Dinafem First Grow: Blue Critical

Day 32, now at around 31cm to light. Fed 1.9l tap water (2.2ml coco a + b, 3.8 rhizo, 1.4ml cal-mag, PH @ 5.5). Will be at 2.2ml a + b for a while now then a bit more a + b, plus dropping rhizo down to 1ml).

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Day 36, extra cal-mag seemed to benefit her newer growth. bushing out more now, shes got a real strong calming scent. watered 1.9l (2.2ml coco a + b, 1.4ml cal-mag, 2.2 rhizo).

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Day 37, accidentally snapped a branch half off at the node by over training last night. Used duct tape to try and keep the branch connected to where it split, branch was a bit heavy so it didn't work so well so I made a splint with a pipe cleaner. Fully supported now. The leaves on the branch are still perky, and the branch seems to be doing just as well as the others. Lesson learned though. Bit of light bleaching starting on the main cola leaves too due to height, not as bad as it looks in the picture though. Can't raise the light further unfortunately.

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The stretch is over. The structure is firmed and now we will see all focus shift into beautiful bud production :bong:

You have one huge central cola forming with some very impressive looking side branches :thumbsup:

Looking in tip top shape in here and I'll pop back in on the next update mate until then keep up the great work and continued updates!

All the best

Cheers Mark & Nico, appreciate the feedback & support.

Nico to hear that you have the Mars at 20cm, been tempted to supercrop the main but decided against it on my first grow.


Day 38, buds starting to develop, watered with 1.9L tap water PH 6.2 (2.8ml coco a + b, 1.4ml cal-mag, 1ml rhizo). Injured branch is doing well. :smoking:
