Dinafem First Grow: Blue Critical

Day 27, watered and fed yesterday, same feed as before. Looking good.

Day 28, smell has changed, now smells subtly of dark berries & petrol. Liking the smell, cant wait to see what the final profile is like. Growth has changed at the tips as shown below. There's more leaves, nodes and bud sites growing now. Going to water / feed later.

EDIT: Fed 1.9l (2.0ml Coco A + B, 3.8ml Rhizo, 1ml cal-mag, ph to 5.98), trying slow transition into flowering nute levels



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Oh yes she's taken off like a rocket :thumbsup: and now hit a super rapid vegative stage, stretch should now be active and now we are seeing the budsites develop which are plentiful :thumbsup:

Looking tip top in here my friend and I'll pop back in on the next update when I suspect we will see bud formation starting :bong:

All the best

Oh yes she's taken off like a rocket :thumbsup: and now hit a super rapid vegative stage, stretch should now be active and now we are seeing the budsites develop which are plentiful :thumbsup:

Looking tip top in here my friend and I'll pop back in on the next update when I suspect we will see bud formation starting :bong:

All the best


Cheers Mark, yeah loads of new pistils showing at the sites, was like woah when I opened the tent for the first time and saw the change.

Considering this is your first grow you are smashing it :thumbsup:

Keep up the great work mate :slap:

All the best


Appreciate it, loads of pre research though haha.

Just to clarify is this our auto version and not photoperiod?

All the best


Yeah, it's an auto. Blue critical isn't avail in photo I don't think.

great structure,filling the space up nicely.

Thanks Archie, yeah she seemed to fit proper nice after a pot rotation hah.


Day 29, more growth, seemed to like the little up in nutrients, going to feed again a few hours same levels. Proper strong stems, if I put the fan on full blast she sways but stays lol. Light at 40cm.


Day 30, getting taller and really perky leaves, smells getting stronger. Lowered the 4 biggest fan leaves again. 37.5cm to light. Real happy with my first grow so far.


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Day 31. Light distance at 34cm now, around 13 inches. Could gain a few cm for the light but not really fussed. Seems cobs can run around 30cm max so going to try that see if she doesnt mind. Lots of new bud sites, watering later with same feed as previously but with + .1 extra each of coco a + b. Cant tell in the pictures but she's a healthy shade of green, not too dark or light.



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