New Grower First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO.

Man, it's an honor to be up in here. You seem to be deep in the game, so I see this as an opportunity to learn from another member who has plenty of grows under their belt. Looking for a spot to do a couple gorilla grows next spring, so I'll be trying to juice you for some of your outdoor grow knowledge!
No doubt man I'm more than willing to share any information i can!

Most of my outdoor grows have been on the smaller scale of things, 4-6 plants stealthily in the backyard, as where i was previously located the laws were completely different, I was also really interested into getting onto some gorilla grows at that point too but never got around to doing any.

Thanks again, and I'll see ya round :D

Looking good bro right on track for some monstas!!
First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. End of Week 2 Update!

... I'm good at writing out whole posts and then hitting some shzz accidently and losing everything i've written.. ughhh start again!

Anyways, Hope everybody's well & their girls and just as happy!

I was suppose to post this update last night, but never got around to after i couldn't really be bothered after the whole shenanigans that went down.
This update is for day 14(pics from day 14 too), the end of week 2!

So, yesterday I was mixing up my nutes, getting my girls dinner ready and the fedex man arrives, oh! my rhizatonic, two weeks late..(was sitting in my city depot for 10 days =\)
For what ever reason, I must have got side tracked by the parcel arriving or what ever, anyway, i ended up watering my girls, about 1 litre each, which gave about 5% or less run off,
UHHH!!!!! I look down at my water/nutes im feeding my plants.. i didnt ph down after adding nutes..
After testing the water, it was at 6.4, when it should have been at 5.8, I also tested the plants run off PH and it was at 6.2
I thought meh, I had 5% run off, I mixed up another smaller weaker batch and also added a small dose of rhizatonic, PH'd it to 5.7 and ran 500-750ml through each plant giving me about 20% run off.
Tested the PH of the new run off, and it was sitting at a steady 6.0, this kinda put my nerves at ease(Thank you coco!), I'm also hoping I wont have any overwatering issues as 20% run off is recommended,
and to me, flushing that extra 15%(total of 20-25%) run off shouldnt have cause any over watering.

Anyway, here's a some pics of the babies last night, after the whole that whole charade -
(photosare from last night, i just cbf writing it up yesterday)

Just incase you havnt been following, VF 1# is 14 days old today, the others are between 1-4 days younger, since they popped soil anyway.

As far as the babies are doing, I'm pretty sure they're all settling into their 5 gallon pots a little better by now.
VF #2 & VF5# are slowly recovering, they had bad helmet issues, #2's first set of leaves where heavily twisted/deformed & #5 lost a cotyledon leaf during helmet shedding.
They seem to almost have the same growth rate, but are just physically smaller, but they're both slowly catching up to the others I'm pretty sure.

I feel that all 6 may be a little behind due to perhaps being transplanted and also stretching out into that 5 gallon pot, besides that, they all seem to be healthy & picking up in growth more each day.
Although i the last 3-4 days they have really picked up on growth.

So far I've been watering every 2-3 days(as needed) and they seem to be taking to that nicely, although I think they could do with feedings a little more often.
I will be changing to watering once a day around week 3-4 as recommended by C.E's guide - ( )

I have had my temps at 70-80, but i've recently changed it to 73-83ish, Seeing quite a few people running at 85 comfortably in guides has made me want to make it just a dip warmer in there for the girls,
Please let me know if you recommend me change this back or to something else, thanks!
Humidity, still 60-70%,

I'm definitely going to be adding a second 8 bulb fixture by week 4-5ish, I wont be doing any LST this time around, as its my first indoor grow, and autoflower grow, I'm just trying to translate what i know about outdoor photo's into indoor auto's, I feel as though I'm better of seeing how these girls will grow naturally for the experience/homework behind it.
I would like to run a 4x4 or 5x5 scrog with 5-9 plants under the 16 bulbs next run though, but we'll see what happens I suppose :)
Anyway, Thanks for stopping in guys, I will be updating again in another 2-3 days, but I'm always prowling :Nosey Neighbour:

Peace! :Sharing One:
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First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. PT something.. day 17 :D

Whats up guys,

Back again for a short update. Day 17

My fan controller arrived today, or yesterday? i have 2 entrances to the house and 99% of deliveries get dropped off at the obviously main entrance, sometimes.. i dont know what people are thinking but back on subject.
I've been running a 400CFM fan with a 420CFM carbon filter, I've just dropped my fan down to 50% to reduce the amount of air cycles, as it was almost like a vacuum chamber in there for the past week,
although temps have been fine, im sure i've been running way to may cycles through the tent aha :)
I'ma obviously going to have to play around for a day or two until U find that sweet spot.

I've also ordered a 100L collapsable water reservoir + small/medium air pump + air stone. -

(this is not my set up, just a reference to the reservoir on the right)

The reason for this is because, I've been mixing up feedings in 2, 2 gallon buckets, and because im using tap water, i let it sit for 24-36 hours, obviously its going to be much easier to keep this 100l res topped up for feedings, otherwise by flower time I'm going to have to let 10, 2 gallon buckets sit out for 24 hours =\ no fun!

Another reason why I've picked these up is because I'm considering for my next run a coco drip to waste with a 4x4 scrog screen.
I'm really falling for coco, she is the shzz, all my past outdoor photo grows have been in a basic soil mix and over/underwater was a minor issue at times, but coco just seems to take what it needs and discard whats not needed.
In saying this, i do recommend anyone interested in coco on reading some guides on AF network, they have really helped me as a complete beginner to the amazing stuff.

Anywaaaayyyy, The girls are between 17-13 days old now, and have really started to show some progress above ground.
All are looking healthy in my eyes, and the youngsters & laggers(slightly stunted) girls are catching up to VF 1# who's 17 days today.
Im going to start feeding daily around week 4, once i see the "explosive growth" stage start taking place, then i'll know for sure i have some nice root mass laid down.
Here they are!


Thanks for stopping by, I'll be back in a couple days with another update.

Peace! :Sharing One:
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First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. PT ROOOOOOOTS


Hey guys & gals, back again for a short teaser day 19 update.

Went to check on the girls today, not only did i notice quite a nice growth spurt in the last 24 hours, but I found these little suckers!


After transplanting My girls at around day 5-6 from double solo cups into 5 gallon pots, I was a little worried about their growth rate.
After reading alot about how autos love to drop their tap root deep as possible ASAP and then complete smash out roots for their first 1-3 weeks,
To see these little suckers today was a nice relief, just to know that they had been putting in extra work were it really counted at the time.
I really wasnt sure if auto's would need 5 gallon pots indoors, but now at week 3, i can see they're using the whole pot quite happily.

In the last 7 or so days the girls have over doubled in size, most are just popping out their 4th or 5th node set now, tallest is around 6-7 inches tall, but we'll see what happens in a week or so :)
Here is a quick shot of VF 1# (19 days today) from when I noticed the roots!

Thanks for stopping in, I will be doing an end of week 3(day 21) update, when it is due.

Peace! :Sharing One:
First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. PT ROOOOOOOTSSomethingiforgot8or9maybe :)

Whats up guys and gals,

Back for an end of week 3 update! (day 21)

So far everything seems to be going well, from what i can tell.
VF #5 is still lagging behind, as she had one cotyledon leaf when she came out of the soil, but I'm still happy with her.
Here's some flicks -


UGHHHH I try so hard not to get my feet in photos, only just noticed >< meh


I have been watering every 2-3 days as needed with a little run off each time,
I'm currently up too 1/2 strength nutes which are simply, Coco A+B, also adding .5ml cal/mag per litre same with rhizatonic.
Still looking for flowering nutes, Probably just going to go with an assortment of AN nutes, to keep it simple.

The girls are giving off a faint, sweet but spicey smell, not showing any signs of sex yet, although they're Fem seeds.
They seem to be a little short for their age, although from what i've seen about Fast & Vast is, they will stack when they're ready.

If you've been reading my journal so far I've been planning on throwing another T5 8 Bulb fixture in the tent/set-up.
Recently I've done a bit of homework on LED's and I think I'm going to throw in a 600W LED (300-320 draw wattage) in to finish up the grow.
After that I will be grabbing another 600W LED (same fixture as the first) to start up my next grow,
although I will have the T5's for propagation if I decide to start in rapid rooters or something like that.

Well thats it for today, thanks for dropping in, and as always, any feedback or tips would be highly appreciated!

:karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud:

To everyone out there and their girls!

Peace:Sharing One:

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First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. End of week 4

Hi Guys & gals, back for an end of week 4 update for yall.

Temp - 73-83
Humidity - 55%
PH - 5.8 in, 5.7 run off.
Nutes -
Dutchfest coco A+B 1/2 dosage
Cal/mag 1/4 dose
Rhizatonic 1/4 dose

So far things are looking good, as far as I can tell.
VF #5 is still lagging behind, but I'm gonna keep her going.
VF #1 stands at around 16-17 inches tall who is the tallest, the rest as you can see are slightly behind.
There is alot of undergrowth going on and stems thickening up but not alot of height as of yet.
Here's some pictures anyways -


You may notice that most of the side branches are starting to get taller than the main cola, this is new to me so i'm not sure if its because they're auto's, the t5's, my fault or what, if anyone could enlighten me that would be much appreciated!

These last four are comparing the biggest and the smallest of the 6, First 2 shots are of VF#1's stem and growth, the next 2 are VF#5 the smallest, the main stems are almost the same width, around a pinky finger size(ive got pretty skinny fingers), but they'res quites a difference in overall size.

As you can see theres no potential bud sites forming yet, which im quite happy about, hopefully ive got quite a bit more of vegging to go on these little babies.
They're all showing sex now, I may switch lighting from 24/0 to 20/4 tomorrow, but only to induce a little stretch if anything.
The cotyledon leaves have just started to die off now, so im expecting to see a little bit of a growth spurt in the next week or so.
Im hoping in the next week or two they will double in height, but if they want to stay short and stocky I'm not too concerned either, as they're only under 400W of T5's which I feel is keeping them short and stocky.
I've ordered a 320W(actual draw) LED thats got a 3x4 foot print, I will be using this to finish this grow, and ill also be getting a second unit to take it to 640w(actual draw) LED for my next grow,
hopefully the two units with the 3x4 foot print each will cover a 4x4 scrog quite nicely :)

I've taken my watering up to once every two days, keeping a 10-20% run off each time, from what I can see daily watering may be needed in a week or two if things keep going the way they are.
theres 1 leaf on VF #5 with slight cal/mag deficiency but that's my fault, i skipped her cal mag dose because she was such a dark green i thought she'd be fine, its barely noticeable though.
You may have noticed a couple burnt tips too, obviously a little nute burn but nothing has changed since those first tiny tips appeared 3-4 days ago, so I'm fine with that.

Anway, thanks for stopping in, As always any tips or comments are always appreciated!

Peace :Sharing One:​
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Hell yeah!!! Your plants look great!!!!!!!!! Super healthy and super vigorous!!! I'd say you've got everything dialed in and where it needs to be!! Have you checked your soil pH from the runoff?? Not that it looks like it's an issue, those plants are so full!! :)