New Grower First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO.

First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. PT3

Hi guys!

Back again for week 1 update!
So far the Vast and fast I've germed & popped in soil last post are all above ground now and are between 2-7 days old :)
I'm a little worried about number 7, she's propping herself up slowly but looking 100% better since 2 days ago.
Just a reminder, VF #1 is 7 days today, the rest are not labelled in order as popped, unfortunately, but they are 3-4 days apart, besides 7, who's 2 days and slowly recovering(i think)
(edit: I wrote this yesterday, so pictures are from yesterday(day 7), was waiting on carbon filter to get here for a bigger update for yall!)

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I'm a heavier believer/reader in C.E's easy coco guide - (also all of muddy's guides are definitely worth reading!)
and he recommends feeding coco since day 0.
I had obviously read this, but forgot.. lol anyway, didnt start feeding until day 5, 6 or so hours later, they where all looking happier than ever, looking like they wanted to hug me!
They got they're second feeding today, same strength which was around 1/6 recommended dose, around 0.3-0.4 EC.
I will be upping the dose to 1/4 feed next time round, and figure out where to go from there, unless anyone has advice!
(growing in coco, it would be very helpful to have my journal in the new growers & the coco sub forums, but i dont think thats possible lol)

--- Day 8 (all photos beneath are from today)

So my carbon filter + fan arrived today, + some 54W 2700k bulbs as i've been running 6/8 54W 6400k, due to 2 smashed bulbs on delivery last time round,
So at the moment, in total im running 6 x 54W 6400k + 2 x 2700k,to make up my 8 bulb fixture
I'm hoping that these little gals are going to enjoy that 2700k goodness, but if anyone recommends adding more or less 2700k please let me know!

Shoe laces! Oh Noes! temporary fix untill i get some velcro straps tonight, atleast they're kevlar!

On the subject on my lighting, heres some pictures of how my 9, 5 gal smart pots sit under one 8 bulb fixture,
As you can see, at the moment, each plant tucks in just nicely under the fixture itself, which is good for now.
I definetly want to upgrade to another 8 bulb, ultimately running 16 through flower and veg, its just a matter of time when I
can/shoud get this next fixture.

Temperature + humidity with the filter and fan in place are now sitting nicely for veg, but im not sure how my seedlings waiting to sprout are going to be,
should I turn off my fan+filter untill i get a controller to slow things down?
Temps have really only dropped from about 3-7 farrenheit max i'd say, but humidity has dropped from 70-80% to 60-70%.

Just incase you were unaware,
The "In" temperate is the temprate of which the device is sitting(middle row, directly under fixture)
The "out" temperate is where I have the second Temperature readers(one on each outer row of the fixture)

(Update on temps since originally posted!)
So after giving the tent sufficient time to reach its natural temps, both with the fan/filter on and off, here is what I've recorded -
Fan + Filter on - Averaging around 76-79 / Humidity 65%
Fan + filter off - Averaging around 79-85 / humidity 75%.

Simple question, am i better of running the fan and filter now so young?
I dont mind the electricty, the noise is an issue, but once i get a speed controller + silencer i wont care at all.
Also, will running the fan on a timer, say 30 minutes every 4 hours cause heat/stress/hermie issues?(I'd rather not run it on a timer)

I think I've covered everything I needed to this post, i'm sure i've forgotten heaps aha,
Anyways, thanks for tuning in and please, any advice is always welcome and highly appreciated!
Here is some final shots of my tent at the moment, work in progress!

Thanks all!

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First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. PT4 =\

Hey guys and gals, back again for a quick update.

So, today is day 11, I'm not sure how things are going to be honest.
The 2 sweet seeds I germinated & planted directly into 5 gallon pots havnt popped at all, this is day 4 for them in soil..
I still have 7 Heavyweight Fast & Vast seedlings, between 6-11 days old, Six out of which are looking ok-ish, compared to other beginner journals or guides, i think they're either heavily stunted or putting in alot of root work..(hopefully the latter).
The 7th F&V I think has decided to just stop doing anything at all, its been above soil for 4 days, but hasnt developed into anything, simply has its first set of leaves and is 1cm tall doing nothing =\

Pictures -

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Temperatures are between 70-80, usually sitting at 76ish
Humidity is 61-70%

The lights have been about 10 inches above pots most of their lives up until now, i have moved them down to 5-6 inches above the plants/seedlings heads, I cannot feel any warmth, but the temps around the plants definitely raised when I lowered the lights.

I have been feeding them, slowly increasing dosage, I'm now using 1/4 of recommended dosage, gradually built up to that in the last week, Ive only fed them 3 times, but they seem to have enjoyed all 3 so far,
probably wont get fed for another 2-3 days as their 3rd was 12 hours ago and it was about double the amount of water i have been feeding them.

My main concern is, 50% of the info/journals I read say "DONT TRANSPLANT EVERZORZ" or.. "START IN THIS, TRANSPLANT ONCE TO FINAL POT" makes sense, but each person explicitly use this method ONLY as the other will not work..

So with this grow(if you havnt been following so far) I started in double solo cups, pre cut for easy stress free transplant,
Now since I transplanted these guys, i havnt noticed them COMPLETELY stop growth, as in "stunted" for a couple days to a week or even more, nothing like that has shown, but in my eyes they are growing slowly compared to other journals/guides out there.
The 7th germinated F&V which i planted directly into a 5 gallon smart pot with 85/15 coco perlite mix, this is SEVERELY STUNTED, hasnt done anything for 4 days, was drooping at a 90* angle up untill today its kinda moved to a 80* angle.

I know this is my first indoor grow, and i need to take things slowly and easily, and not even being week 2, i'm not going to see any extreme changes, I'm pretty much just looking for some advice, or reassurance really, I'm not sure..

Thanks to anybody who drops in, its highly appreciated!

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I just finished a Fast and Vast grow in organic soil and I would say yours look pretty healthy it could be they are just laying down roots and you don't see much above ground growth at that time.

Keep doing what your doing and see what happens they tend to grow pretty fast once they take off.

Good luck.
Thanks for the reply AKNL, I'm kind of thinking/hoping that theyre laying some roots down deep in those 5 gal pots, only time will tell I suppose!

Like you said, i'll just keep doing what I'm doing, see how things improve in the next week or so.

Thanks again man, highly appreciate it :)

First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO. PT4 5ish

Whats up everybody

So I'm back again for a day 13 update,
As far as the plants are going, in the last 24-48 hours these 6 girls have double in their physical size, which I'm taking as a really good sign, and perhaps where stunted before hand.
Throwing out almost a new set of leave's a day, as you may be able to tell from my previous posts, they didnt move much up until now.

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I feel as though they look like they should have on day 7ish rather than 13, so my main question for you guys is,
If these babies are a week behind this early, have I just just taken a week away from their total life span, eg; 1 week less they get to veg, or flower.
Or by being stunted so young, i will see a more major decrease in growth than the previous mentioned?

Thanks in advance guys, any advice or knowledge left is incredibly appreciated!

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They are looking perfect bro, don't worry, your doing the right things!

:Sharing One::smile:
They are looking perfect bro, don't worry, your doing the right things!

:Sharing One::smile:
Different medium, different lighting, this is a good opportunity for me to learn something different. Subbed in.
They are looking perfect bro, don't worry, your doing the right things!

:Sharing One::smile:

Thanks dude, thats all i needed to hear right about now aha :)

Also i have a question for you, i've noticed another user on these forums named dazedandconfuzed, are you two related some how, or am i trippin?
