Indoor First official journal hubbabubbasmellascope and critical+ cbd auto

Can't post in open threads about certain shatter processes, but you can post the end results.

One thing you need to make hash, some weed! :crying:
Can't post in open threads about certain shatter processes, but you can post the end results.

One thing you need to make hash, some weed! :crying:
Ok thanks. I knew it was something. Lol ya I know. Instead of getting the vacuum chamber kit I just bought some of Dj shorts bluberry lol excited about those beans man.
So now I'm trying to figure out where to get dry ice from. I think I like the sound of that process better vs the ice water extraction. But may have to go that route.
Ok thanks. I knew it was something. Lol ya I know. Instead of getting the vacuum chamber kit I just bought some of Dj shorts bluberry lol excited about those beans man.
So now I'm trying to figure out where to get dry ice from. I think I like the sound of that process better vs the ice water extraction. But may have to go that route.
Some grocery stores have it and occasionally bait shops. I'd call a local ice company, tell them you are going camping uts what I did!
@calliandra Hey have you tried the ice water extraction yet? I gave it a go last night, here's what I ended up with. I was proud, being my first time and all. Looking forward to doing it again, but I really want to try the dry ice method. I think I might be able to get some Monday, fingers crossed lol

25 micron 73 micron
Hubbabubbabubblehash lol
That looks fantastic how long before you get to try it?
From what I've read it says wait 2-3 days to dry it. After that I can jar it. Might try some tonight though lol it's 72° in there and a lower humidity, shouldn't take long to dry. Not ideal temps but my ol lady is strangely cold all the damn time lol Boy oh boy the smell Definitely carried over, smells even better. Might make more tonight, but want to save some for the dry ice. I got a fresh roll of parchment paper, and I think I'd like the dry ice Better.
@calliandra Hey have you tried the ice water extraction yet? I gave it a go last night, here's what I ended up with. I was proud, being my first time and all. Looking forward to doing it again, but I really want to try the dry ice method. I think I might be able to get some Monday, fingers crossed lol
View attachment 878795
25 micron 73 micron
Hubbabubbabubblehash lol
How much did you put in/get out? Looking gooood!