New Grower First grow, Royal Dwarf, UK outdoor

Day 10:

Boy has it been raining this afternoon! Pretty warm and humid all day, about time we had some decent rain.

My water butts are full, the lawn is praising the sky and my seedling got popped out in this afternoon's rainfall for a while to catch some drops as mother nature intended.



As usual, still winging it


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hi mate i have just started my 1 st outdoor grow same as you in the uk under the same cfl i have 2 grows under my belt indoor with great success . my 2 have just broke the coco i was planning on letting them run for 2 weeks min indoor then popping them outside im the north of eng so im hoping weather permitting im hoping to get some tips off you on the way
hi mate i have just started my 1 st outdoor grow same as you in the uk under the same cfl i have 2 grows under my belt indoor with great success . my 2 have just broke the coco i was planning on letting them run for 2 weeks min indoor then popping them outside im the north of eng so im hoping weather permitting im hoping to get some tips off you on the way
Hey @St. Tom, get a journal up of your grow and I'll follow along [emoji106]

Not sure I can give any tips though, I'm a novice, first timer just winging it on knowledge read on AFN forums.

I plan to do similar and put her outside at about 2 weeks which isn't far off now. Although it's been pissing down the last few nights so not so sure about that plan right now.

PS just thought of a tip:
Don't drop the pot!


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i will bear that in mind i have grown a few queen seeds 2x easy bud 2x royal critical and 1x royal ak all decent strains im going to be using coco i may do a journal i done part ones before
Day 12: Cannabis confirmed

Another Friday has passed at work and off I trot home to say hello to my other half, my baby girl and my little dwarf (In that order!)

When I went into the room where dwarfy is living I got that unmistakable whiff, quite surprised considering it's diminutive stature but at least it confirms it's definitely a cannabis plant I've managed to start growing [emoji3]

This means it will soon live outside permanently as I promised my other half I wouldn't stink out the house with it. Let's hope the UK weather settles into a nice summer and all will be good!

On the grow front she looks good to my novice eyes. Quite compact, not very leggy and the growth is snowballing with each day.

Been thinking about LST and all that lark....Think I'll give it a crack.





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Day 15: Feeding time

Been such a busy weekend I left dwarfy outside both days to do her thing and just bring her in at night.

We have visitors next weekend so she's gonna have to go out overnight too at the bottom of the garden and fend for herself. Night temps are about 13-14 degrees C so should be alright.

Big day today - first feed! Gonna do a small dose of BioBizz, I'm sure she'll appreciate it and beef up a bit before the weekend [emoji4]





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