New Grower First Grow Ever! 2x AutoBlackBerry Kush + BioBizz

hehe... thank you. My virtual grow room always has it's doors open :pass:

I've never used advances nutes. They're good no doubt, but I have a little thing against it. For example, I don't know what is in Rhino apart from potassium silicate, but AN more often than not bottles stuff together instead of isolated, so always double check.

I just went to check, and AN says

"Potassium silicate benefits leaves, stems and internal plant cells best when the silica is drawn in through roots to become part of your plants’ structure. Foliar feeding is not necessary or recommended."

Advanced really does love saying "our scientist this, our scientist that..." yet they never ever show any actual science, just fancy graphs and charts, or even the base composition of their products... :wall: I was researching Wet Betty for a project, and boy did they went to lengths to hide the facts that is was just a simple diluted non-ionic surfactant. Once you figure that, you just buy highy concentrated polysorbate 20 for a few bucks and will literally last you years.


Growth Technology sells Liquid Silicon (potassium silicate) for millions of years, and they say

"Increased cell strength helps resist penetration of fungal
diseases – particularly mildews. When applied via the
nutrient or as a foliar spray, silicon accumulates around
the points of fungal attack to physically resist fungal

So look around for more info, and test the spray on 1 girls. Give it a few days to check that nothing nasty happens, then apply to the rest of the crop. I've been actively foliar spraying for 2 years now and swear by it, but I use GT Liquid Silicon. It's also a great pH(+) if needed.
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Day 17... so after "arid conditions day" & drying up plant 1.. i dialled the room back in.. solid 26c / 50% humidity lights on.. 21c / 55% humidity lights off.. locked for last 2 days & the plants have reacted pretty good! :D i also decided to give a 500ml water with a pretty high dose of nutes to give them a kick.. & see what happens basically! Plant 1 got 1ml fish mix.. 2ml bio grow.. 2ml alg-a-mic.. 1ml root juice & 1ml cal/mag! Gave plant 2 (Ronda Rousey) more fish & root juice.. because i wanted to! :smoking: Definitely alot.. probably too much.. but after such a shock.. i thought why not! That was on day 15.. & these pix are day 17! :)

Plant 1.. well ive definitely made her ugly.. but shes a fatty too.. so ive named her SU-BO.. hopefully she dont take offence since shes a bit fat & ugly right now! :smoking:

If you look you can see all the damage i unfortunately caused her! Question is do i snip the really dead end parts off.. or just leave them alone?
Day 17 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 17 Plant 1-2.jpg

She also had her 1st smell of skunk today.. highly pleasant! :D & in this 2nd picture.. is that her showing me her fanny already.. or is that just more leaf growth on her stem on that node??

Plant 2 (Ronda Rousey) ... as ever.. still nice slow decent growth.. just going about her business! :)
Day 17 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 17 Plant 2-2.jpg
Ya man ! All in all your girls are looking great brother ! One thing as a new grower I've learned and learned the hard way lol is to keep things simple ....I tried to do too much my first grow , the second grow not as much and it turned out better and this one even less ....just letting the plants tell me what they want type of deal ....ya know ! Keep up the great gardening bro ! One love ! :smokeout:
Day 19.. Well ive kept everything pretty locked the last 4-5 days as far as the grow room dialled in & the girls have responded really well.. Plant 1 (SU-BO) is throwin off new growth like crazy! :D & Plant 2 (Ronda Rousey) is startiong to catch up & just looks super healthy.. altho slightly with the lighter green creeping in.. altho under the 45w CFLs.. hard to tell if its just the extreme brightness! Anyways.. been super busy last few days so havent had chance to respond to anyone but i will later tonight.. thanks for all the looking, thoughts & information bro's :peace:

Ronda.. Well she still ugly! haha! but growth kicking off everywhere.. really thinking i need to start some LST but literally just realised how fat her trunk is! :/ I do have 1.2m height so i could just let her go for it.. but i know CFLs just wouldnt penetrate anywhere near what was needed.. unless more bulbs bought & placed for side growth.. so i may have to do alot of research into slight bending & LST.. see which path to go down..
Day 19 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 19 Plant 1-3.jpg

Also in this 2nd picture u can see the 'claw' effect in the new growth.. im putting that down to N toxicity.. even tho she not super dark green.. theres no way she over watered.. & i heard the claw effect leaf tip & slightly thinner fan leafs are definitely a trait of that.. can anyone throw any extra info on that? Im not worried.. jsut a plain water feed of 500ml next & the soil an inch down is definitely dry! :)

SU-BO.. i was slightly more worried about her from the start.. now i think she will be the queen with the way she elegantly growing about her business! :smoking: The first picture has a flash on the camera.. but she is definitely going slightly green from the inside fan leafs out.. cant make head nor tail of it from deficency lists.. so about to go an an infor binge & see whats up! She also got a bit of a claw on some of her new growth.. so plain water feed aswell & see if it sorts herself out before any more nutes go near them! :)
Day 19 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 19 Plant 2-2.jpg


  • Day 19 Plant 1-2.jpg
    Day 19 Plant 1-2.jpg
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Looking good bro. How far down is your soil from top of pot, looks dark down there? IMO if it was raised a little higher then it would get more light on sides, not sure if you can raise it now. I started with soil filled all the way to top with maybe 1/4" below rim and did NOT compact soil, then after I watered soil it went down a little (just had to water slowly first time so it didn't spill over). Also try vertical 2ft bulbs - t5 or t8 on sides of plants...or added CFL's all around. Either way let it grow bro and best of luck I am cheering you on. Thanks for update!
hehe... thank you. My virtual grow room always has it's doors open :pass:.

Cheers bro! :smoking:
Some top class information there dude.. cheers for the info! I definitely all up for the extra protection on the leaves & stems.. but i do plan on.. or was planning on.. some LST.. & i heard it obviously toughens up the stems.. so i was holding off til i was able to get a bit bend going.. but they are just too super bushy & close to the soil.. & the stalks are hella thick! :nono: So i just went with the very slight foliar spray until i get a bit of stretch! :D

Anyways.. thanks again for the info bomb :peace:
Looking good bro. How far down is your soil from top of pot, looks dark down there? !

Hey brother.. yeah.. i had issues with the initial soil medium.. i did it just like you said.. lightly filled it til it was brimming.. didnt pack it down as heard over packing it down mae it hard for the r oots.. but just over time it really compacted down! One plant lost 3-4 inches but the initial seedling really shot up.. so a while back i was able to add an inch to 'top her up' but the other was hrdlt broke the soil so i havent been able to do anything! :/ & when i take the pictures of the girls i do pull them out of the grow room.. ive got 3 decent sized 45w CFLs literally 4 inches above them when they are sitting inside.. so for now its getting plenty light.. its when they shoot up i'll probably have to take your advice & get some T5s on the go.. unless i some how manage to tie the bitches down & make a level canopy.. we shall see! :smoking:

Cheers for the wisdom & glad to have u along for the ride :peace:
Day 21.. feed day! :pop:
On day 19 they just got 500ml of stood water! 2 days later the soil is dry again.. so they are definitely sucking up more! So decided for 1 litre of water & full strength bio bizz nutes!
Plant 1 (SU-BO) 1 litre + 1ml bio grow, 1ml fish mix, 1ml cal/mag, 1ml alg-a-mic
Plant 2 (Ronda) 1 litre + 1.5 bio grow, 1.5ml fish mix, 1ml cal/mag, 2ml alg-a-mic.. shes a little lighter green colour & not as much height or growth so decided she gets more & see what happens! :smoking:
Ive also started to heavily took the huge fan leaves under the new growth as much as poss as LST just isnt really viable at the minute

SU-BO.. she has still got a bit of 'claw' going on.. considering its 2 days between each 500ml of water.. & 4 days since last feed.. no idea why as i heard its either N tox or over watering.. which im pretty sure im not doing either?! :/ Will see what happens tomoorw after the feed sets in & go from there!
Day 21 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 21 Plant 1-2.jpg

Shes getting too wide for her pot.. whats the verdict on trimming the older fan leaves back? I know stressing the plant is the last thing u want to do.. but with her so wide & the soil few inches below.. aswell as tucking them down now.. i can only imagine they'll be touching the soil constantly which sounds bad to me!? Can anyone help with any pros & cons?

Ronda.. still chugging away! :) Looking fairly un-symmetrical since i tucked her up.. & slightly lighter green.. but hoping the higher does of the nutes will help her out a bit! :D
Day 21 Plant 2.jpg

One last thought.. its day 21 & im guessing its still veg mode.. im thinking of swapping a few of the CFL blues for the CFL reds.. too early.. or is it not too important? Thanks for any advice fam! :peace: