New Grower First Indoor Grow! T5 + COCO.

Late week 7 update!

Whats up all,
sorry about the lack of posts lately, been flat out!

The girls are doing well, despite the last post, which I dont really mind about anymore lol :D
My LED Arrived this week but as i stated earlier I havnt had time to post due to personal matters,
These girls blew TF up on me, I think may be due to T5 under-lit stretching(maybe).

Anyways here's some pics -



Watering has really started to become difficult, even moving the plants around without damaging each other is a task.

The light is a Kind LED K3 L600, stated to draw 340 watts and replace a 600w HID,
I tested the draw with my meter and it was pulling 338 so not far from it!
I plan on adding a second unit to the 5x5 by flowering time on my next grow.

On another note, I installed(duct taped) some mirror film to my tent window so i could keep the window open with reduced light leakage,
The films suppose to reflect 85% of light, leaving 15% to penetrate through, it worked much better with the T5's than LED,
but it still seems to reduce the light by about 50-75%.
The mirror film itself is great stuff, although if you plan on using it for stealth reasons(I'm not) i'd recommend doing a little research on it, its not magic!



The pictures don't show it working as well as in person, but it does show some difference.

I think thats all for today, I'm not sure when these girls are going to come down, they're almost 8 weeks, so I'm thinking 2-4 weeks, the longer the better, and i can wait!
Thanks for stopping in,


Take care all !
Pccceeeeeeeeeee:Sharing One:

Flushing next week!

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've had absolutely no free time lately, heres a short update anyway.

The girls are doing great, I removed 2 plants from the room, first being the largest which seemed to be some kind of mutant that was producing nothing but popcorn buds minus a few heads here and there and was taking up 1/4 of my 5x5, so, out she went, second one to go was the VF #5 as she was stunted as hell, I sent her off to my moms house for her to take care of.

I now have 4 plants remaining in the room, since I've cut down on plants the growth of buds has definetly increased, mainly due to the fact all the plants are in the recommended cannopy range of the light fixture for the first time in their lives!

There's been some really nice trich production going on in the past week or two, definetly slowling down though.

Heres some pics -


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Slight cal mag deficiency, other than that, leaves on the bottom are starting to yellow and die off slowly, so I will be feeding the girls their standard schedule for one more week then start to flush them for 7-10 days,
They have been a great introduction to autoflowers and indoor growing, despite the fact they where a little bit strange at some points.

I will try keep this update more frequently as harvest time is drawing close and my free time has returned!

Hope everyone and their girls are doing "fine, just fine."(south park)


Hey you're doing great, keep at it :)

Hey guys n gals,

Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been busy as hell again..
Anyway I semi documented my harvest to share with you guys, not the greatest selection of pictures but hopefully they suffice!

If you havnt kept up to date, I started off with 6 plants and ended up removing 2 about 4 weeks before harvest, due to insufficient space & lighting.
The 4 plants that I kept indoors successfully grew until harvest, around week 12-13.
Here's some pics the harvest & start of cure.





Wet weight was around the 750 grams mark, dry weight 216 grams / just over 7 and 1/2 oz.
Dried another ~200ish grams of straight sugar leaf and popcorn buds(I'm ruthless with popcorn, especially if the colas are fluffy),
which will get turned into BHO /(or) QWISO & edibles.
The large jar is 2 oz, middle jars 1 oz, small jars 1/2 oz, + a quarter jar not pictured(am i lying?!?! nope it was just too cute :p)

I dried for 3 days on hanging shelves, put into mason jars with lids OFF overnight, dried for another 2 days, back into mason jars with lids ON over night, dried for another 12-36 hours(removing buds individually),
If ready, thrown into final mason jars for curing.(Where they are now, as of today)
I did a 28g BHO blast today just for something to help mesleep a little better while the flowers are curing.
Of course I've always got flowers next to me but the extra errl hits the spot.
TaNg's Thang


(Pic was at a very early stage.)
Aiming for a honeycomb with this shits, purge purge purge..

Once again, sorry for the random gaps in this journal to anyone using it as a reference for their Heavyweight seeds or anything like that.
On that note, I'm completely happy with the turn out of these plants,
They where striving so hard from the beginning being under lit and over crowded but managed to still pull through with some amazing flowers.
I will definitely be growing some more Heavyweight seeds in the future.

As for next grow I'm stuck between Dinefem Fruit, Sour D or a Kush Cheese..


I'll be starting up a new thread in the next week or two, hopefully I'll be able to keep it up to date a little better too!
Thanks for stopping in yall


:karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud:
