New Grower First grow - 2x4 tent, QBs, Megacrop, HST and LST, seeds from 00, Seedsman, Phoenix, GPS

Another shot of OBS-4. I'm really impressed with this plant. It's now the tallest plant in the tent even though it was mainlined then topped.

It just keeps going. My first two clones from this plant aren't going to make it. They were taken from the lowest branches when first topped for mainlining. I really want to keep these genetics, so I tried taking another cutting yesterday. So far, it's doing OK. I'd really like to try planting one clone of this plant outside this season.
I decided I had to put a plant outside it was just getting too crowded, and I don't want to jeaporzleize yield on the flowering plants.

So the Cheese got a transplant into a 5G fabric container with FFOF and Coco Loco. It was the last of my FFOF and I won't be buying any more. I will continue using Happy Frog for seedlings, though.

The Cheese also got a 12' raised ring with thin wooden dowels weaved to create a scrog style mesh. I'll get a Pic tomorrow.

So here is the tent now. I have adjusted the light and moved the plants to try to even out the light to plant distance. I noticed that while the majority of plants had leaf surface temperatures around 75 to 78 degrees F, the upper colas on the Bubblegum were up to 89 deg.

The seedlings are doing wellz except one of the Snake Oils that had an accident with the tent door. It's still alive, so now I'm just waiting to see what happens.

This is the Bubblegum:

And the White Widow :

I'm pretty happy with the size the buds are getting too, and the frost is spreading om all of the plants.

The Northern Lights seems to be stabilizing with its low dose of Megacrop (2g/G), andbid progressing into flowering fairly well, I think.
Oh no! A problem!

The Bubblegum is very sad. It may just be too dry. I watered it this morning. It's a bit difficult to judge the watering frequency since moving up to the 5 gallon container. I rely on weight (and historical records) to determine when to water, and it has worked pretty well so far for me, but it's harder to judge the weight of this larger container.

Since removing the Cheese, the moisture in the tent is diminished. The exhaust fan maintains temperature/humidity, but with the amount it's running to keep the temp down, it's exhausting much of the humidity. And there's is less around without the Cheese.

So, it might be the increased VPD affecting this plant, and since the BG has the highest LST, it is affected first.

I have resorted to a trick I used when first growing this round,

So with this and a watering, we will see how she reacts today. Wish me luck with finishing this pkant, she is a beauty if I do say so myself!
The Bubblegum already looks better. I think it was just dry, particularly because of the increased VPD.

Below is the Cheese. You can kind of see my makeshift scrog screen. It honestly looks pretty happy to be outside.
Thumbs up for Chickens

I have a daughter that is a chicken lady

Plants looking good
We (The family) are first time chicken parents. They aren't grown yet, but we are just about to let them try free roaming at dusk tonight. Then I guess we see if they stick around or not.

I have of course, begun a chicken manure pile, beside my compost pile.
Chicken manure is awesome, must let it age though or it burns. We have neighbors all around us that let the chickens free range. My daughter always freaks out when we drive by and they are by the road. Never seen one get hit though. Roadkill everywhere but no chickens. The old joke about why did the chicken cross the road? I think the joke is that he didn’t, he had no reason. Our chickens rarely come out (20) because my daughter is nuerotic. Wife and I let them out though when she’s away. They always head to the roost at night. Usually they won’t get further than they can see the coop, unless really adventurous.

We have several of the barred rocks which look similar to yours.

They did great tonight! Kept close together and didn't range far from the coop. They all returned to the coop after a while.

We see occasional raptors, though, and expect some possible loss. Still, we plan on letting them out regularly.
On the chooks, I've decided to put most of the manure into its own pile to compost. Should I just be adding it all to my existing compost pile? I thought it might be more useful to get a manure-only pile going and stop and let it age when large enough. That way the manure could be used separately when finished. I have added small amounts to my normal compost pile as well.

Anyway, here is my new garden. Cannabis, cherry tomatoes, several different peppers, and sunflowers. I spent hours turning the soil and amending it with various store bought composts and some homemade compost from my father, who has been composting and gardening for as long as I can remember, and for many years before I was born.

I did so much that I stupidly earned a sunburn on my back. Now I'm walking around cold and shirtless this morning. The wife drew a huge face with aloe lotion on my back and posted it to Facebook without my permission. So I'm contemplating payback.
In the above picture, the tiny plant in the back right corner is a mature female bag seed that has been seriously stunted. I'm curious to see how it progresses from this point.

The other three canna plants in that photo, one planted in ground and two more in black 3G fabric pots, (besides the much larger cheese) I have still not been able to sex. They have all been mainlined for 4 and have been outside for a while - and it's been pretty cold at night.