New Grower First indoor grow: LindaSeeds GG#4 and Gelato 33 under Mars SP3000

Ya man I hear that its why I love the location of were I'm at now got 1 persons house that's near me but in 20mins I can go anywhere it's nice being able to walk around naked if u wanted with out people and all that not that I do that but still lol you got options lol.
P.s. thanks for your service bud real love vets some of the best people I've know served so I got alot of respect for the vets regardless of which branch ect.
Thanks man! It's appreciated!
I've met all types of Vets...................From the more socially adjusted to those that have yet to come back home. While at the time of discharge, I considered myself an "Able Disabled Vet", I've tried to help those less adjusted and/or more physically disabled than myself. When I had my farm in the boonies, I managed an informal outreach group for vets in the more rural areas. My time in the service was not as "intense" as most of these mainly Viet Nam vets and some "Sand box" vets. Little did I know at the time, these guys would help me realize that I had residual crap to deal with.
I've learned so much from those guys. Guys with much more physical problems than I have gave me the ability to deal with my injuries much easier. I had to adjust my normal tendency to feel pity for the severely injured( pure hell these "SandBox " vets go thru just to see another sunrise) and just treat them as normal guy. And that's what most really want.
I've grown as a human being with my interactions with those guys.
Yes, but for worms? Just put a pitchfork in the ground and tap on the handle.
Composting worms are not native in the soil at my new home. They weren't the only thing on the addenda for the day. ;)
Well said!


Thanks man! It's appreciated!
I've met all types of Vets...................From the more socially adjusted to those that have yet to come back home. While at the time of discharge, I considered myself an "Able Disabled Vet", I've tried to help those less adjusted and/or more physically disabled than myself. When I had my farm in the boonies, I managed an informal outreach group for vets in the more rural areas. My time in the service was not as "intense" as most of these mainly Viet Nam vets and some "Sand box" vets. Little did I know at the time, these guys would help me realize that I had residual crap to deal with.
I've learned so much from those guys. Guys with much more physical problems than I have gave me the ability to deal with my injuries much easier. I had to adjust my normal tendency to feel pity for the severely injured( pure hell these "SandBox " vets go thru just to see another sunrise) and just treat them as normal guy. And that's what most really want.
I've grown as a human being with my interactions with those guys.
Here are the girls this afternoon after the morning LST. A nice change in size and more sites opening up since Tuesday.
I think the GG4s are't nitrogen sensitive, I think I fed a bit too early for them.

Day 25: Lisa Seeds Gelato33

Day 22: Lisa seeds GG4 7gal

Day 18: Lisa seeds GG4 15gal

Family Pic
Got a question for those following my grow.
I started with adding the kelp for the blooming phase that I expect sometime next week. Other than continuing with what I've been doing so far, is there any other top dressing should I do to support flowering? Should I continue the Thorvin Kelp on a weekly basis? I can't see doing it more often will benefit the current grow. Should I keep doing the veggie smoothy with the barley and Thorvin Kelp or do that every other week with just Thorvin Kelp on the off week?
I figure I'm going to have to up feeding. I think these girls are going to take off. It's probably happening now as the new sites exposed to the lights are really taking off. All sites this morning after almost 4 hours of light are praying and stretching to the lights quite noticeably from last night.
LOL! These girls are stubborn! They need daily training. I should do it today, but I'm just gonna see how much they will grow up in a couple of days, but not much more than that....probably.
Well, woke up and took a look at the girls. All sites are poking up and growing like crazy. So much that I had to raise the light two inches to protect the tender new growth and expected growth today since I still want to delay training for another day!
Actually, your probably over doing the kelp. Here's what Build a Soil has to say about top dressing and what to use:

Got a question for those following my grow.
I started with adding the kelp for the blooming phase that I expect sometime next week. Other than continuing with what I've been doing so far, is there any other top dressing should I do to support flowering? Should I continue the Thorvin Kelp on a weekly basis? I can't see doing it more often will benefit the current grow. Should I keep doing the veggie smoothy with the barley and Thorvin Kelp or do that every other week with just Thorvin Kelp on the off week?
I figure I'm going to have to up feeding. I think these girls are going to take off. It's probably happening now as the new sites exposed to the lights are really taking off. All sites this morning after almost 4 hours of light are praying and stretching to the lights quite noticeably from last night.
Actually, your probably over doing the kelp. Here's what Build a Soil has to say about top dressing and what to use:
Yeah, I did add more than 1 tablespoon/5gal.
Interesting point from that link: Kelp meal also contains a high concentration of cytokinins. These cytokinins are great at assisting with reducing inter nodal stretching and getting a bushier plant.
Hmmmmm........who will win? Far Reds in this light or the Kelp? LOL!
Thanks for the input!
Day 28: Lisa Seeds Gelato33
Day 25: Lisa seeds GG4
Day 23: Lisa seeds GG4 15gal

Temp: 79-84°f
RH: 47 51%
Light Cycle: 18/6
Light Height: 21 inches 100%
Water: Thursday: They needed watering, so I mixed up a little molasses and a tiny bit of MegaCrop. Ending ppm was 681 with a starting ppm of 180 from dechlorinated tap water.
Nutes: On Thursday, I Made a veggie smoothy with sprouted barley and Thorivin kelp and top dressed it.

I held off any LST since Thursday afternoon. Outward expansion continued with some nice upward movement. I figured I can get some more control and expose more if I held off. Looking at the girls first thing this morning, I can see how to get some more exposed today. I'll take care of that sometime this afternoon after outside work and time for then to pray and grow a bit.
No more signs of nitrogen burning anywhere. I think it was just from a little too early feeding on the GG4s.
Looks like I have signs of preflowering, but I didn't take pics in the specific areas. You guy should be able to see in the pics and let me know what you see.

Three Sisters..............RDR2 reference. :)

Day 28: Lisa Seeds Gelato33


Day 25: Lisa seeds GG4


Day 23: Lisa seeds GG4 15gal
