So i got a question for all you growers out there.... So I went 4 gallon grow bags this round and on the zkittlez it didn't necessarily have root wrap around the sides of the bag but the roots did extend to all the edges and the bottom of the bag. I have seen many pots pulled where roots circled the bag but I thought that's what the aeration bags were supposed to stop. My question is if the reason I didn't have a massive stretch is because the roots ran out of room to expand. I have suspicions that I underwatered the bags, especially the edges, in the early veg stages so that might be my issue. I want a bigger plant next round so I am trying to figure out where things can be improved and any suggestions are greatly appreciated. The widow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] already harvested did not even fill the bag with the root ball, but the zkittlez also stretched way way more than the widow did.