New Grower First Grow Ever! 2x AutoBlackBerry Kush + BioBizz

Day 8... Decided to add more light.. id only had one 45w CFL kinda sideways above each of their heads.. 4 inches away.. i had heard 1500L was enough at seedling stage..but whatever.. i added a 2nd & made a / \ type shape over them.. gave it 20 hours with the ext
ra light to see what the results would be & react then!

I did make a slight foliar spray with a 125ml sprayer & 0.5 of the fish mix in for a few squirts directly onto the leaves for a slight kick..

Plant 1 - I am noticing growth each time.. & i am only checking twice a day due to being so busy.. probably for the best as i can imagine they like being left alone for the watering can at the delicate seedling stage! haha!
Day 8 Plant 1-1.jpg

Day 8 Plant 1-2.jpg

Plant 2 - Again noticing growth with her too.. im sure the tiniest form of 3 set of real leaves have begun but dont think the camera picked them up.. limey colour easing each time i look.. so whatever im doing.. im not pushing it too far! :)
Day 8 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 8 Plant 2-2.jpg

So im thinking the ghirls didnt mind the few hits of the weak fish mix.. & especially not the extra light! :D

I did weight my pots when they were completely dry.. both just a touch above so they are nearly dried out now.. obviously i saw on Day 10.. TaNg started with his nutes with this strain.. so even tho im using BioBizz.. i think i'll wait til then & begin small drips of nutes with the water & different with each plant.. & see how they go.. wish me luck! :peace:
Oh.. & also thinking of throwing up some pix of my kinda ninja stealth loft box i built.. been truly amazed at some of the genuis ways people use small spaces to green up.. hopefully mine causes a few semi's... :smoking:
It will probably compact even more as time goes on. Just add soil after she stretches. I did the exact same thing. [emoji15]

Ahhh.. thanks my man.. so adding soil when shes a taller girl is ok! I wasnt sure if it would cause rot root or something.. guess u just have gto be careful.. thanks again man.. will b e keeping an eye out for your updates too! :peace:
DIY Ghetto GrowRoom..
Ghetto GrowRoom1.jpg
Ghetto Growroom2.jpg

Pretty ghetto DIY light setup.. but only way i could think for the CFL test run! :smoking:
So far the only thing im gutted about is the soil drop.. its like 4 inches in 1 of the pots.. :cuss:

Anyways... Plant 1... Slight growth.. pot looks dry.. determined to wait til day 10 to water & begin gentle feed with nutes.. ladies a lil wet from a spray of the light fish mix foliar :)
Day 9 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 9 Plant 1-2.jpg

Plant 2.. nice growth.. slightly looking droopy leaves.. i hear its either over or underwatering.. i believe i overwatered in the beginning & have held fast since.. so halfway thru the next 20 cycle i'll look in.. surely thirsty after a fairly decent sized growth spurt.. or at least i hope it is! haha
Day 9 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 9 Plant 2-2.jpg
Nice set up there mate. Those little green fans look handy how are they attached?
Cheers man! :)
I just drilled a small hole in each leg so i can screw them into one of the supporting timber beams when i built the thing up! :smoking:

Obviously damages the mylar which wasnt exactly cheap.. but if grow 1 goes well i can imagine i'll be wanting to upgrade to a bigger space! haha :peace:
Day 10... first feed & they are definitely thirsty girls.. last hit of root juice.. 0.5ml of Bio Grow & 0.5 the Fish Mix in only 750 ml of water! They are use to the taste of the fish mix as im fairly certain the fish mix foliar helped cancel the limey look they had early on! Both looking pretty damn similar now.. apart from the 2 inch stem plant 1 has! :O

Plant 1.. decent growth.. hoping the feed perks them up a bit tho..
Day 10 Plant 1.jpg

Plant 2.. thinking the nodes are gonna be pretty tight on this one :)
Day 10 Plant 2.jpg

Now.. hopefully any of you helpful dudes or any passers by can help me out a bit.. i mentione the soil drop of 3-4 inches since i didnt prepare the soil properly before the seed got planted.. would adding extra soil to 'top up' eventually let the roots find it later on in life.. or am i just stuck with what level its at now? Any tips or thoughts or dangers are most welcome.. cheers! :smoking:
Yea mate i dont see any problem with topping up the soil, though they could do with stretching a little first. From what ive read when part of the stem gets buried it can send new roots out from that point, not sure if thats true though. Maybe someone else will weigh in on this
Day 12... decent enough growth for the 2 girls! Only just got round to putting the 4x45w CFL 6500k's on them yesterday tho! Not sure if thats too late & its slowed growth down.. will see during the rest of the week i guess! Apart from that & a crazy bump in temp due to the weather its been all good.. 2nd deed today.. touch of the fish mix & grow aswell as keeping the root juice going steady & a touch of the alg-a-mic because of the temp problems!

Plant 1 has slight crinkly leaves.. i wouldnt say twisted.. but maybe heading towards that.. so far ive only been able to find a clsoe answer that it might be a zinc deficency.. anyone care to help a bro out?? :smoking:

Plant 1..
Day 12 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 12 Plant 1-2.jpg

Plant 2.. still crazy just out the soil.. the first set of round leaves.. i think one has started turning & brown & dying because its touching the soil! :/ Should i raise the light to increase a stretch away from the soil or leave it be? I heard stretching causes stress which obv i want to avoid unless its better to keep all & any leaves away from touching the soil?
Day 12 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 12 Plant 2-2.jpg