Maybe it was because the 2 lights were 1/2 inch away from them. I thought they were farther away. They are now 2" away. I had to cut a small, coverable peephole plant level so I could see the distance between the two. The lights were on 24/7 for seven days until I realized I should have changed it to 20/4 a long time ago.
Stupidly, I didn't realize the MG organic garden soil had any time-released fertilizer in it. I thought I had read a lot about it too. I know the Potting Soil had time release ferts in it. That combined with a small amount in the MG perlite and the organic seed starter. I wonder if that is the culprit. Soil was the hardest thing for me to find. There is nothing in any of the local box stores that isn't loaded with ferts. The local nurseries don't carry anything. One carried Bacto or something. I couldn't find much info on that brand soil though. Driving to a hydro store is a hour + drive. Not something really feasible for me either is making my own soil mix.
I have been watering once the top 1-2 inches is 100% dry. However, below 2 inches they were slightly wet. I haven't been drowning them though. I am watering every other day. Sometimes every two days.
Here are a ton of photos taken just now. Not very good photos. Day Ten. They have small spots on ridges probably burn marks?
They all cracked on the 12th, planted them into the 3.8 gallon (12 inch diameter) pots. Sprouted above soil on the 14th. I just watered until runoff yesterday. I think I am going to need the soil switched.
Onyx # 2
Through peephole showes light distance to plant.
Onyx # 1
It would be easier for me to drive to a hydro store than mixing my own soil. Is it too late to transplant?