New Grower First grow - 2x4 tent, QBs, Megacrop, HST and LST, seeds from 00, Seedsman, Phoenix, GPS

Hey dude! Welcome to AFN!!... @TheArchitect thanks for the tag bruh

:welcome: << Been waiting to use that shit. :crying:

Your set up and tent is awesome and i can see you're working really hard. They are some lovely lush ladies you have there and i think will grow into some beasts!

I am looking at the AC infinity fans myself or the cloudline, supposed to be so silent.

Your lighting option is really interesting too! I was looking at these but i just didn't know enough to even know where to start!! :crying::crying: you have clearly made the right choice your girls look healthy.

Best of luck with the grow mayn,

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Thanks, brother! I put a lot of time and research into this setup. Tried to get the best I could, within budget. I went a little over budget, but I feel it's worthwhile.

I am, again, glad I went with the AC Infinity Cloudline. The tent is in our bedroom (wife and I) and the quiet nature is very important. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely noise when at setting 3 or up, but the noise is mostly moving air, which of course is what we need and can't be avoided! It was a good choice over going with a cheaper, louder model.

The light has just been fantastic. I love the dimming ability, and the girls seem to be really loving it. I could use more power but I don't think I NEED more. And the temps are reasonable and easy to mitigate.
Thanks, brother! I put a lot of time and research into this setup. Tried to get the best I could, within budget. I went a little over budget, but I feel it's worthwhile.

I am, again, glad I went with the AC Infinity Cloudline. The tent is in our bedroom (wife and I) and the quiet nature is very important. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely noise when at setting 3 or up, but the noise is mostly moving air, which of course is what we need and can't be avoided! It was a good choice over going with a cheaper, louder model.

The light has just been fantastic. I love the dimming ability, and the girls seem to be really loving it. I could use more power but I don't think I NEED more. And the temps are reasonable and easy to mitigate.

If you are keeping on top f temps and noise bro... you cant really ask for much more with a killer set up like that. You can grow some monsters in silence lol! I would love to have the tent in my room... sadly i would ending up sleeping in it because i can never pull myself away!!!

TBH i have a regular fan and i think i will be upgrading to one of these soon, especially as a user you can notice the difference.

Check out my last grow, I have a couple more posts to do, but it was my first grow thread too. Nothing better than blazing your own bud!! Nothing better than using no tobacco in joints! Hallelujah!

Hey. Welcome!
Thanks for linking your journal. I learn a lot through the record of other people's grows.

I planted my first clone. It was showing roots through the Rapid Rooter, so I put it in some Happy Frog.
Nothing fed today. I think I will bump up the nutes on the White Widow again. The Bubblegum seems a shade darker, but the White Widow does not. I am also seeing possible Cal or Mag deficiency on the WW - light and dark brown spots on the lowest fan leaf.
The Bubblegum is starting to fill out nicely on top. Pretty excited about this.

Tent shot:
Front row: White Widow, OBS4
Back row: Northern Lights, Bubblegum, Cheese
The Northern Lights Auto is in full stretch mode now, almost the same height as the Bubblegum, and the NL is in a shorter container! I may have to pull out some more LST on this one real soon.

Due to the variety in this grow, and my uncertainty regarding how many and which plants to keep in the tent, I decided not to SCROG. But I may build individual frames for each pot out of dowels. I've been so busy, but may get up to that tonight. Pics to follow.

OBS 4 was pretty sad last night. It was on day 3 since watering. I'm trying to iron down the watering frequency for each plant, keeping notes on each. I am definitely erring on.thebside of underwatering, but each of the girls seem to be doing pretty well.

The bubblegum continues to fill out, but I will increase its feed tomorrow to MC @ 5g/G, with BE @ 2g/G.
I've been reading and learning a lot about organic growing, and want to give a supersoil/TLO soil a try.
I found a huge deal on some Coast Of Maine Stonington Blend, and got several bags. Also got some other materials to begin building my own soil.

Here's a shot of the Cheese, showing its structure. I've been doing a lot of pruning on this girl, as I have all the others.
And here is the canopy of the Cheese:

The autos, in flower now, all seem to be doing pretty well. The Bubblegum is really fattening up well. The others don't seem too far behind, now. Both the Bubblegum and the White Widow are really starting to put out a strong odor. I exhaust outside in a rural environment, and am not using any filtering beyond a pre-filter to protect the exhaust fan.

I upped the nutes on the White Widow to Megacrop 5g/G, Bud Explosion 2g/G, with 5ml added CalMag. It seems to like it. The Bubblegum is on MC4g/G, BE 1g/G, 5ml CalMag. The NL is only on MC 2g/G with BE 1g/G, 5 ml CalMag and doesn't seem to like any more than that.

Left to right are Northern Lights, White Widow, and Bubblegum:

And here are the photos still finding room in the tent. Top is Orange Blossom Special [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG], bottom is Cheese:
I'm planning to flower these as soon as the autos are chopped.
I'm really looking forward to flowering this OBS-4.
It will be cool to see how well it does, and how evenly these colas develop. It's mainlined for 4, but was recently topped (x4) to keep it short.
Above, you can see the structure. Below, the canopy is depicted:

I'm very pleased with the predictability and vigor of this phenotype. Unfortunately I don't think my clones of this plant are gojng to make it. I have successfully propagated clones of Sky Dweller 1 and 2, but have been having more difficulty with all of the Orange Blossom Specials.

Bud development on the Bubblegum and White Widow autos are going very well, I think. Fattening up and adding trichomes, finally.
First is the Bubblegum :

And here is the White Widow :

The NL which you can see in the overall tent photo below, is behind these but progressing. Not impressive at all, but it's probably a result of some mishandling on my part.

Back row is Northern Lights, Bubblegum, OBS-4. Front row is White Widow, and Cheese.
I'm really looking forward to flowering this OBS-4.
View attachment 1064396 It will be cool to see how well it does, and how evenly these colas develop. It's mainlined for 4, but was recently topped (x4) to keep it short.
Above, you can see the structure. Below, the canopy is depicted:
View attachment 1064397
I'm very pleased with the predictability and vigor of this phenotype. Unfortunately I don't think my clones of this plant are gojng to make it. I have successfully propagated clones of Sky Dweller 1 and 2, but have been having more difficulty with all of the Orange Blossom Specials.

Bud development on the Bubblegum and White Widow autos are going very well, I think. Fattening up and adding trichomes, finally.
First is the Bubblegum :
View attachment 1064398

And here is the White Widow :
View attachment 1064399

The NL which you can see in the overall tent photo below, is behind these but progressing. Not impressive at all, but it's probably a result of some mishandling on my part. View attachment 1064400
Back row is Northern Lights, Bubblegum, OBS-4. Front row is White Widow, and Cheese.

excellent work! girls loving life through your green fingers :d5::d5:

I'm reading, learning, trying. I've had great luck so far.

I decided to pop a couple more seeds. We have here one Purple Kush CBD from Seedsman:
and one Amnesia Auto which was a freebie from Seedsman.

Also, I decided I wanted to do some more training on OBS 4. I've bent each of the four colas towards the encircling cage - a raised ring:
What I'm unsure of now is when to stop feeding to flush out before harvest. I don't think it's time yet for either the Bubblegum or white Widow, but it may be soon.

How can I gauge when there are two weeks left?