New Grower First grow – Log – Seedstockers Auto Northern Lights

Feed 2 days with nutes per week at bigger dosage, rather then 1 big one. 2 days between watering seems alot, you flushed also recently. Let youre plant dry few days extra after a feeding, check youre PH so you dont overfeed on simple PH lock out.

Havent used Bio tabs, at this stage you should use lower end recomened, i dont use Biobizz light mix.
Mix my own soil consisting of 40% coco coir/ 40% cheap flower mix / vermiculitte or perlite. I add bonemeal/fish bone meal and dolomite lime then you never need to use CalMag anymore and much cheaper, its organic and in soil all grow.
I like having alot of dolomite lime, help me buffer PH for my tap water

Feed chart

Monday: Bio Bloom 1ml/l - Fish mix 0.25-0.5ml/l

Thursday: water/ no water (supplements CalMag/Humic acid,Fulvic acids,Melasse,Malt ekstrakt)

Saturday: Bio Bloom 1ml/l or stronger

Keep feeding longer to fattening up, when you happy stop feeding, just water for 1 week normal then flush it
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    Points: 10
    Thanks for the fast reply.
Thanks for the fast reply.

I have a Bluetooth soil monitor that lets me know when she needs watering, and I always double-check by inserting my finger (ooooh Matron!) into the top of the soil.

I will try your suggestion of alternating between Bio-Bloom (PK booster) and CalMag
Thanks for the fast reply.

I have a Bluetooth soil monitor that lets me know when she needs watering, and I always double-check by inserting my finger (ooooh Matron!) into the top of the soil.

I will try your suggestion of alternating between Bio-Bloom (PK booster) and CalMag

No problem, you should check you’re water at home see what PH it is, maybe you have alot of magnesium or Calcium also. Its used to regulate water PH, i manage to reports on local drinking water on internet
Water is very soft. Out the tap, it's only 40ppm and pH 7. With BioTabs and soil, pH shouldn't need to be adjusted, though I will start checking pH once Bio-Bloom or CalMag is added in future.
@Druid, Yes, the black flexible ducting was from a growshop. The mesh end bits were in fact a fleabay purchase. The temp controller was Glamazon, but it's currently unplugged due to the heat wave.

edit : just saw your post disappeared
Day 71

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Day 72

Both the Bluetooth Soil Monitor and the "Finger test" indicate she can go an extra day without watering.
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I believe those already affected will gradually get worse. It's a shame I failed to notice before so many suffered. Thankfully, there are newer leaves that have not been affected, that I am now keeping a close watch of, as per advice from many here.
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