New Grower First Grow - Mephisto - Jammy Dodgers #2 (4)

Day 14 ~~~

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Day 15 ~~~ Seems like I messed up the Happyfrog, perlite, promix hp ratio on the soil blend for the little double grape in the middle and the upfront skywalker. The clover and cotyledons look different from the others, maybe it needed more Happyfrog. Hopefully when I top dress the plant with dte 484, give it recharge, fish shit and yucca at the 3 week mark it will bounce back. The other plants are green and look healthy.
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Day 16 ~~~ Little Grape and Sky are both struggling right now but I want to wait 4 more days before feeding all of the plants. The new growth is green but she's so small... Now I'm not sure if I over watered her or if I mixed the soil wrong.

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Probably just a late starter. Wait and see what happens. I have one of those going right now myself.
Day 19 ~~~ I'm feeding the plants tomorrow night and I'm increasing the light intensity to 400-450 PAR, I'm starting to wonder if I should've given Little Grape and Sky a cup of earth worm castings week 1 or 2. Next time I'll measure my soil mix properly, in any case I want to see where she ends up.

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DTE tent : 1st feed
Day 20 ~~~ Hello guys, today I'll be feeding the plants and increasing the par to 450. All of them are getting 3 tbsp. of DTE 484 mixed with Half of a cup of earthworm casting, a small amount of recharge, fish shit and yucca. I'll feed them again after 15 days. I hope everything goes well.

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