New Grower First indoor grow: LindaSeeds GG#4 and Gelato 33 under Mars SP3000

I too started growing ( again after over 40 years ) to make medicine for my pain and help my lady's MS. And yes, growing itself is therapeutic!

And your plants look great!

Day 14: Lisa Seeds Gelato33 7gal
Day 11: Lisa seeds GG4 7gal
Day 9: Lisa seeds GG4 15gal

Gave all a feeding of MegaCrop and Molassas with a gallon for the two 7gal pots and 1.5 gal for the 15gal pot with a total 500ppm and ph to 6.5.
Didn't top dress with the Humichar today as I didn't have time to research how it will affect soil Ph. I don't think it will, but better safe than sorry. I have a ph soil probe coming in and also a soil moisture probe. More info ya have, the better you can take care of your girls.
No signs of stress from fully upping the light. I think I'll slowly move it down this week, but not as close as in the PAR eval vid above. That light really is a beast! I put my glasses on and turned it down also when feeding! LOL! I did crank up the exhaust fan because of turning up the light. It is just short of half way, but it's enough to draw air from the A/C with the A/C off and door closed! LOL!

I'm doing this to help with my pain and NOT taking the damn opiates the VA doctors want me to take. I really didn't expect to get this much enjoyment and satisfaction, especially this early in the grow! Enough rambling! Time for pics of the girls!

Gelato33 7gal
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GG4 7gal

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GG4 15gal

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Looks like a nice start, Bill. Sounds like you already are hooked on growing like the rest of us. Good luck on your grow!
I was a bit high(literally at the time) on the placement of this light when I set this up because of the PAR figures. I just didn't want to take any chances of burning or overdue stress. I'm moving the light down an inch each day until I get to a more optimum height for veg.
I did lightly top dress and lightly rake in with the 50/50 humic acid/biochar product and lightly mist it in with 6.6Ph water with a tiny bit of molasses.
I just harvested the last 2 Linda Seeds Mazar autos from the greenhouse. STICKY! I quick dried a bud from the first plant I cut and WOOOOOOOooo! This has to be just about the most potent Indica auto I've grown! And I've grown quite a few! Definitely on my keeper list!
I think I'm gonna have to start LST pretty soon with this girl. I added the SolarFlare 220 to the tent. Had to slightly up the exhaust fan to help with the added heat load. The girls seemed to perk up their leaves a bit! It's amazing how well this grow set up works when the tent is fully closed with just two low intake vents open and the door to the room shut. I can see the temps go up when I work on there..........not to dangerous levels, but it is notable. It has made me aware that I do probally need to clean my evap coil on my central A/C though. It's not and easy one to clean, naturally, like a lot of units. I have no idea if it's been cleaned and how well the previous serviced the filters. Gonna have to do it on the off light cycle and shut the vent in the room. With the stupid high day time temps here, close to 100F, it looks like a 3AM job to get it done before the 6AM lights on and to have the attic cooled down to the lowest it will get.
Any's a midweek pic of my biggest girl. I think the GG4s are going to be taller though.

Gelato33: Day 17 just after lights on

The Mars SP3000 sure cuts the burple back to tolerable levels for the eyes. LOL!
Watered the top around the sides a little with a tiny bit of molasses. Next feeding will be Sunday with MegaCrop, molasses and Mycos.
A moisture probe and a Ph probe arriving today for more info.
Straw and fresh adult worms should be added next week along with some good top dressings of worm food.

I want to start some LST sometime this coming week also.

Time for a group picture of the three sisters!
Three Sisters.jpg

Close up of Betty May the Partygirl!
Gelato 33 19 days old
Partygirl Friday.jpg
I don't think I'll be able to feed tomorrow, at least all of them. The new moisture meter I got in yesterday confirmed what my finger felt. The Gelato 33 is drinking more with her growth and is noticeably less moist than the others, even though she is further from the circulation fan. While I don't want the top get excessively dry, I do want the roots to hunt further into the soil for moisture and nutrients. The key is finding a happy medium.

That's another issue that I should have resolved next week. With, hopefully, the addition of worms next week, conservation of surface moisture will become more important. I should have some straw, not exactly the kind I want, but it will have to do for this grow.
I think I'm gonna moist the top for the worms, add them, lightly add some organic chicken feed in crumble form, then some blended freshly sprouted barley and top off with the hay.

With that being said, a quick look this morning tells me I do need to start some LST. The Gelato 33 needs it started or it's gonna get away from me. Her main stalk is already quite thick, bigger than a standard pencil at the base. Found some soft wire, but I need to get some safety pins for ease of use. The oldest GG4 is starting to take off. While not as broad, she's catching up to the Gelato.
Day 21: Lisa Seeds Gelato33
Day 18: Lisa seeds GG4
Day 16: Lisa seeds GG4 15gal

Temp: 78-84°f
RH: 53-62%
Light Cycle: 18/6
Light Height: 23 inches 100%
Water: Just light sprinkling about 3in out from seedling
Nutes: No nutes since very light watering with tiny bit of molasses on Wed and no Mega Crop

So, it seems the Linda Seed GG4 is a bit nitrogen sensitive. This morning I found slight color change on the tips of some leaves on both GG4s that wasn't there last night. You can't really see it in the pics. The oldest will get some LST and plain water and the other will just get watered in the 15gal. Both are still showing great growth. While not as bushy as the Gelato, I think they will be taller. I really don't think my mix is a particularly hot mix, although the humic acid and biochar may be helping to make it more available. I think I'm gonna hold off feeding or any top dressing for a few days to see what they do.

The Gelato33 is loving life. She is is BUSHY! Daily growth is easily's easily seen from morning to afternoon! She gets LST for sure today! Inter-nodal spacing is crazy tight. I hope that stretches out somewhat or she will need thinning and/or massive leaf tucking. She's defiantly an auto Indica dominate strain on structure.

Any input will be appreciated! the porn
Group pic
week3 group.jpg

Day 21: Lisa Seeds Gelato33


Day 18: Lisa seeds GG4 7gal


Day 16: Lisa seeds GG4 15gal