Indoor First grow 23w cfl's, Ak47 and White widow

I put her in the sun for the afternoon, still indoors...I transplanted it on friday into its final 5 gallon..i watered the bucket with slight runoff 2 days prior to planting in it with half strength nutes and Epsom salt with a bit of molasses and some coconut water. I was also giving it nutes in 2 waterings in the small container it was in prior to transplanting. The bucket still feels heavier than it should and 2 inches down is slightly damp. In the sun I can see after topping that top node is slightly greener than node beneath..will try to get a clear pic to show. The only paling is on the first set of leaves..cotyledons are pretty much done. Can a ph issue cause such a thing..or can it simply be that those 2 leaves are now not getting light due to upper obstruction so it pales?


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As far as ph causing things.. from what I've gathered ph being off can cause absolutely any symptom since it can cause lockout. When did the first set of leaves begin to pale? It sounds like you may have fixed whatever was wrong if the new growth looks good and you transplanted and fed on Friday/ Saturday. I've noticed it takes around 3 days to see a difference.
As far as ph causing things.. from what I've gathered ph being off can cause absolutely any symptom since it can cause lockout. When did the first set of leaves begin to pale? It sounds like you may have fixed whatever was wrong if the new growth looks good and you transplanted and fed on Friday/ Saturday. I've noticed it takes around 3 days to see a difference.
They first began to pale 2 weeks ago when plant was on its 3rd node..i started feeding then and it rebounded...I fed again slightly next watering all seemed ok...then as the plant grew taller it seemed it was paling..but it is in the dark as top growth is covering it. When I transplanted Friday..the soil came out of the small container easily and roots were visible...maybe a handful...along the edges. I figured too it would take 3 days till the roots start expanding deeper into its new home. Growth has accelerated in the past 2 days for has been better temps..meaning 40%-50% humidity and temps in the 80's. Just that paling scares me as it's how it started with the last two I did in this journal and was unstoppable...though this is not an autoflower and is not preflowering like the others at this same time.
They first began to pale 2 weeks ago when plant was on its 3rd node..i started feeding then and it rebounded...I fed again slightly next watering all seemed ok...then as the plant grew taller it seemed it was paling..but it is in the dark as top growth is covering it. When I transplanted Friday..the soil came out of the small container easily and roots were visible...maybe a handful...along the edges. I figured too it would take 3 days till the roots start expanding deeper into its new home. Growth has accelerated in the past 2 days for has been better temps..meaning 40%-50% humidity and temps in the 80's. Just that paling scares me as it's how it started with the last two I did in this journal and was unstoppable...though this is not an autoflower and is not preflowering like the others at this same time.
Yeah I am 99.9% sure when the older leaves pale, it means she is hungry so you're on the right track I think. Maybe try feeding her more frequently.
Personally I think she looks hungry! And thirsty ... but you are the one there with her!

From the yellow leaves on the bottom and leaf curl up.. You need to feed more and move your lights away a bit. She's hot and hungry.

I put her in the sun for the afternoon, still indoors...I transplanted it on friday into its final 5 gallon..i watered the bucket with slight runoff 2 days prior to planting in it with half strength nutes and Epsom salt with a bit of molasses and some coconut water. I was also giving it nutes in 2 waterings in the small container it was in prior to transplanting. The bucket still feels heavier than it should and 2 inches down is slightly damp. In the sun I can see after topping that top node is slightly greener than node beneath..will try to get a clear pic to show. The only paling is on the first set of leaves..cotyledons are pretty much done. Can a ph issue cause such a thing..or can it simply be that those 2 leaves are now not getting light due to upper obstruction so it pales?

Anytime you transplant the plant will need recovery time. She may not do anything for a few days up to a week depending on phenotype. Just like Eye said we are all different. Think of her as a person..

What are you growing in? Coco? Sounds like you aren't feeding enough my friend. Not enough and not frequently enough. Don't get frustrated!! It's all a learning curve. You should have see my first grow!! Lol but anyway... Seriously..

What are yu growing in, what are you feeding her and how much? We can get her where she needs to be! Only problems I see are hunger and heat....

When you set your cfls put your hand over the top of your plant. If your hand feels hot, so will your plant. Move the light away from her enough to where its not hot on your hand. Watch her. If her leaves still curl up then move it farther. If she's good then leave it.
Yeah I am 99.9% sure when the older leaves pale, it means she is hungry so you're on the right track I think. Maybe try feeding her more frequently.
I fed her in every watering except one..which was the little watering I gave it upon transplant. I notice now that the top of two stems is purpling already. If the plant is underfed...why would the top be a very dark green and slight claw on new growth. This is going down the same path as the two auto's did. im pulling the plug now.
From the yellow leaves on the bottom and leaf curl up.. You need to feed more and move your lights away a bit. She's hot and hungry.

Anytime you transplant the plant will need recovery time. She may not do anything for a few days up to a week depending on phenotype. Just like Eye said we are all different. Think of her as a person..

What are you growing in? Coco? Sounds like you aren't feeding enough my friend. Not enough and not frequently enough. Don't get frustrated!! It's all a learning curve. You should have see my first grow!! Lol but anyway... Seriously..

What are yu growing in, what are you feeding her and how much? We can get her where she needs to be! Only problems I see are hunger and heat....

When you set your cfls put your hand over the top of your plant. If your hand feels hot, so will your plant. Move the light away from her enough to where its not hot on your hand. Watch her. If her leaves still curl up then move it farther. If she's good then leave it.
Im growing in soil...fed every watering after first week from sprout. I didn't think heat was an issue as the leaves are not cupping in any way shape or form..temps in the apt are low 80's..a fan is blowing across the plant during lights on. The cfl's produce very little heat..i can have my hand right under it and its not an issue. I learnt from these two grows that only very specific nutes will work..the random one I got at the store I guess doesn't work for weed..and cfl lights are not a way to grow weed. Thanks for the input..wish everyone the best...thanks for tagging along eyeoftheworld...hope your grows will be a success!
I fed her in every watering except one..which was the little watering I gave it upon transplant. I notice now that the top of two stems is purpling already. If the plant is underfed...why would the top be a very dark green and slight claw on new growth. This is going down the same path as the two auto's did. im pulling the plug now.
Im growing in soil...fed every watering after first week from sprout. I didn't think heat was an issue as the leaves are not cupping in any way shape or form..temps in the apt are low 80's..a fan is blowing across the plant during lights on. The cfl's produce very little heat..i can have my hand right under it and its not an issue. I learnt from these two grows that only very specific nutes will work..the random one I got at the store I guess doesn't work for weed..and cfl lights are not a way to grow weed. Thanks for the input..wish everyone the best...thanks for tagging along eyeoftheworld...hope your grows will be a success!

You can do whatever you wish. I clearly see the leaf edges curling upward on the edges. CFLs do indeed get hot. You can grow good decent pot with CFLs. Not pounds but ounces. You say you're growing in soil but is it ferted soil or what? Are there nutes already in the soil? your ambient heat in the room is different than the light right up close on your plants. From what I see you're not feeding enough. A little leaf curl doesn't really matter unless you're picky. I just don't think from what I see that you are feeding enough. I've used 5 different nute lines in my yrs of growing. If you are using miracle grow then yeah I'd say those specific nutes aren't working.

I'm just trying and willing to help you as I don't think you have major issues to overcome but if you've already given up then that's your call. I don't think you should... but again not my decision. You got help here if you decide to stick with it...

You can do whatever you wish. I clearly see the leaf edges curling upward on the edges. CFLs do indeed get hot. You can grow good decent pot with CFLs. Not pounds but ounces. You say you're growing in soil but is it ferted soil or what? Are there nutes already in the soil? your ambient heat in the room is different than the light right up close on your plants. From what I see you're not feeding enough. A little leaf curl doesn't really matter unless you're picky. I just don't think from what I see that you are feeding enough. I've used 5 different nute lines in my yrs of growing. If you are using miracle grow then yeah I'd say those specific nutes aren't working.

I'm just trying and willing to help you as I don't think you have major issues to overcome but if you've already given up then that's your call. I don't think you should... but again not my decision. You got help here if you decide to stick with it...

im using pro mix..same soil I used for last 2 auto's. There are some things in the soil..lime, gypsum, peat hummus, peat moss. I also have worm castings compost mixed in with it with added perlite. Im using an orchid fertilizer..25-10-10 with micros. The part I topped was clawing...the plant has grown alot since Friday's transplant...only one set of leaves had reached the edge of pot when I transplanted..i checked now and all leaves would be over the edge in that container today and have added girth. I'll post a current pic...seems to be praying leaves..which I heard is good. You can see the purpling in the first and last pic. In the 2nd pic you can see where I topped today and also appears to have slightly yellow tips..which I thought was from the plant growing into its new medium and roots are getting 'hotter' soil ( I watered the 5 gallon 2 days prior to transplanting in it and I used half strength nutes with that watering).


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I also use promix. Its technically soil less. There are no ferts in it. The other stuff in it is base medium but no food. Those NPK numbers are extremely high in N. There is the source of your leaf curl. I would do 1/4 of the suggested dose. Unless you can get some different nutes.. Is this an all in one fertlizer?

Promix is awesome. I had used it for years. But you have to do all the work. 25-10-10 is very high in N so you want to cut that dose down until you don't see leaf curl. New growth sounds like its good.

Sorry if I'm confusing or misleading. Now I know some details it helps me help you more accurately.
I also use promix. Its technically soil less. There are no ferts in it. The other stuff in it is base medium but no food. Those NPK numbers are extremely high in N. There is the source of your leaf curl. I would do 1/4 of the suggested dose. Unless you can get some different nutes.. Is this an all in one fertlizer?

Promix is awesome. I had used it for years. But you have to do all the work. 25-10-10 is very high in N so you want to cut that dose down until you don't see leaf curl. New growth sounds like its good.

Sorry if I'm confusing or misleading. Now I know some details it helps me help you more accurately.
I knew it was high in n when I bought it..but it was that or a miracle gro one with 12-4-8 I believe. I saw it slightly clawing 2 days ago...its why I didn't get why at the same time the first set of leaves were yellowing. Maybe its because it doesn't get light. The pro mix had something in it..a fertilizer that feeds the plants for 3 months...but I used this soil for previous grow already...used since may. This is pro mix organic vegetable and herb mix...not the soilless bale of pro mix most people use. I was going to use coco coir as I bought it..but that's much harder with watering/feeding, so I used this soil again. the worm castings compost is also a 1-1-1..the added fert that came with the soil is less concentrated than that.