New Grower First indoor grow: LindaSeeds GG#4 and Gelato 33 under Mars SP3000

It's showing more development this morning. Lights out at noon and back on at 6pm. I'll look in on them about an hour later to give them time to wake up. I should be able to see something better by then.
It's may be just a coincidence, but I really don't think so. I'll go into why I don't think it's a coincidence, mainly due to some of the amendments I've utilized and the manor in which I've used them.
It may be all Bro-Science, but I think there is good science behind my thinking and actions.

Did I increase your level of intrigue> LOL!
Hey just a heads up the gelato33 is a short squat plant with minimal internodal space so she seems to be doing well in comparison to the many others ive seen I'm also growing a photo San bacio gelato and until I topped it it wasn't growing side branches well but after topping it it took off shoot wise I've also noticed they seem to be more sensitive to nitrogen getting dark green waxy leaves even after amending the soil/top dressings accordingly have you seen similar with the gelato33, i've had g33 a bunch of times and really enjoyed it aswell as the berry gelato both great flavor and I'm hoping to see that with mine. I'm really interested in the 1 you have as the price of the seeds is great and they look good growth with both the glue and g33 seem quick especially considering pot size and actual strain growth patterns.
Good info!
I was thinking of putting some bricks under the Gelato33, that just confirms doing it.
Well, the 7gal GG#4 has been bothering me with it not flowering like the 15 gal. Looking at what I had on hand, I thought I'd add some Thorvin Kelp. To help make it more available sooner, I made some into flour with my coffee grinder. Instead of making a foliar spray, I sprinkled it on top of the Timothy hay and watered in with molasses water and a sample product of dry "compost tea" to 525ppm.

Normally I wouldn't expect anything for 10days or so. I've been top dressing with a few various things, all directed towards enhancing microbial activity. One of the key products is HumiChar, 50/50 mix of micronized humic acid and biochar. I've been watering and feeding a little different than most here. Top watering with molasses to keep the microbes happy and bottom watering and feeding with MegaCrop to get a complete watering and feed the plant. When I did the defol for airflow, I replaced the Timothy hay and found an abundant amount of biological activity and plant roots. Great smell coming from the top of the soil! I lightly scratched the surface and re-amended with HumiChar, EWC and the regular flaked Thorvin kelp, watered in with molasses water replaced the Timothy hay and wetted it down with the molasses water.
My thinking is that the ground kelp was able to be utilized quickly by it's form, biological activity and the humic acid.
It may be just a coincidence that the GG#4 was ready to flower, but there sure was a very evident increase in flowering activity and in development. with little pistils bursting everywhere all over the plant.

Is my thinking and assumptions viable? Or just Bro-Science?

edit..............Also put the Gelato on some bricks to get her a little higher.
I also had to raise the lights. They are now at 48ins above the tent floor, which means the plants are only about a foot tall.
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Hard to say. It may be that previous top feedings are finally becoming available in enough quantity to benefit the plant. Organics can take s long time to become beneficial, it's why we "cook" our soil before we use it, usually for at least 30 days. Also, new findings show that plants can influence certain fungi and bacteria to do its bidding. That seems to support what I've been saying about plants take what they want, when they want it. Hell, she may have just been busy with other!

Well, the 7gal GG#4 has been bothering me with it not flowering like the 15 gal. Looking at what I had on hand, I thought I'd add some Thorvin Kelp. To help make it more available sooner, I made some into flour with my coffee grinder. Instead of making a foliar spray, I sprinkled it on top of the Timothy hay and watered in with molasses water and a sample product of dry "compost tea" to 525ppm.

Normally I wouldn't expect anything for 10days or so. I've been top dressing with a few various things, all directed towards enhancing microbial activity. One of the key products is HumiChar, 50/50 mix of micronized humic acid and biochar. I've been watering and feeding a little different than most here. Top watering with molasses to keep the microbes happy and bottom watering and feeding with MegaCrop to get a complete watering and feed the plant. When I did the defol for airflow, I replaced the Timothy hay and found an abundant amount of biological activity and plant roots. Great smell coming from the top of the soil! I lightly scratched the surface and re-amended with HumiChar, EWC and the regular flaked Thorvin kelp, watered in with molasses water replaced the Timothy hay and wetted it down with the molasses water.
My thinking is that the ground kelp was able to be utilized quickly by it's form, biological activity and the humic acid.
It may be just a coincidence that the GG#4 was ready to flower, but there sure was a very evident increase in flowering activity and in development. with little pistils bursting everywhere all over the plant.

Is my thinking and assumptions viable? Or just Bro-Science?

edit..............Also put the Gelato on some bricks to get her a little higher.
I also had to raise the lights. They are now at 48ins above the tent floor, which means the plants are only about a foot tall.
Hard to say. It may be that previous top feedings are finally becoming available in enough quantity to benefit the plant. Organics can take s long time to become beneficial, it's why we "cook" our soil before we use it, usually for at least 30 days. Also, new findings show that plants can influence certain fungi and bacteria to do its bidding. That seems to support what I've been saying about plants take what they want, when they want it. Hell, she may have just been busy with other!
Yeah, it could easily be from past amendments. Whatever is the reason, it's a pretty dramatic change.
They are defiantly two phonemes. The 7gal is more wispy and thin.
I'm happy with the 7gal now, but she'll need a little selective defol.
Just finished working on the girls. Pulled all Soft wires. I'm gonna clean up the underside of the girls again,
15gal GG#4 didn't need watering. Was gonna top water the two 7 gal with the spray rig and mixed up rainwater with molasses, but only wetted the top of the Gelato. I wanted to bottom water the 7gal GG#4 with my moisture probe in the soil, just to see it change. LOL! Yeah, I get a bit geeky when a bit high.

Buds on the 7gal GG#4:
Whatever is happening, it's kicking into high gear! LOL! Far more dramatic than the other two when they started flowering. Whatever is going on, it's making me happy. LOL!

Oh yeah! I can see some frost developing on the Gelato33. I doubt if she'll make the same amount as the others, but I bet it's gonna be good!

I saw everyting. Ok.
GG#4 .jpg
nice grow!!! ive been keeping a tab open, on this thread for a few weeks now... yes you have a dedicated tab open on my browser(and maybe about 20 other l.o.s. tabs)... i click on it daily, your plants look great... im probably more anxious than you, to see this harvest... thanx for the information you contributed to me in all my organic newbness.... good luck, and even better harvest wishes... quality, and quantity wise!!!
nice grow!!! ive been keeping a tab open, on this thread for a few weeks now... yes you have a dedicated tab open on my browser(and maybe about 20 other l.o.s. tabs)... i click on it daily, your plants look great... im probably more anxious than you, to see this harvest... thanx for the information you contributed to me in all my organic newbness.... good luck, and even better harvest wishes... quality, and quantity wise!!!
Hopefully I'll finish this little race in flying colors. The oldest is 44 days today. There's 3-4 weeks left and I'm visualizing what they should look by then. That's what keeps me involved in the grow.
Just finished working on the girls. Pulled all Soft wires. I'm gonna clean up the underside of the girls again,
15gal GG#4 didn't need watering. Was gonna top water the two 7 gal with the spray rig and mixed up rainwater with molasses, but only wetted the top of the Gelato. I wanted to bottom water the 7gal GG#4 with my moisture probe in the soil, just to see it change. LOL! Yeah, I get a bit geeky when a bit high.

Buds on the 7gal GG#4:
Whatever is happening, it's kicking into high gear! LOL! Far more dramatic than the other two when they started flowering. Whatever is going on, it's making me happy. LOL!

Oh yeah! I can see some frost developing on the Gelato33. I doubt if she'll make the same amount as the others, but I bet it's gonna be good!

I saw everyting. Ok.
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bill they are looking stellar my friend gonna have a wonderful shape to her will you give me a tag now and again see how your getting on as i follow so many diarys i get lost finding my was back
After letting the girls have their freedom for a little over a day, they got a little haircut to clean up the underside a bit and remove stuff that's never gonna make anything. Very little needed on the Gelato33 and the 15 gal GG#4. Tied the Gelato33 back down, just mainly giving direction to the very stocky main stems. I'm leaving the 15 gal GG#4 alone until tomorrow. She'll get a top watering and then whatever LST is needed.

Now the 7gal GG#4: Yeah, totally different phoneme than the 15 gal. Not only is it less sturdy and more wispy, the branching is different. I don't see this plant making big indica style colas. I think it more of a sativa in it's branching and have little ol' hopefully golf ball nuggs.
Let's see if I can explain what I'm seeing. Instead of the lower developing bud staying close to the main stem, they are coming up and away from the main stem with a stem of it's own. They don't stay close to the main stem, unlike the GG#4 in the 15gal pot.

GG#4 7gal
GG#4 7GAL.jpg

GG#4 15 gal pot

This one is gonna make some phat colas! This is the one I hope pop22 gets!

GG#4 15GAL.jpg