will be uptaken by the bacteria and micro organisms and they after that will feed your plant again.

Snake oil is not present in the products ;)

Green greetings!
@Biotabs F69 last week this bubbled solution was half of bucket water, half of bucket foam. This time, no foam. Why? Is that normal, should be there foam or not?