New Grower First Grow Ever! 2x AutoBlackBerry Kush + BioBizz

Day 14.. having temp & humidity problems.. with 3 CFLs going above each plant.. room is touching 30c & humidity is around 30%.. think i insulated it a lil too well! haha! Leaving the door completely off.. bought a humidifier which bumped it up alot.. but with fans on im fairly sure the mist it creates is completely wasted anyway?! :shrug:

Anyway.. seems i can get it around 26-28c & humidity 45% with lights on.. consistently.. finally.. drops to 21 lights off & closing the door with humidifer on & fans off.. will only be able to check what happens after lights out.. so we shall see!

Apart from that.. still a fairly lighter green than i was expecting.. & i believe the slight crinkle of some of the leaves is due to the high temps & low humidity.. i got lost looking at a VPD chart & came to that vague conclusion rather than a deficency! Again.. we shall see! haha! If any passers by has 2 cents to throw in if im kinda thinking right or completely wrong.. either would be appreciated! :peace:

Plant 1... I also put an inch or so worth of soil mix to 'top up' the pot.. put 500ml of water around the outside of the pot yesterday.. by tomorrow the 2 inch circumference ive onyl ever put water/feed around the plants should be dried out & ready for another light feed
Day 14 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 14 Plant 1-2.jpg

Plant 2.. i think slightly behind her sister still.. nice fat flat leaves tho.. so healthier.. i think! :D might give her more nutes than her sister & see if anything noticeable happens.. it was initially to comapre differenet results.. not keep everything the same afterall!
Day 14 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 14 Plant 2-2.jpg
Looking good dsMAV! You're off to a solid start. They look happy, even if taking different paces.

On my grow, one plant seemed way behind the other, then one day she shot ahead. I enjoy watching the slight (or extreme) differences between plants -same strain or not.

Keep it up!
Day 15... first bit of total doom! :/ From the initial closed door, lights out + humidifier test.. turned total fail! I didnt get to check my plants til 3pm the following day (lights out 5.30pm til 9.30pm) due to a heavy session from the start of a bank holiday weekend'r where im from.. & a crazy hot day.. meaning a good 4-5 hours where the grow room must of been at 40 degrees & a humidity of 23% when i finally got the door off! :cuss:

My own stupid fault but the weather has been grim as balls up until today so couldnt have planned for it.. typical i put the door on the day it happens tho.. bitch!

So plant 1 has got a few browns marks on 2 of her main fan leaves.. & the 2 new growth.. i main new small fan leaf has completely crinkled & dried up.. the other main fan leaf really curved! Its definitely heat stress.. i know these 2 new growths are doomed.. just hoping the ones that were already smaller formed dont get stunted too much & just push thru! This happened 9 hours ago now.. sorted temp to 29c (best i could do) & got humidity up to 50%.. a slight feed in a litre of water as she was due.. just finished her lights off cycle.. went down to 21c & 42% humidity.. & she seems ok apart from the 2 hughest small pointy leafs that has been dried out.. hopefully this wont cause too much damage for the future yields will it? :shrug:

Oh.. & plant 2 took it like a champ.. not a mark on her! haha! Tough little bitch.. she has been named Ronda Rousey.. for any UFC fans out there! :D

Hopefully plant 1 will pull thru ok.. i was being very restrained not disturbing too much in Veg & let nature take its course as before the plants were in i had the room fairly dialled in.. but so many unknown variables i was unaware of that arise during a grow.. hard lesson learnt.. now pass me the vape!!! :peace:
A little damage now will not affect much, just gotta watch it closely when you get buds since it will probably be even hotter the next 2 months. The plants will need more water more frequently the older they get.
Cheers Armanidog for stopping by! :smoking:

Definitely going pretty much stalker mode for the next week to nurse her back to full health & make sure the conditions stay steady.. few days with readings all over the place.. wont be letting it happen again! :peace:

thanks again dude!
Sometimes a little stress can do wonders, it can trigger the girls to be monsters. Other times, they can hermie out or just stall and lose some yield. Don't think too much of it. Believe me I've done worse and it turned out ok.

Do some foliar spray. Get some silicon additive and mix a batch and foliar spray 2 to 3x a day. 1 or 2h before lights on, after light's off, and during the day (if using HID, be careful they're not too close as the intense light+water droplets can work like a mignifying glass and burn leaves)

Silicon has any benefits, will not only boost cell integrity/structure, but as foliar will create a little coating that helps retain water from transpiration. Great for super hot climates and droughts.
Subbing up! I'm germed some ABK too !

An honour having you along for the ride boss! :smoking:

Thats for all the info dude.. i jsut so happened to get some Rhino Skin in the mail today! :D So ill be making a slight foliar now!

I just checked on the girls & plant 1 is totally beasting thru it.. shot those dried up points out & burst open a new set of leaves that are a fair size already.. so not looking too bad either way.. (pics sometime tomorrow) be even more looking forward to the seperate girls growth now & see what happens! :)

Thanks again for the advice boss.. be mooching your thread soon to see whats been cooking :peace: