New Grower First Grow Ever! 2x AutoBlackBerry Kush + BioBizz

Looking good mate, i wouldnt cut off the fan leaves maybe just let them grow and rest on the pot edge if you can, I think most growers consider veg period over when the plant stops stretching prob some time around day 30-35. I use hps right through so not speaking from experience
Day 23.. Plant 1 (SU-BO) has really started to stretch! :D Shes about 10 inches tall & 15 inches wide! All the heavy tucking & gentle stem bending i done on the fan leaves has really helped the new growth edge past & more into the light.. so far i think its went well.. im hoping i might not have to do any LST coz her main stalk is like over half inch thick & im sure id end up snapping it if i try even squeezing & bending to try tie it down or even supercropping which i dont even want to do.. hopefulyl she'll behave! :smoking:
Apart from that the girls have had a few 24 lights on cycle due to not being able to flick the lights off (no timer on them as yet) but they seemed to have liked it non the less.. day 21 was a solid feed & they reacted really good.. no problems.. so giving them the same dose again & maybe just a water in 2 days time.. see if they like taking it or not! :)

SU-BO.. this was taken just after lights out & just before her feed.. she was the perkiest id ever seen her before lights out.. so im hoping tomorrow when i check on her she'll be back to full vigour! :cool1:
Day 23 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 23 Plant 1-2.jpg

Ronda Rousey.. shes still chugging along.. no as much no growth.. or as many potential flower/cola stems kicking out like her sister.. but she looks so lush.. im just ewxcited to see what happens when she wakes up & goes into full stretch mode! :) Her fan leaves are ridiculously close to the soil.. considering even putting something in betwwen the leaves & soil to stop them from touching.. its a tight bushy jungle forming down there!
Apart from that.. she got the same higher dose that her sister.. when i took the 2nd pic with the flash on.. it still caught that shes a little too light green for my liking.. hopefulyl the extra fish mix will darken her up a bit! :)
Day 23 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 23 Plant 2-2.jpg

Also.. on a final note.. i just checked on youtube about the forming 'pistils' .. that declare sex.. now.. both have slim 'hair' like things on the nodes.. but they still green-ish & not the white silky proper females bits i saw on youtube!? There 100% no sign of any nuts anywhere.. but should i be worrying that they havent shown that distinct sex yet.. or am i maybe just not quite looking properly? :peace:
As if on cue.. SU-BO showed me her rude bits today when i had a look in on her.. her white pistils pointing upwards.. & Ronda's were literally just poking out.. so i definitely have 2 ladies locked up in my attic :woohoo1:
:bump: Props & Congrats on the two girls bro ! I'll be standing by to watch you raise them up to be two voluptuous women !:growing:! All da best bro ! :baked::peace: Thanks again for stopping by my journal with the good vibes today brother !
Day 25.. well i got caught off guard a little bit again today.. SU-BO has grown 2 inches in the last 36 hours.. :nono: & a few of the slightly newer fan leaf tips decided to give the bulbs a lick! Nothing anywhere near as bad as the 1st time.. but now i have to check on her maybe every 12 hours to make sure she dont touch them again!!
Apart from that.. i got so baked after they girls showed me their bits.. i forgot what day i was on & fed them again.. altho now.. day 23, 24 & today 25.. ive gave her 1 litre of water & full strength bio nutes (if not more :D ) each day as they have took it well & each time ive checked the soil has been dry an inch down.. so i think they are really starting to suck.. so im just going with it wvery day til i see or notice a reason why i should think otherwise!

SU-BO .. well 12 inch tall & 16 wide.. maybe an inch between nodes.. really liking the way she is growing & spacing herself out.. not too difficult at all to tuck her leaves & give the young growth what it needs! :) Like i said.. just need to watch how close they get to the CFLs.. apart from that little blow.. i noticed on her top flower.. there was some purple starting to form in the newest of growth & pistils everywhere :woohoo1: No real skunk smell to mention yet.. just really.. erm.. planty! haha! Altho when i gently bend her fan leaves down.. my fingers smell citrusy skunky.. NOM! :eyebrows:
Day 25 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 25 Plant 1-2.jpg

RONDA ... today was the most lush ive seen her since i spent like 20 mins trying to figure out how to tuck her up since shes still so small & fat.. but bushy as hell! She sprung back & just looked super lush from birdseye view.. but then i had to do it all again! haha! As she has got a fair bit of new growth happening.. itrs just near impossible to get the light to the newest & smallest of them.. fan leaves EVERYWHERE!! Still not a mark on her either.. height aint her strongest assest yet.. which i dont mind at all!

Day 25 Plant 2-1.jpg

Day 25 Plant 2-2.jpg
Day 26.. so.. another slight problem.. i remember lyrics from a track & abide by them when i could back in the day.. "DONT GET HIGH OFF YOUR OWN SUPPLY" ... now i have to adjust them to "DONT GET HIGH WHILE TENDING TO YOUR NEWLY DEVELOPING SUPPLY" :finger:

So whilst performing the daily tuck on SU-BO.. i snapped one of her fan leaves.. obviously nothing major like the main stalk or a developing flower/cola branch.. but still was devo! :cuss: Also on top of that.. RONDA.. kicked her first bit of stretch & a few fans decided to like the bulbs.. so her first war wounds! I decided then that after the stress they have took at my own either lack of vigilance.. or maybe keeping the bulbs 2-3 inch close thru fear of lack of enough light.. that it was time to LST! :biggrin: I was always planning on with RONDA as shes short & tucking was a nightmare.. so ive spread her wide open ready to be penetrated to all her new bits.. by the light! I wasnt going to with SU-BO.. but after breaking her fan trying to tuck it.. i realised that with my set up.. a 2 way bulb connector into a 4 way for the CFLs.. whilst the main cola site pretty getting like 10,000 liumens.. the following lot have to remain closer to the bulbs causing the damage.. so she got slightly bent & pretty much everything adjusted.. & i really enjoyed it! Now just have to see how she reacts in the moring.. wish me luck.. i'll be back with pictures! :peace:
:goodluck: and I feel your pain brother ! but it will all fan out as long as we practiced what you preached in your last post ! LMFAO ! cant wait for the pic update ! :pass:
Day 27.. 24 hours fan snap & LST.. i really enjoyed the LST.. uber careful & i finally got an insight onto trying to level out the canopy.. i maybe should have started sooner.. but SU-BO.. her flowers are just about beginning.. & shes curved up towards the light after i tied her down & no sign the fan snap caused much stress.. altho the leave is looking dead.. so maybe i should just snip it off.. its taped up but cant see a way back for it! Will just have a look for some info.. not exactly desperate info for one of you bro's to chime in on! :)
Apart from that.. day 25 was the last feed.. i held off yesterday & gave them both a litre water with 2ml of everything ive got.. apart from the addition of 1ml rhino skin due to the LST & want the main stalk to start toughening up now! :D

Plant 1 SU-BO... Some of her fans have a slight gnarly burn on a few of them from past CFL bulb licking.. but shes a tall strong one.. for sure! I counted 10 potential cola sights.. with a couple more little ones exposed to the light.. & ive nearly levelled them all out so im hoping the CFLs will beast them all! So far im fairly impressed what the CFLs have done! :smoking: Considering purchasing some T5s for the sides.. but i might have to wait to she what her final stretch is like & see if i can control her.. we shall see
Day 27 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 27 Plant 1-2.jpg
Day 27 PLant 1-3.jpg

Few close ups of my attempts at LST :shooty:

Plant 2 RONDA ROUSEY... I mean yes.. since causing all that damage to SU-BO.. i probaby talk to her alot more.. SU-BO knows it.. I knows it & Ronda knows it.. im pretty sure thats why she keeps kicking it & looking so lush each time i check in! :kiss: haha! For a second i thought i even forgot to tie her down she was back to being so lush when i looked.. i had to dig thru her bush to see the bend i put on her main stalk! :biggrin:
Anyways.. a few slight tip with a CFL bulb lick burns.. apart from that.. shes a beaut! Altho.. i seem to have been mistaken & i cant see her pistols.. like.. seriously maybe just poking out.. but nothing crazy like her sis.. trying not to get worried.. theres no nuts anywhere & she was a slow steady grower! Is there any limit to when she can become a lady.. do they always sex either way or do some just never form? One thing i didnt look into as i expected to see something.. anything.. but not much on her.. the slim green things on the nodes.. but no silky pistols yet!?:shrug: Anyone weigh in here for me?
Day 27 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 27 Plant 2-2.jpg