New Grower First Grow - Dinafem Widow & Amnesia

I was amazed at what a difference 2 weeks in a jar makes! I swear potency increases also!
Even with the Boveda, you should open the jars once a day for 2-3 days.

Awesome harvest! I'm over due to grow some more White Widow!


I have tried the widow and amnesia if I am honest the flavour isn't great, quite harsh and a bit hay flavour. I have jarred them now with a 62% boveda pack. I am hoping a 1-2 week cure will bring out the original smell and flavour. When I squeeze or tear a bud the I can smell the original aroma deep in the bud. Really hoping the cure will bring it back out

The 3rd one I've harvested seems to have kept its smell, the thing I think is key is to dry as slow as possible. The first 2 I had the window open and the weather was 23/24c. On the 3rd cut the weather was 16-18c and window shut. It could be coincidence but will see when I take down the 4th plant


Just put a hygrometer in one of the jars and they registered 74% so they have all been put back out to dry for 6-10 hours hopefully to drop the humidity to 60%. This curing process is becoming quite a pain in the ass! I can see now why bud would never be cured on the street because its labour intensive!! They only been out an hour and the smell has improved on them.

I guess its better to put them in the jar not quite dry enough than to dry these out crispy and not being able to cure them properly. Kind of makes sense to dry them slow for the chlorophyl breakdown, I fast dried bud to smoke and the hay smell & taste was locked in.
Hey Rolo...still an outstanding job

Are you saying you think you could have let them go longer ? and if so is that purely for size or for potency as well.

I am on day 65 and leaves are yellowing significantly but there still seems to be new growth every day. Like you
I am trying to work out the correct time to harvest. What is the effect of letting them go to long ?

Thanks for the help and hope all keeps going well for you.
I have been trying a small bud each day now. When I burp the jars I take a small bud out and to be honest it seems to be getting better everyday and has a nice high which also seems to be getting stronger. If I pinch or tear the bud there is a strong smell there its just not on the outside of the bud! The taste has been improving as well. The humidity in the jars have finally dropped to 65% so will be opening them less now.

Gave the remaining plants in the tent a watering yesterday just going to keep them going for a little longer. I probably could of carried on feeding them another 1-2 weeks, its a shame but Ive yielded just short of 300g dry so far.

Started to make the meds as well, got 9g of RSO oil from around 60g Dust dry bud. Going to wait till I got more material and do one big batch. The oil was very strong I had a rice grain and it took me by surprise!

Unfortunately I made some oil from the sugar leaves and did not really get that high from it - maybe its not anywhere near as concentrated!
Hello rolo. Loving this thread man, and especially interested in your amnesia. She should give you a nice cerebral buzz.

As far as trichomes on autos, several autos are known not to amber so that's why we go by the leaves when deciding when to harvest. your stains might fall in that category which would explain why you are trichomes never changed color but the leaves yellowed up and fell off

congratulations on your beautiful harvest friends max rep
I think I am going to cut a couple more either Sunday/Monday. Going to wait till the pots are dry as the last 3 I harvested had been watered 2/3 days before.

I am testing different ways that I can keep the smell locked in. I have tried hanging upside down, cardboard box and bags but they have all seemed to lost their smell. The ones that are curing seem to have the smell coming back but we shall see... they smell like the absolute chronic in the tent I just don't get why they don't keep that smell. I am hoping that cutting them when they are really dry will help

Its frustrating as some of the weed I have picked up always smells real pungent - this is what I am trying to retain.
Plant Number 4 Harvest & Finished harvesting plant 3:

I harvested another amnesia today - the buds were huge

Amnesia Wet weight -

350g Buds
100g approx popcorn

Remaining half of the White Widow:

93g Buds

The buds that have been curing are tasting a lot better now and the smell still seems to be trapped inside of the bud. Its still quite harsh so I think another 2-3 weeks in the jars should smooth things out.

In total I have had around 300g dry so far. I would imagine I will get another 80-120g dry off plant 4. Its looking like I will end up with around 500-600g dry weight in total which is more than what I hoped for.

The RSO oil I made from the first 70g as a trial run is VERY POTENT just one rice sized grain took me out. So at least I know this stuff is good for medicine!


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Plant 5 Harvest:

Sorry I didn't get any pictures of this harvest but I got 365g wet today.

The totals so far:

Dry - 244g

Wet (Currently drying now - weighed today) - 825g - So estimating approx 180-250g dry. Which should take the total to 400-500g and with another 3 n half plants to harvest I would imagine there will be another 200-300g taking the total dry weight to 700-800g which I am very happy about!

I got 1 plant outside now remaining, 2 and a half plants in the tent.

I will be moving on to photoperiod plants as I think I will have a bit more control over them. I have loved growing the auto flowers but I want to try some growing techniques.

I have been vegging some photoperiods for the whole duration of the current grow - The plants don't look great as they have out grown the tent but I have seen a photoperiod can pretty much recover from stuff like that. Soon as I harvest the next 2 plants I will put the last plant outside. For the next grow I will be doing a 4 x plant scrog so hoping I can get a massive yield.
Awesome grow Rolo You deserve a big :slap: Nice harvest - should provide meds for a couple of months lol. Curious as to how you make your meds. I've tried a couple of recipes but am always looking for more. Can you post or pm me a recipe or two?:biggrin:
I make a lot of oil, and I use the trim, esp. sugar leaves and they make good, potent meds. Maybe you used too much oil. Here's how I make mine:
decarb @ 250F for 26 minutes. crumble the dry trim but don't make it like powder if your going to cook with the oil. I put my dry material in a small, pyrex bowl. I add some oil and let it soak in then I add a little more oil, until I can see that the dry herb has absorbed all the oil, I then add just enough to cover the herb by about a 1/4 inch. DON'T cook directly in a crock pot, it will burn your oil. There is no temp regulation in a regular crock pot. The difference between high and low is only how long it takes to heat to its max temp.

Although I prefer to use a double boiler, you can do it in a crock pot. put about an inch of water in the crock. place the container of weed and oil into the water bath. you need to use a covered container to keep water vapor out of your oil. cook for 2-3 hours. Let it cool completely, then cook for another 30 minutes to an hour.

If that’s not strong enough for you, cook it again with another batch of trim or bud, but watch out! it can knock you out! I!

Also, get a garlic press or a potato ricer and use it to squeeze as much oil as possible from the weed. Just place a filter in the press.

I have been trying a small bud each day now. When I burp the jars I take a small bud out and to be honest it seems to be getting better everyday and has a nice high which also seems to be getting stronger. If I pinch or tear the bud there is a strong smell there its just not on the outside of the bud! The taste has been improving as well. The humidity in the jars have finally dropped to 65% so will be opening them less now.

Gave the remaining plants in the tent a watering yesterday just going to keep them going for a little longer. I probably could of carried on feeding them another 1-2 weeks, its a shame but Ive yielded just short of 300g dry so far.

Started to make the meds as well, got 9g of RSO oil from around 60g Dust dry bud. Going to wait till I got more material and do one big batch. The oil was very strong I had a rice grain and it took me by surprise!

Unfortunately I made some oil from the sugar leaves and did not really get that high from it - maybe its not anywhere near as concentrated!
I make the oil using 96% ethanol - The Rick Simpson way. The method you are saying to do is a less concentrated form but it is also a good method. My oil is being used in suppository's, I mixed in coconut oil in a 3-1 mix to increase the bio-availability - they are approximately 0.3/0.4 per capsule which are taken twice per day with no "high" at all. They are also taking some orally before bed and this is helping them eat - they have put on 1 stone in the last 2-3 weeks - I have oil I purchased a while back but was so expensive we couldn't afford to do a heavy dose regime - however from 50mg capsules we made they made a big positive impact. The heavy dosing has only started in the last 3 days so its too early to tell what positive effects.

To take 1g of RSO each day orally is a massive task.. I have taken 0.3 before orally and it put me on my back for 18-20 hours and it was not a pleasant experience! With suppository's bioavailability is meant to be 70% compared to taking it orally which is 20%.

Here is the steps I do:

1. Dry the material in oven so it crumbles
2. Crumble all the material and put into a container
3. Add in the ethanol so it covers the material
4. Give it a good shake - I do this a few times over 30 minutes
5. Filter the material using coffee filters and funnel
6. I use a smart still to recover the ethanol and its a lot safer than using a rice cooker
7. I cook off till theres a little ethanol left then transfer the oil/ethanol to a beaker
8. This gets put on top of a hot plate magnetic stirrer and the oil is heated for 1-2 hours at 230-240f to decarboxylate


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