New Grower First grow - 2x4 tent, QBs, Megacrop, HST and LST, seeds from 00, Seedsman, Phoenix, GPS

Coming along nicely.

White Widow

So, I think I am going to stop feeding the Bubblegum, and stop feeding the White Widow soon. The trichs are just starting to get cloudy I think. Or is this to soon?
I decided to top dress both the White Widow and Bubblegum with some EWC. When I watered the Bubblegum, I used just tap water with 8ml CalMag added, which ended up with an EC of (.9). The runoff had a great PH of 6.3 (almost the same as input water), but the EC of the runoff was 6!! This tells me I have some salt buildup and it's probably prudent to be flushing, regardless of harvest timing. Or it may just be because of the EWC flowing through.

The White Widow will be watered today, and I think I'll probably do the same thing. The WW is starting to show some CalMag deficiency with brown spotting so I upped the CalMag from 5ml to 8ml per G:
The WW has also been getting Megacrop @ 5g/G. For comparison, the Bubblegum is getting MC@ 4g/G. Both also get Bud Explosion @ 2g/G as recommended on the package.
The bright white pistils are usually a sign she has a lot more time (2-3) weeks. When the plant gets closer you may still see a few that are trying to grow out of random buds around the plant. But most will be orange brown and shriveled up back into the bud. Now I’m NOT saying harvest your plants based upon pistils, but it’s an easy way of judging time in the last few weeks.

You can lose a lot of bulk/weight by harvesting to soon. My personal opinion is that later is better than earlier, but that is a subject that could would and will be debated till the end of the internet. It’s important to remember that 75% of the plant is at least a week behind the tops. Unless of course you have a perfectly dead level scrog setup with dead level PPFD numbers at the canopy.

I’d probably feed one more time at least. And then plain water feeds until the plant starts to turn red and yellow. But they aren’t my plants so it’s just a thought from one grower to another. I’m doing a few dirt plants for the first time. DWC is my thing. Just keep an eye on pot weight to make sure it’s drinking. To many nutrients last few weeks can cause the plant to stall making you think it’s done when it had a lot more time. I gradually start slowing down nutrients and watch the color drain on the leaves to see what she’s thinking/ drinking. Better to starve her to the end looking for food than stall her.

Better to starve her to the end looking for food than stall her.


Thanks for the extremely helpful info! I'll probably do as you say and feed once or twice more, but either way, I'll keep a close eye on them. I'll certainly try to keep them going until they are really done.

I haven't been worried too much about tracking PH or EC, but mostly paying attention to the plants and trying to give them what they need which led me to giving the WW quite a bit more nutes than the rest, and the NL far less than the others. This will get easier to me with more experience, but it's fun to learn! Especially since things are going pretty well.

It's going to be awesome to flower those photo plants after these autos are done, but I don't want to cut the autos short just because the photos are getting big. It's a delicate balance! And I had to go ahead and germ more seeds too. At least I have the option of planting outdoors now.

Thanks again! I'll keep the thread updated.
I’m trying my hand at my first photo period plants also. Don’t think you have to worry about a long veg period. From my understanding you can top a lot of the plant and selectively train branches pretty aggressive to keep the shape whatever you want. A lot of photo grower like the forgiveness of hacking at a plant and if things go bad just give it some time to recuperate. Flip side is you can really get the structure perfect and laid out before you flip, and then get a perfectly flat canopy of huge buds.

I’m all for watching the plant. Only way to become a better grower. I think charts and schedules screw up most people. Let’s blame it in the ridiculous nutrient charts all the vendors throw down. Follow the basic chart they give you and cook your plants. Look for solutions and throw more money at their additives. Keep it simple is always best.

Keep up the good work
Right on!
I'm really enjoying these photos I'm growing.

First is an Orange Blossom Special mainlined for 4, then topped (x4) once so far. Many branches are tied to the raised ring.

The next is a Cheese. I ordered a 'UK Cheese Auto', but Seedsman sent me their Cheese feminized seeds instead. They sent me 3, and I ordered 1, so no hurt feelings. But I did think it was an auto for a month or so - I didn't top it at all, but rather tied it to one side, just as I did for the Bubblegum - it's just that the BG is a much taller plant.

The Cheese, like the WW, has very tight node spacing. The LST has helped me achieve a decently level canopy:
Thank you!
Everything is looking pretty well and moving along. Even the NL is looking good, compared to before. I did notice that the leaf tips just started pointing up, which I haven't seen before. Going to look up that symptom next.

Also began preparing an outdoor garden for some of my girls: