Indoor First grow 23w cfl's, Ak47 and White widow

The yellowing won't go away, and every time she gets hungry, she will start pulling nutrients from her leaves, from the bottom up. So if the yellowing continues, you need to feed her more or more frequently.
I actually wasn't going to feed next watering, but likely will. I can only feed when I water, and for now..the soil is still damp from last week's watering. Im going to water by friday for sure..will give feeding then and see how new growth repsonds. its hard to get the amount right since this is not a traditional 'weed' fert and the N is so high that there isn't much wiggle room to get the right amount in. Im assuming the slight purpling of 2 stems on same node is from lack of phosphorus? I'll see if that gets worse.
I will give half dose in my next watering..i notice slight paling on the leaf above it. Should I always water to runoff...maybe give less water so I can water more often and thus feed more often?
I will give half dose in my next watering..i notice slight paling on the leaf above it. Should I always water to runoff...maybe give less water so I can water more often and thus feed more often?
That's what I'd do but I don't have any experience other than what I'm growing right now
If she's still damp, I'd just feed or water a little. Perhaps even poke some holes in the soil to help aerate it. Don't want to end up with root rot. And with her being so small, she isn't going to drink a whole lot yet.
If she's still damp, I'd just feed or water a little. Perhaps even poke some holes in the soil to help aerate it. Don't want to end up with root rot. And with her being so small, she isn't going to drink a whole lot yet.
I know..but what can I do..this is the problem growing weed...nothing makes sense lol. Bottom of the plant is hungry and is overfed and clawing...I cant feed without watering..i cant water until soil is dry which takes forever..I honestly don't know what to do. Im throwing the soil out..putting in the coco coir..and going to water twice a day with half strength nutes each time...we'll see what happens. At this point it doesn't matter as without constant daily feeding..seems the plant is dying day by day. Seems the only way this can work is doing it on a commercial level with 1000 watt lights and professionally installed fans and exhausts and humidity and temperature auto feeding designed for each specific strain...this is a whole lot of trouble and incredibly expensive to get it right..growing one or two plants is..under ideal conditions..more expensive than buying on the street. I flipped the plant upside down and put it in coco...we'll see if it survives..i honestly don't care anymore..this hobby just isn't worth the headache! Feeding is way too complicated..who knows how much it 'eats' much is left in long is the leftover nute viable in soil for the plant to use before it turns into salt that needs to be flushed...the variables are never ending! Its in coc now..watered it with full strength nutes...6ml of 25-10-10 to the gallon of water and watered it with a gallon and a half.
Overall weight for the last 2 plants was just over an ounce. The current plant is on its last days...maybe too hot or too humid..or over fed or underfed..either didn't work as new growth is dead on it. it wasn't the watering as I never watered it in a month since the soil was damp and it was growing fast..but something happened on the weekend that is now killing the plant. I should have put it in to flower 2 weeks ago..if I grow will be only auto's! I think topping it killed the plant. Best of definitely done with this hobby..too expensive and too unpredictable!:) Thread can be closed.


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Seems to have bounced back. I didn't have the heart to chuck it out..yellowing stopped shortly after last pics..first pic was 3 days later...2nd pic is from Saturday night on its last day of veg (day 45), 9 days between pics and less than 2 weeks after 2nd topping in previous post. Gave it fresh coconut water on Tuesday with watering...I had to raise the lights twice since then!


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    End of Veg Day 45 (Sat).jpg
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Comet I will read through the rest of the thread later but from what I can see on these recent pics she is doing well and looks healthy. Were you referring to the yellow in the center of new growth? That's normal. I do have to read more but I think your doing perfect.