New Grower First indoor grow: LindaSeeds GG#4 and Gelato 33 under Mars SP3000

I just looked and evaluated my grow room.
I have a nice area behind the tent to hold a fair amount. I won't need to get behind the tent after I pull the two that should finish first. The humidity should be very stable back there..

thats funny my closet is behind my tent so thats the same thing I do.
Just checking the girls after their sleep, using a moisture probe, all girls have drank a lot, but the GG#4 in the 7gal needs a good top soaking. I can see a pretty good increase in size, but damn! Going by when I've watered before, it's not quite dry enough to both top water and bottom feed, with the bottom feed need being in question.
Same time frame, the bud development at the end of the main stalk shows a marked improvement from just this morning.

A closer examination and comparison of the two GG#4 reveals that the one in the 15gal has quite a bit bigger main stalk at the soil level. Bigger pot...bigger circumference.........bigger root system. And this one in the 15gal was struggling a little bit the first few days.

I'm not gonna fully water and bottom feed on the GG#4 7gal, but I am gonna do a little experiment on her. I should know the results within a very few days.....maybe. But I should see something well within 10, but hoping it to be pretty quick.

IF I think I can see a market difference, I'll reveal what I did and we'll see if it's real science or Bro-science with a consensus of the board..
Well, Made a few LST adjustments to little Miss GG4 7gal, did my little experiment and gave her a little drink with some molasses.

Little Miss Gelato is just chugging along making more buds. Not as much upwards or outwards growth, but she is fattening up the stems and getting more sturdy. I left her alone other than giving her a little top drink. I'm gonna lay off LTS for to see if she'll catch up to the same level as the others. She will be smaller than the others, but I think she'll be more sturdy.

I left the current "Bull in the China closet" alone other than a couple of leaf tucking. She was fine on water for now and she's pretty even. on the canopy.

For the most part, I think the LST is over. I already have to be careful moving the girls around to service them. The two 7gals have the back covered and it's tight when I move up the other GG#4 up with the 15gal moved over as much as I can. And all of that is a great problem to have! LOL!

Gelato33 at 39 days


GG#4 7gal at 36 days


GG#4 15gal..............Miss WideAss!


The Three Sisters
Since I had to feed and water, I'll do a small update.

Bottom fed all girls with MegaCrop with 3 gal ppm to avg of 525

The Gelato33 is chugging along and building buds. Not the amount of upwards growth as the GG4's, but getting thick on all the stems. This strain may be better suited to a little different style of lst. That won't happen until sometime next year with other beans I want to crack.

The GG4 7gal showing more advanced bud development, still far behind the GG4 15gal. She continues to grow upward and outward at a nice rate.

Star of the tent, GG4 15gal, is continuing banging things out. Buds are growing like crazy and it's still growing up and out without a slowing. Structure is looking great and developing very well.

I'm malting some barley to feed to my worms. in the bin. I'll probably take some of the blended barley smoothie and top dress tomorrow.

GG#4 15 gal


Growing buds

Interesting things going on with the GG#4 in the 7gal pot. Tomorrow may reveal more.:eyebrows:
Also it’s tomorrow. Where is this reveal. Color me intrigued
It's showing more development this morning. Lights out at noon and back on at 6pm. I'll look in on them about an hour later to give them time to wake up. I should be able to see something better by then.
It's may be just a coincidence, but I really don't think so. I'll go into why I don't think it's a coincidence, mainly due to some of the amendments I've utilized and the manor in which I've used them.
It may be all Bro-Science, but I think there is good science behind my thinking and actions.

Did I increase your level of intrigue> LOL!
It's showing more development this morning. Lights out at noon and back on at 6pm. I'll look in on them about an hour later to give them time to wake up. I should be able to see something better by then.
It's may be just a coincidence, but I really don't think so. I'll go into why I don't think it's a coincidence, mainly due to some of the amendments I've utilized and the manor in which I've used them.
It may be all Bro-Science, but I think there is good science behind my thinking and actions.

Did I increase your level of intrigue> LOL!
Hey just a heads up the gelato33 is a short squat plant with minimal internodal space so she seems to be doing well in comparison to the many others ive seen I'm also growing a photo San bacio gelato and until I topped it it wasn't growing side branches well but after topping it it took off shoot wise I've also noticed they seem to be more sensitive to nitrogen getting dark green waxy leaves even after amending the soil/top dressings accordingly have you seen similar with the gelato33, i've had g33 a bunch of times and really enjoyed it aswell as the berry gelato both great flavor and I'm hoping to see that with mine. I'm really interested in the 1 you have as the price of the seeds is great and they look good growth with both the glue and g33 seem quick especially considering pot size and actual strain growth patterns.